>I have never seen as concise description of social democracy.  I like Alice
>Amsden's refutation of your perspective -- especially her praise of 
>getting prices
>Brad De Long wrote:
>>   in a mixed economy, the government
>>  should be used to redistribute income and the market used to allocate
>>  resources; to get things backward--as Peron did, using the government
>>  to allocate resources and regulating market prices to redistribute
>>  income--doesn't work.
>Michael Perelman

Since you have read Amsden, you know that the policies that she 
recommends are the complete opposite of those that Peron pursued. 
Amsden believes in subsidizing exports. Peron taxed them. Amsden 
believes in making it easy for export-oriented companies to acquire 
the hard currency they need to buy capital goods. Peron made it 
impossible for export-oriented companies to purchase foreign-made 
capital goods. Amsden believes in an undervalued exchange rate to 
promote exports and increase employment. Peron believed in using 
exchange controls to maintain an overvalued exchange rate to maximize 
terms of trade.

In my view, there is a lot of truth in Amsden's "getting prices 
wrong" position. But as you know, her judgment of Peronist policies 
is much, much harsher and much, much more negative than mine.

Brad DeLong

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