Charles wrote:
>Biology (of the Shockley-Jensen-Murray type)  has played and continues to
play an important role in the ideology of racist and sexist legitimation of
the system.<

But most biologists (probably the vast majority) reject Shockley, Burt,
Jensen, Murray, et al. The review of THE BELL CURVE in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
was scathing. 

I get the impression that hardly anyone actually _read_ THE BELL CURVE
(like many other bestsellers, like THE SATANIC VERSES). I think that those
who were overt racists already simply used the existence of the book to
reinforce their preexisting bigotry. On the other hand, covert racists
could feel good about themselves for rejecting THE BELL CURVE. Some of
these reject biology's role more or less completely, instead pointing to
the "culture of poverty" (in a way that's unfair to Oscar Lewis) and the like.

Bombing DESTROYS human rights. US/NATO out of Serbia!

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