At 11:00 AM 6/3/99 -0700, Jim Craven wrote:
>> You say it could not happen to Jews in America or Canada what was done in
>> Nazi Germany? You say that especially after Nuremberg and the horrors that
>> were revealed there "Never Again" anywhere? With respect to Jews in
>> America and Canada, perhaps all of the above and more could happen and
>> perhaps not. But there is no "perhaps" that all of the above and much more
>> was done--and is being done--in America and in Canada and elsewhere in the
>> world to Indigenous Peoples.

Jim, you do not understand.  As Noam Chomsky aptly observed, "in the
special case of the United States, facts are irrelevant."  No matter what
happens here, it is always for the greater good of democracy.  How could
you doubt that?

Besides, there is no comparison between jews and indians, the former are


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