> To: Yugoslavia list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!
> Date: Thursday, September 02, 1999 1:55 AM
> Emergency Protest Actions to Stop the War Against Iraq!
> Internationally Coordinated Week of Emergency Protest Actions 
> Monday, September 27 - Saturday, October 2, 1999
> to demand:
> Stop the War Against Iraq!
> Stop the Bombings-Lift Sanctions Now!
> Stand Up Against Genocide!
> The International Action Center is calling on all its affiliate chapters
> member organizations and all other anti-war and anti-sanctions 
> organizations to initiate demonstrations, rallies, vigils and teach-ins
during the week of 
> September 27-October 2, 1999, to protest the apparently imminent 
> escalation of the bombing war against Iraq and to demand the immediate
lifting of 
> economic sanctions that have killed more than 1.5 million Iraqis since 
> their imposition in August 1990.
> The French Press Agency (AFP) and other media sources have issued 
> reports that the recent heavy US/British bombing of Iraq is a prelude to
> vast escalation of a new bombing campaign. These media sources report
> the US and British governments will attempt to issue new ultimatums to
> regarding the acceptance of a new weapons inspection regime to take the 
> place of the thoroughly discredited UNSCOM. These media sources indicate 
> that this campaign will be launched after the mid-September meeting of
> UN Security Council.
> The United States government has carried out more than 10,000 combat or 
> combat support sorties since the conclusion of the so-called Operation
> Fox Operation between December 16-19, 1998. The U.S. is also stepping up 
> its CIA-run destabilization campaign coupled, of course, with the ongoing

> genocidal sanctions against the Iraqi people.
> The U.S. goal is to overthrow the Iraqi government (the new official
lingo is 
> `regime change') and replace it with a U.S. puppet regime in this
> region. Let us never forget that this was precisely what the U.S./CIA 
> operations accomplished in the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953; 
> against the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954; and against the
> government in Chile in 1973. No one should be under any illusion. All 
> historical evidence indicates that when U.S. imperialism targets
> for overthrow it is not to replace them with more humanistic, more
> regimes. The Shah in Iran, the military dictatorship in Guatemala, and 
> Pinochet in Chile--they all slaughtered hundreds of thousands. But they
> returned nationalized oil fields, fruit plantations and copper mines to
> former Wall Street overlords. This is what made them invaluable "allies"
> successive administrations in the White House. 
> We demand that the multi-faceted war against the people of Iraq be ended.
> bombing! Lift the sanctions! Self-determination for the Iraqi people!
> join in the international effort to organize emergency actions between 
> Monday, September 27 and Saturday, October 2, 1999.
> Brian Becker & Sara Flounders
> Co-Directors of the International Action Center 
> International Action Center
> 39 West 14th Street, Room 296
> New York, NY 10011
> http://www.iacenter.org
> phone: 212 633-6646
> fax:   212 633-2889

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