Rod Hay wrote:

> "The will has no meaning in isolation. Therefore it does not exist"
> The heart has no meaning in isolation from a body. Therefore it does not
> exist.
> The part has no meaning in isolation from the whole. Therefore it does not
> exist.
> There is something wrong with this logic, Ajit.


Rod, why don't you quote what people write rather than make up your own
quotations? When did I say "will has no meaning in isolation. Therefore it does
not exist"? Let me try to explain a simple argument for the nth time. Husband
has no existence without a wife, and vise versa. Neither the husband nor the
wife has any existence outside of the relationship of marriage. Sons have no
existence outside of the relationship of father or/and mother, and vise versa.
We can go on and on. Do you get the point. I'm not as weak in logic as you
think. Cheers, ajit sinha

> Reductionist and wholistic approaches are not the only options. Both the
> whole and the individual exist. Neither can be understood in isolation from
> the other.
> Your "patriot" has a choice of which action to follow. His patriotism or his
> rejection of this patriotism have no meaning except in a social context, but
> the patriot chooses.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Ajit Sinha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ____________G'day Rob! I think you are missing something. Let's suppose you
> are
> patriot who wills to fight and die for his country. Where does this willing
> of
> yours come from, where you a born patriot? The point is that the will has no
> meaning independent of action, and your actions can only be understood in
> the
> context of a web of relations. So at the epistemological level, what good is
> will
> for? Its existence or non-existence has no meaning. We are not denying that
> people
> are different. Cheers, ajit sinha
> Rod Hay
> The History of Economic Thought Archives
> Batoche Books
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