Doug Henwood wrote:
> Robin Hahnel wrote:
> >I did not see a list of who voted yes and no in the Post. Was there a
> >list in the NYTimes? Or can someone post an easy web address for the
> >vote? I'd like to see how Bernie Sanders voted, for one.
> I'm a bit behind and just catching up, so sorry if this was answered
> already. The full roll call is at
> <>.
> Sanders voted Yes, the pig.
> Doug

Thank you. Frank (D) and Conyers (D) also voted yes. My old Rep Morella
(R)voted yes, but since I moved my new Rep is Wynn (D), who was listed
as absent on all the votes. I think that's different from an abstention.
I'll have to find out what he's up to.

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