[NOTE: The "United States" is lying through its rotting teeth!
        Not only are there swarms of "advisers" in Colombia, but special
        units of the U.S. military have been operating there at least
        for the past year. Mind you, I am not even counting the number
        of CIA agents! For more info visit the following webpages:
        http://www.prairienet.org/clm/980713WP.html             -DG]

                        But the United States has denied repeated
                        rebel claims that it has military advisers
                        in Colombia, and insists that it has no direct
                        involvement in the country's long-running
                        internal conflict.
___________________     ==============================================

Monday, 5 July 1999

                Colombia rebel chief warns against U.S. invasion

BOGOTA -- A top Marxist rebel leader has warned against a broader U.S.
role in Colombia's civil conflict, saying it could get sucked into a
Vietnam-style war that it would have no chance of winning.

``This isn't Yugoslavia for them (U.S. troops) to just come in and do
whatever they want,'' said Jorge Briceno, the No. 2 leader and chief
military strategist of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

``Those kind of troops wouldn't last long here, given all the discomforts
and the harshness of the tropical climate,'' he said in a television
interview broadcast on Sunday night.

Briceno's comments come against the backdrop of full-fledged peace talks
with the government, which are due to get under way on Wednesday. The
talks will be held in a Switzerland-sized area of south and southeast
Colombia, which the government has granted the FARC control of since
November as an inducement to enter into negotiations.

The FARC is the largest and oldest guerrilla army in the Americas. The
conflict in Colombia has taken more than 35,000 lives in the last decade

``If they (the United States) invade they'll have to take the
consequences,'' Briceno said, adding a direct U.S. role in Colombia's war
could cause it to spill over into neighbouring countries and ignite a
region-wide conflict.

``If you're attacked at home what do you do?'' Briceno, known by the alias
Mono Jojoy, asked his TV interviewer. ``You have to go where your
neighbour is,'' he said.

In a separate interview, published in Monday's editions of Bogota's El
Espectador newspaper, Briceno reiterated his charge that the United
States, which accuses the FARC of drug trafficking, was gearing up for
direct military intervention in Colombia.

``The North Americans have been intervening here for more than 50 years,
but now they want to do it more directly,'' he said. ``We're alerting
world public opinion to oppose this, because it's no good,'' he said.

``Look what happened in Yugoslavia. The North Americans talk about human
rights while they bomb a nation and destroy it. They're the world's worst
terrorists,'' Briceno said.

Political analysts have long accused Washington of taking a hand in
anti-guerrilla operations in Colombia, by deliberately blurring the lines
between counternarcotics and counterinsurgency.

But the United States has denied repeated rebel claims that it has
military advisers in Colombia, and insists that it has no direct
involvement in the country's long-running internal conflict.

The FARC, founded as a pro-Soviet, Marxist group in the mid-1960s,
prompted international outrage in March when it abducted and murdered
three U.S. activists campaigning for the rights of a local Indian tribe. A
warrant for the arrest of Briceno's brother, a regional FARC commander
known by the alias Grannobles, has been issued in connection with the

In his remarks to El Espectador, Briceno called the killings ``an error''
but conceded he has little sympathy for the United States, which he
accuses of covertly running Colombia's counterinsurgency effort.

``The tricky thing is that three gringos die and they make a whole damn
song and dance about it, but 200 Colombians are killed on orders from them
(the U.S.)  and it's as if nothing happened here,'' he said.

        Copyright 1999 Reuters Limited
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