I have been reading and recording what is going on in Yugoslavia
and the US involvement in murder, genocide, torture, etc.  Is there
nothing that the US government will not resort to, is it totally
devoid of any human principles, are the American peoples  willing
to allow their governments to enact the most base practices of
torture and death?  Where have we come to?



Some are not. Others would prefer not to think about it. They're happy to
turn their strategies against us too, from chemical "attacks" on the
citizenry to the criminalization of just about everything that could
potentially undermine their capacity to engage in evil. But you know this

Where are we going is the question. How can we help, in practice, those who
have struggled to put J18 N30 A16 and S11 on the edge of their pathetically
sick attention agenda. Leaflets anyone?


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