Michael Hoover wrote:
> > Kant wrote in "What Is Enlightenment?":
> > 'Argue as much as
> > you will, and about what you will, only obey!'
> > Yoshie
> didn't Kant also write somewhere that government must suppress
> criticism that does not show 'respect and devotion towards the
> existing constitution'...  Michael Hoover

 Kant also wrote:

"When universal injustice stands firm, teh natural rights of the lowly
cease. They are therfore only debtors; the superiors owe them nothing.
Therefore these superiors are called gracious lords. He who needs
nothing from them but justice and can hold them to their debts does not
need this submissiveness." cited in J.B. Scheewind *Autonomy, Obligation
and Virtue*.

  The dependence of the debtors on the creditors threatens autonomy.

Sam P.

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