> Really?  Is 'it' happening again?  When the Cambodian resistance
> shot Imperialist collaborators after the liberation of Phnom Penh, was this
> a repetition of previous events?
> In light of the hesitancy to form a judgement on whether the
> U.S. actions in Cambodia were genocide, half-genocide, normal
> counter-insurgency, or extremely brutal counter-insurgency,
> fairness would dictate the Khmer Rouge be given a little space.
> China obviously has the Khmer Rouge on a leash which entails limits
> to their range of action.  This is perfectly consistent with
> China's opposition to self-determination for Cambodia. For this
> reason as well, one ought to exercise some skepticism about
> press reports on the Khmer Rouge from the bourgeois press, much less
> from Western intelligence sources.
> I'd also be skeptical of U.S. e-mail testimony channeled
> by that well-known defender of organized religion, XX.
> There will undoubtedly be individual cases of injustice
> suffered by Imperialist collaboraors at the hands of the Cambodian Comrades.
> But it is becoming increasingly obvious, if it wasn't
> before, who is mostly right and who mostly wrong.

Translation: Killing innocent people is fine, as long as they hold
political views I disagree with.

Sam Pawlett

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