Finally, the NDP has realized the stupidity of their position and, 
against the wishes of the Liberal Government, are going to 
investigate the carnage that they, along with the government and 
NATO have caused.  

Yet the NDP still refuses to recognize that they are party to war 
crimes and a cause of the death, destruction and creation of the 
refugee problem by going along with -- indeed supporting --  
bombing without the slightest evidence that there was any ethnic 
cleansing or genocide going on before the bombing -- but rather 
that it was us (NATO and Canada) that precipitated the cleansing 
and atrocities that followed from our most stupid policy.  Our Prime 
Minister and Foreign Minister both claim they had no idea what 
would follow bombing.  This is patent nonsense as I know of 
several personally who had e-mailed them to to warn them exactly 
what would follow but they, of course, ignored such advice.  In fact, 
like Clinton, Canada and the US exhibited incredible ignorance of  
the situation in the Balkans because they were too preoccupied 
with defending they sexual honour or, in Cretian's and Axworthy's 
case, their lap dog acceptance of scraps at the White House 
Banquet Table. 

As far as I am concerned, there is nothing the NDP can now do to 
salvage their honour and intregity, no matter how many trips they 
take to Yugoslavia to view the scene of their crimes.  Still, if it does 
anything to bring the NATO carnage and killing of civilians to an 
end, we should be gratefull for small blessings.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

Date sent:              Thu, 06 May 1999 13:40:21 -0500
From:                   Ken Hanly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:                     pen-l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [PEN-L:6479] Svend Robinson Statement and Trip

> Sven Robinson is Foreign Affairs Critic of the Federal NDP.
> Initially, he and the party supported the bombing.
>   Cheers, Ken Hanly

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