As someone who has worked on this issue for a long time and who is also
involved in preparing for the WTO actions in Nov/Dec, I am at risk of getting
drawn into this thread.  I'll try to put out a few thoughts, but maybe not
until after the weekend, when my current time crunch abates a bit.


Stephen E Philion wrote:

> Michael was asking for new threads as alternatives to the You're
> Eurocentric, no I'm not, i'm Sardonic thread...
> Where should leftists stand on the push by activists in Seattle demanding
> that the WTO have stronger labor rights enforcement provisions? Are these
> demands the product of imperialist plots to make certain countries, i.e.
> China, less able to compete with the US in global markets? This is the
> argument that was frequently floated by officials I talked with in
> China...
> Steve

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