Jim Devine wrote:

> However, I find the readings on "Marxism and Morality" that I've done to be
> interesting and useful. Marxism may not be (or incorporate) an ethical
> system, but it does not contradict all ethical systems.

  Allen Wood developed the interesting argument that Marx's critique of
political economy had nothing to do with justice and that the capitalist
class does exploit the working class but this exploitation is just. Wood
"He (Marx SP) equally scorned those concerned themselves with
formulating principles of distributive justice and condemning capitalism
in their name. Marx conceives that justice of economic transactions as
their correspondence to or functionality for the prevailing mode of
production. Given this conception of justice, Marx very consistently
concluded that the inhuman exploitation practiced by capitalism against
the workers is not unjust, and does not violate the worker's rights;
this conclusion constitutes no defense of capitalism, only an attack on
the use of moral conceptions within the proletarian movement. Marx saw
the task of the proletarian movement in his time as one of
self-definition, discipline and self-criticism based on scientific
self-understanding. He left for later stages of the movement the task of
planning the future society which it is the historic mission of the
movement to bring forth."
  To summarize, law and justice are judicial concepts. Judicial concepts
belong to the superstructure which is determined by the mode of
production. A society will thus have a conception of justice that fits
and grows naturally out of its mode of production. Capitalist
exploitation is just in capitalist mode of production but unjust in a
socialist mode. It is wrong therefore, to ascribe some universal form of
justice applicable to all modes of production. A future communist
society will not be 'more just' than capitalist capitalism, it will
simply have a conception of justice that fits its mode of production; a
mode of production where capitalist exploitation doesn't exist.

 Wood fleshes out his argument in his book _Karl Marx_ and his article
"Marx and the Critique of Justice", Philosophy and Public Affairs, VI
no. 3 1972.

  Seems to me that Wood's main goal is to avoid pigeonholing Marx as a
utilitarian or as a partisan of a deontological(Kantian) form of ethics.

Sam Pawlett

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