Although there is supposedly a frantic search for the causes of wealth
inequality there is little mention of  private ownership of the means of
production and production for profit as a cause. One commentator does
mention unfettered capitalism. A few more fetters and everything will be
fine. There is no longer an alternative to capitalism for some reason.
Interesting that over 80 percent of Canadians think the government should
act to lessen the gap between rich and poor even though media pundits
continually claim that Canadians are becoming more right-wing etc.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Macleans Magazine August 28, 2000

The Wealth Gap

New studies show Canada's rich really are getting richer -- and the
poor poorer -- as the middle class erodes

In hindsight, it seems almost inevitable that 32-year-old Caroll Herron
toppled, ever so slowly, to the bottom of the economic heap. A feisty high
school graduate, the Montreal single mother lost her last secretarial job
with a
shipping firm in 1992 when the company went bankrupt. After 18 months of
hunting for another office position, she finally settled for work as a
with a company that restores fire-damaged premises. She quit last March
when she developed serious asthma because of the chemicals. Now she and
her daughter Christina, 10, subsist on Employment Insurance and other
government payments -- about $1,250 per month -- while she pleads with
potential employers and government bureaucrats for training. "I have
bilingualism," she says. "I have the secretarial skills. But I just don't
the computer skills."
Her downward spiral, struggling all the way, traces a path that many
Canadians have followed throughout the 1990s: the poor are becoming
relatively poorer, the wealthy are becoming wealthier -- and many in that
bulwark of society, the middle class, are watching their incomes and their
dreams of upward mobility gradually erode. Since the early 1980s, middle-
class families have pocketed an ever-smaller proportion of the nation's
incomes. Their children are often starting work at progressively lower
levels. Worse, males in their prime earning years are finding that their
chances of advancing are shrinking with every passing year. The workforce
is bunching into both the lower and the higher ends of the income scale.
Many workers who were once proud members of the middle class are now
barely making ends meet.
Herron's own experience tracks that arc of descent. When she worked for
the shipping company, she earned a relatively comfortable $25,000 a year. At
the cleaning company, her wages were $20,300. Now her government
cheques add up to about $15,000 per year. Her expenses include rent of
$300 per month for her duplex, $400 for food and $250 for heat and
And her EI ends in mid-December. "We eat a lot of hamburger and
spaghetti," she says. "You wake up in the morning hoping there is no bill in
the mail." Herron blames herself. "Now that I am older and wiser, I see
that I
should have gone further in school," she says ruefully. "I am not envious of
those who make more: they did things to make their life better. I just want
chance." It is the disturbing secret of today's economy that chances for
people like Herron are becoming harder and harder to find. Across many
industrialized nations, such as the United States and Britain, the gulf
the wealthy and everyone else has been widening relentlessly throughout the
past two decades. Experts had speculated that the trend was largely
cyclical -
- and the gap would narrow in the late 1990s when the economy finally
improved. Their hopes have been dashed. After adjusting for inflation, the
1998 average income of Canadian families from earnings, investments and
private pensions finally surpassed its previous peak in 1989: it hit
$55,224, up
from $54,508. But, amid the prosperity, there was a startling increase in
inequality -- as the wealthy increased their share of that income at the
expense of almost everyone else. "There is a long-run, ongoing trend toward
increasing inequality," observes Queen's University economist Charles
Beach. "I am saddened. Sure, there is a bigger pie -- but it is being
distributed less equally."
The problem is so worrisome that, behind the scenes, income inequality
has become the big issue in government and academic circles. No one can
agree on the cause -- because there are many factors, ranging from
technological change to declining union membership. No one can agree on
the solution -- because everyone is uneasily aware that many people like
Herron need complex responses that include both money and targeted
training. But, after the release in June of a Statistics Canada report on
incomes, everyone can agree the problem is unsettling -- and probably
The agency's report is stark. It divides the number of Canadian families
and unattached individuals who receive income into five equal groups.
Among the 8.3 million Canadian families, the top fifth was the only group to
increase its share of income since 1989: its portion rose to 45.2 per cent
-- up
from 41.9 per cent in 1989. The next group -- which represents upper-middle
income families -- clung to almost the same 24.9 per cent share that it
held in
1989. The middle and lower-middle income groups saw their share fall
But the big shock was the bottom fifth: its share plummeted from 3.8 per
cent to 3.1 per cent -- a nearly 20 per cent plunge and a loss of billions
dollars of potential income share. Worse, government transfers -- such as
child tax benefit and the old-age pension -- and the tax system itself no
do as much to reduce those inequalities: in 1994, the top 20 per cent took
home $4.80 in after-tax, after-transfer income for every dollar that low-
income Canadians received. That amount rose to $5.40 in 1998. (Before
taxes and transfers, the top group's income was about 14 times higher than
the bottom group's.) "Despite recent strong economic performance,"
StatsCan noted dourly, "income disparities have continued to grow."
The simmering issue may erupt in the upcoming federal election,
expected next spring, because the very size and role of government will be
the topic of heated debate. Although post-Second World War governments
have played a major role in reducing disparities, that role is now under
pressure. Taxes are biting the wealthy: although families in the top 20 per
cent paid 48 per cent of income taxes in 1989, they paid 52.2 per cent in
1998. Meanwhile, the demand for redistribution is growing: government
transfers in 1998 constituted a greater share of total income for every
except the top, compared with the proportion in 1989. The situation can be
volatile: some anti-poverty groups have turned to militant action, but when
demonstration at Ontario's Queen's Park legislature turned violent in June,
many commentators believed the activists had simply angered mainstream
What will happen if the hard-pressed middle class opts for a party such
as the Canadian Alliance which promises lower taxes -- at the possible
expense of social programs? Will a wrenching debate ensue over the
economic and social importance of sharing? "The data do show how
important the role of government is in trying to offset inequality," notes
Battle, president of the Ottawa-based Caledon Institute of Social Policy.
"Things could come to a head because the push for tax cuts takes money out
of the public realm." The situation may become more heated because the
numbers conceal even more disturbing trends. Using income tax data from
1982 to 1996, economist Beach has observed that successive waves of
young people have been entering the labour market at progressively lower
average wage levels: that is, after adjusting for inflation, more and more
young people are starting work at lower salaries.
As well, among males in their prime earning years of 35 to 54, there was
expanding polarization: a greater portion of males -- 31.1 per cent in 1996
compared with 29.6 per cent in 1982 -- has become very high earners. But
the relatively high and middle income groups below have slipped, while a
greater percentage of males have become low earners -- 14.5 per cent in
1996, up from 11.2 per cent. (The trend is not the same for women because
more women are now working for longer hours.)
Many of the men in their prime earning years held blue-collar, unionized
jobs that are simply disappearing as manufacturing plants become higher
tech. Membership in the middle class is slowly declining. "We made real
progress in the post-war decades in bringing about greater equality in the
human condition," says former Manitoba premier Ed Schreyer, who once
suggested that Canada should ignore world trends -- and insist that the
home pay of the highest-paid employees of any firm should be only 2.5 times
the average industrial wage to ensure greater equality. "These past 10 to 15
years have not been very reassuring."
Perhaps worst of all, the chances of moving into a higher income bracket
have been declining steadily, especially for men. In a yet-unpublished study
which used Revenue Canada data, economist Beach and his colleague Ross
Finnie tracked a large sample of taxpayers between 1982 and 1996, noting
shifts into higher and lower income groups. The probability of moving up has
declined by an average 1.2 per cent per year since 1982 for males -- and by
a mere .21 per cent for females. For men, in particular, the Canadian dream
of "making it" is slowly abating.
The result can be devastating. In 1992, Catherine MacLeod, now 48, was
an at-home mother of three, living in a spacious house in Calgary. Now
divorced, she rents a subsidized condominium, working as a part-time
waitress while studying for a university degree in justice studies. She
to find a job as a probation officer or a government researcher. "When I
about 10 years down the road, when my kids are raised, I'll be in my fifties
with no possibility of retirement and paying back a student loan," she says.
"What will I do then?"
Traditionally, social mobility has been a hallmark of Canadian and U.S.
societies: in contrast to the more rigid class structure of traditional
workplaces, hard work could crumple economic barriers. Its erosion is
troubling. "It becomes very worrisome if many people see their standards of
living going down," says University of British Columbia economics professor
Thomas Lemieux, "and don't see any way they can improve conditions."
With diminishing hope, a precarious existence can become almost
unbearable. Cindy Payne, 27, is a single mother with three youngsters who is
now living in her parents' house near Red Deer, Alta. Three months ago,
Payne fled her abusive spouse, losing her only source of income as a foster
mother. Now she lives on $1,000 per month in child support and federal
payments while she hunts for permanent lodgings in which she can shelter
more foster children. "It's week-to-week for us," she says. "It's less than
a few
pay cheques between being stable and being very nervous."
As more Canadians face Payne's plight, there could be profound
implications. What happens to medicare and public education if the richest
per cent opt for private health care and schooling? "Are we setting the
for a kind of secession of the relatively affluent?" muses Andrew Jackson,
research director at the Canadian Council on Social Development. "We
would pay a big price if we went down that road. Look at the impact of
poverty on health, on crime rates and on the economy in the sense that a
large and growing part of society would not be making a productive
The search for the causes of inequality has become intense.
Globalization plays a role: wages for unskilled workers are not likely to
when Third World nations can produce similar goods with cheaper labour
costs. But, as economist Beach notes, that theory cannot account for all
inequalities because income gaps are also growing in sectors not threatened
by a flood of cheaper imports. Then there is the sheer pace of technological
change: that obviously favours highly skilled employees. They, in turn, have
displaced workers, mostly men, who once held blue-collar manufacturing
jobs. Even mundane paper-pushing jobs are evaporating. Joe Manget, vice-
president at the Toronto-based Boston Consulting Group of Canada, recounts
the experience of one of his clients, a global appliance manufacturer, which
recently changed the way it grants employee discounts. In the past,
employees had to go to a retailer, select their model, fill out the
paperwork for
discount approval, wait while the firm checked their seniority and thus the
size of their discount, buy the product from the retailer and then apply
for their
refund. Now they go to the employees' Web site store, enter their
identification -- and buy the product with a tap of their finger.
"Technology is
eliminating multiple layers of bureaucracy," says Manget.
Still, that does not readily explain the fact that each emerging group of
young workers is commanding lower average salaries. Shouldn't younger
workers as a whole be better attuned to a computerized world -- and
command higher wages? Not necessarily. Some academics believe that the
increasing supply of educated workers is pushing down the salaries that they
can command.
University of British Columbia economists Paul Beaudry and David Green
counter that it is the growing demand for skilled workers that is creating
perplexing phenomenon: producers are switching to more advanced
production methods because there are more skilled workers available -- but
the amount of investment capital in the economy has not been sufficient to
fully fund those sectors. As a result, wages for skilled workers are
rising, but
by relatively limited amounts -- because the supply of capital is
and the pool of skilled young workers is growing. Meanwhile, wages for
unskilled young workers are dropping like stones -- because increasing
numbers of traditional plants are switching to production methods that
skilled labour. So average wages for each successive group of youth are
Finally, experts argue that inequalities are mounting because of a
range of societal trends: deregulation, which sparks fierce competition
among firms and downward pressure on wages; stagnant legal
minimum wage levels; and decreasing unionization. Private sector
union membership declined in just one year to 18.2 per cent of the
labour force in 1998 from 21.9 per cent in 1997. Experts speculate that it
could eventually approach the 1998 U.S. levels of 9.5 per cent of the
entire workforce.
Such a precipitous drop would likely push down the wages of less
skilled workers. Queen's University economist Richard Chaykowski and
Northern Illinois University economist George Slotsve have calculated
that Canadian non-unionized male workers are 2 1/2 times more likely
to be below the Statistics Canada low-income line than union members;
non-union female workers are almost four times more likely to be poor.
"Traditionally," says Chaykowski, "unions have provided an important
check to unfettered capitalism."
The survivors count themselves lucky. At 43, Alex Stuart has had several
opportunities to advance beyond his job as a line tester with Nova Scotia's
telephone utility. He rejected them. With a grade 11 education, he figured
continued union membership offered his best hope for job security. "We have
had big-time lay-offs," he says. "If you're a manager, they could just tap
on the shoulder. There's a lot more security in the union: I should be able
stay through to retirement age." Stuart is at the top of the union scale --
$46,000 per year plus overtime. But he knows that he's among the last of a
secure breed. "I feel sorry for kids today who are never going to stay in a
and get a pension," he says. "We're the end of that." So what is to be done?
Queen's University economist Thomas Courchene argues that governments
should start viewing health and educational programs as economic
necessities for Canada's most highly prized resource: people. Government
transfers should encourage education from early childhood to post-secondary
to lifelong learning. "There are no more good jobs -- that is, jobs that
pay you
more than you are worth," he says flatly. "Now if we want to earn middle-
class wages, we have to have middle-class skills. And that means bringing
up the education and skills level of the lower half of the population."
That solution may not be easy -- but it may be the only practical answer.
In Vancouver, dot-com multimillionaires Jeff Berwick, 29, and Mark Crowther,
28, co-founders of StockHouse.Com, have already come to that conclusion.
They have worked seven days a week, 15 hours a day, becoming online
leaders in providing stock market information to media outlets. But they
find time to educate others. In his white ribbed T-shirt and beige cargo
his dyed-blond hair cropped short, Berwick volunteered as a lecturer last
month to new media students at the Vancouver Film School. "Money doesn't
buy happiness," he says. "It's important to put back into the community."
firm's charities of choice include everything from the Children's Wish
Foundation to helping teenagers find jobs. "We want to show people how to
succeed," adds Crowther, "not to just give them handouts." In an
unequal society, such practical kindness may be the nation's best hope.

Strong values, but no call to arms

Canadians are well aware that the gap between rich and poor is
widening. And it disturbs them. In a January, 1999 poll, Toronto-based
Environics Research Group Ltd. found that 75 per cent of the 2,000
respondents believed that the gulf between high-income and low-income
Canadians had increased over the past two decades -- up from 68 per cent in
1990. (Only six per cent believed that it had narrowed -- down from 10 per
cent in 1990.) As well, a large majority of Canadians -- fully 82 per
cent --
believed that the government should take action to reduce that gap -- a
proportion that has remained unchanged since 1990. "Generally, Canadians
do believe in equality of opportunity and, to some extent, in equality of
condition," asserts Environics senior vice-president Donna Dasko. The
pollster notes that the gap between rich and poor is wider in the United
-- and that Americans are generally far more accepting of the idea that
poverty is inevitable. "Canadians do care more about the position of the
lowest fifth of our population," she adds.
But, although Canadians share those grand egalitarian principles,
politicians should not conclude that they have voters' blessing to
tax dollars lavishly. When Environics asked last autumn if the funds devoted
to welfare should be increased, only 26 per cent of the 2,061 respondents
said yes. (In contrast, there was high backing for increased spending on
health care.) "I see the public support for government action on the gap
between rich and poor as more of a statement of values than a call to arms
do something," says Dasko. "When you poll about what we should actually
do, there are lots of competing interests, such as the idea of tax cuts."
Canadians, it appears, would rather receive than give.

Winners and losers

In the decade from 1989 to 1998, there was a dramatic shift in how much
income families brought home in earnings -- including salaries, investments
and private pensions, but excluding welfare, Canada Pension and other
government payments. Families with two or more persons are broken into
five equal segments, each representing 20 per cent of the total number of
families. Average pretax incomes, in constant 1998 dollars:

Segment 1989 1998 % change

POOREST $10,388 $8,627 -17%
LOWER-MIDDLE $31,427 $27,486 -13
MIDDLE $48,776 $46,835 -4
UPPER-MIDDLE $67,790 $68,505 +1
RICHEST $114,178 $124,681 +9

Starting Low: 53% of men entered the job market in 1996 at low rates of pay,
compared with 37% in 1982

The Big Exception: 23% of women aged 35 to 54 earned high rates of pay in
1996, versus 14% in 1982

Dividing the American pie

Canada's growing wealth gap mirrors that of the United States. The
portion of total household income received by each fifth of U.S. households:

Segment 1980 1997
POOREST 4.3% 3.6%
MIDDLE 16.9 15
UPPER-MIDDLE 24.8 23.1
RICHEST 43.7 49.4

By Mary Janigan with Ruth Atherley in Vancouver, Michelle Harries in
Calgary, Brenda Branswell in Montreal and John Demont in Halifax

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