Jim Devine wrote:
> Whatever one thinks of the details of the classical Marxist theories of
> imperialism (Lenin, Bukharin, Luxemburg, etc.) one of the valid lessons is
> that imperialism does not refer to a _policy_ of the capitalist elite.
> (It's the "policy view" of imperialism that opens one up to conspiracy
> theories.) Rather, modern imperialism is a _social system)_, a kind of
> social relation that arises from capitalism.

 I agree but the post-WWII order was to a great extent planned by U.S.&
UK government officials. These plans made it quite clear that the third
world was to be used for its raw materials and cheap labor, that third
world economies were to be subordinated to the core. The social and
economic structures of third world have been shaped by the needs of the
core economies, both consciously and unconsciously. The post-WWII
imperialist  plans, to a great degree, have been realized. I think
Chomsky, Kolko, Mark Curtis and Bruce Cumings have done the best work
showing the nature and extent of government planning for imperialist

Sam Pawlett

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