Louis Proyect wrote:

> The Russian Revolution was the product of the most advanced thinking in
> capitalist society. Every step in the direction toward seizing power was
> decided on the basis of calm reflection of the relationship of forces, etc.

I agree with Lou that the defeat of Serbia is a blow against human liberty.
But this generalized statement about the Russian Revolution seems unlikely
on the face of it, and is not supported by anything I have ever read about
it. (In any case, even if true, would hardly contradict Jim's observations on
alcohol & insurrection.) Moreover, that most advanced thinking (with
which I would agree) tended to express itself not in advanced planning
(which makes Revolution sound like a chess game) but in not just Lenin's
but in many an ordinary bolshevik's ability to respond in ways that had
*not* been planned to situations which had *not* been forseen.

Revolutions which depend on knowing in advance what a revolutionary
situation will look like don't happen.


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