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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 20 October 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 85 (#478)

Updates To Archives at <anti-fascism.org>: 6 Fascist Tactics Documents
    Lawrence Henry (The American Partisan), "Death List," 18 Sep 00
    Harold Covington, "How *Not* To Do It," downloaded 5 Oct 00
    Hank Pritchard (nationalist.org), "Lessons From the Butler Trial," 10
       Sep 00
    Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "Mini Manual on Survival," 16 Oct
    Harold A. Covington, "Networking," 26 Sep 00
    Ronald van der Wal (nationalist.org), "Survival Tactics In A Free-
       Speechless World," 8 Sep 00
New Fuehrer On the Scene After Aryan Nations' Defeat?
    Kim Barker (Seattle Times), "New leader emerging for hate groups," 8 Oct
    AP, "White supremacist enters the housing market," 16 Oct 00
    Seattle Times, "High-tech friend buys home for Aryan Nations leader," 18
       Oct 00
Fascism In Today's Germany: Three Stories From "Germany Alert"
    "Neo-Nazi Crimes Double," 11 Oct 00
    "Jewish Leader Hits at CDU for Anti-Foreigner Hate," 20 Oct 00
    "CDU Demands Foreigners Adopt the German Way of Life," 21 Oct 00
    Academic Call for Papers: Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German
    The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission presents
       The Felipa Award


UPDATES TO ARCHIVES AT <anti-fascism.org>

The six documents listed below represent our ongoing efforts to make the
most accurate information about fascist tactics available to our readers.
All of the documents are available on our web site at:
<http://www.anti-fascism.org> --  tallpaul

                                * * * * *

Death List
Lawrence Henry (The American Partisan)
18 Sep 00

... These potential revolutionaries are resigned to being hated, demonized
as nut cases, religious fanatics, gap-toothed idiots, yokels, and
benighted, laughable fools. They know that a few deaths can make a big
difference (look how badly the Republican party has missed Lee Atwater).
They're resigned to forcing a national police action.  They're willing,
like classic Leninists, to provoke a crackdown simply to rouse
revolutionary chaos.

As revolutionaries, these assassins-to-be also know that they probably
cannot win their fight. High-profile killings will certainly be treated as
terrorism by the government and the media, working in lockstep.  Some
assassinations will be covered up outright; the public will never know. The
revolutionaries may be counting on sympathy from the military - even the
desertion of some military units to the cause.  More likely, a demoralized
and emasculated military will not get involved in the fight at all.

But the revolutionaries don't care. At some key tipping point, they reason
their lives are forfeit anyway: their country is gone, its principles and
traditions raped, its institutions occupied by enemy forces. Change will be
impossible by any legal means. Democracy will be dead. ...

- - - - -

How *Not* To Do It
Harold Covington
downloaded 5 Oct 00

... We have completely wasted the past thirty years, comrades. That is a
fact. Some of this wastage was due to sincere and hopeful expeditions down
some dead ends which, in retrospect, were pretty obvious. The Duck Club and
electoral politics are two examples which spring to mind. We have also been
plagued with a series of self-appointed leaders who have been corrupt,
incompetent, and dishonest, and we are still plagued with some of these
holdovers from the past. You can yell and scream and moan and spread rumors
that I'm a government agent all you want, but that's a fact as well.

Had we not wasted those thirty years, it is possible that we might be in a
position to engage in an armed insurrection against ZOG. We are not, and
anyone who tells you otherwise is either a fool or a REAL police agent. I
am telling you to get your heads together and learn. I am not asking you to
die for your race. I am asking you to LIVE for it, and more difficult, I am
asking you to WORK for it.

I know this is a message many don't want to hear. For the sake of our
future, folks, you'd best take heed.

- - - - -

Lessons From the Butler Trial
Hank Pritchard (nationalist.org)
10 Sep 00

... I do not believe that having a cult is the answer.  The Butler fiasco
has shown that.  The First-Amendment is no protection.  The left just
laughs at it.

I had a friend in Fort Lauderdale who used to subscribe to a number of
right-wing publications.  He would even give me free subscriptions.

Now this guy believed in flying saucers.  He would go to city-council
meetings and spout off about some good points, but would mix his off-the-
wall theories in with complaints about immigration.

People began to think that when he mentioned alien immigration he was
talking about stopping little green men from landing from Mars.

Point is, let us learn our lesson to make our goals viable, our
organization credible and our techniques workable.  Not the cultist way,
but the American way.  Not by getting stomped by "the system," but by using
the system to change -- even to beat -- the system.

That's what I've learned from the Butler trial.

- - - - -

Mini Manual on Survival
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance)
16 Oct 00

... We must also create our own means of informing the public to help them
be at  least neutral in the struggle. Covert literature works best or black
propaganda. As long as the literature promotes lack of confidence in the
Iron Heel it is good.  A large percentage of people have learned to despise
the  Iron Heel, keep that fire growing. (Learn to fish in friendly waters).
We  must be committed to winning by any means possible. Don't let them kid
you,  the ends do justify the means. People in power sleep with that
statement  under their pillow.  Endeavor always to send messages which will
ring true in  the ears of our dwindling White Worker population. There is
an enormous amount of moral and ideological high ground which has been
abandoned by our enemies. Claim it  and use it.

On the other hand do not waste valuable time trying to convince a relative
or friend. Go around such people and find our troops where ever they may
be. You must accept that perhaps millions of Whites are not salvageable and
will fight to the death to protect non whites and Jews. Do not cast pearls
before swine. ...

- - - - -

Harold A. Covington
26 Sep 00

... 1) Beware of all strangers. Historically, resistance to tyrants has
taken  the form of small autonomous groups (cells) whose members know and
trust  one another from long experience.

2) Beware of the man who is "too perfect". He says all the right things,
needs little persuasion, plus he supplies a substantial amount of money.

6) Avoid drunks, drug users and any one of unstable character. Always
choose quality over quantity.

7) Beware of someone whose intellect, education and background appear
different from those with whom he attempts to associate. Most people
inter-relate with others of similar interests and background. ...

- - - - -

Survival Tactics In A Free-Speechless World
Ronald van der Wal (nationalist.org)
8 Sep 00

... instead of saying that we want inferior people out, we say
that we oppose immigration.  The people understand.

And, instead of saying that we do not want our blood polluted by aliens, we
say that we are against criminal behavior.  And the people know very well
what we mean and agree with us.  They know the backgrounds of who the
criminals are.

Instead of saying that we are against multi-culturalism, we say that we
wish to save our nation, people and way of life.

So, instead of saying, hooray, the marijuana-smoking Indians got what they
deserved, you say that the ones who recklessly used guns should be held to

Instead of saying shoot all the minorities, you push the need for stopping
immigration, bringing about repatriation and increasing the (true) American

So, if you are ever put on trial (as you have been) and are accused of law-
breaking, you can point to your stand in the Butler case and say, hey, we
oppose violence and police our own ranks.



New leader emerging for hate groups
Kim Barker (Seattle Times)
8 Oct 00

SANDPOINT, Idaho - R. Vincent Bertollini is a city slicker, a man who
drives a red Harley-Davidson and wears Armani suits, a retiree rumored to
have made a fortune from Silicon Valley technology ventures.

He is also rapidly becoming one of the most prominent faces of white
supremacy in Northern Idaho.

His anti-Semitic group, the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, has only two
public members. When he ran for mayor, only 33 people voted for him.

Still, human-rights organizations worry that Bertollini is bidding to
become the successor to Richard Butler, founder of the now-crippled Aryan
Nations, which recently lost a $6.3 million lawsuit and possibly its

Those rights organizations say that of the known racists in the Inland
Northwest, which include everything from a neo-pagan Nazi organization to a
man who tried to get ARYAN88 on his license plates, Bertollini could pose
the biggest threat - simply because he is willing to put his money where
his freedom of speech is.

"He considers himself an evangelist," said Jonn Lunsford, research director
for the Seattle-based Northwest Coalition for Human Dignity. "He doesn't
have a church. He doesn't have a compound. He doesn't necessarily have a
large following.

"What makes Bertollini a man to watch is he has reportedly millions of
dollars to spread his racist views."

In 1998, Bertollini told a reporter for The Spokesman-Review of Spokane
that he and Carl Story, a former business partner and the other member of
the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, had spent $1.5 million to spread their
message, of a conspiracy involving Adam and Eve and Satan and Jews. Human-
rights groups believe that amount probably isn't an exaggeration, though
they don't know what the money was spent on.

The past two years, Bertollini's organization has sent out increasingly
threatening anti-Semitic pamphlets and brochures to thousands of area

Bertollini, 61, also has become the most visible champion of Butler, the
grandfather of neo-Nazi groups in North Idaho.

He was a regular at Butler's trial in nearby Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, last
month, videotaping reporters outside the courthouse and staging impromptu
news conferences. After a jury decided Butler and the Aryan Nations were
grossly negligent in hiring and training security guards who shot at a
passing motorist and her son, Bertollini offered to help the 82-year-old
Butler pay for his appeal.

"Please note that if Pastor Richard Butler were not a righteous,
compassionate man of Yahweh God he could have very well sued and perhaps
won millions of dollars from the city coffers for malicious harassment,
character assassination, slander, defamation, libel and any number of other
bona fide charges," Bertollini recently wrote.

"He's setting himself up as the heir apparent," said Kary Miller, editor of
the local Bonner County Daily Bee. Miller keeps a folder of Bertollini's
missives and receives angry mail every time she prints a Bertollini letter.

Since Butler's trial, Bertollini has declined to be interviewed.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says the 11th Hour is one of seven hate
groups operating in Idaho, compared with 19 in Texas, 25 in California, 33
in Alabama and nine in Washington.

Idaho is important in the realm of white-supremacist groups because of the
Aryan Nations' efforts to draw followers and media attention.

Butler, an aeronautics engineer from California, laid the foundation for
white supremacy here in 1973, when he moved to Hayden Lake, a bucolic
community between Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint. Butler said he wanted a
homeland for whites in the Pacific Northwest and founded the Church of
Jesus Christ Christian - Aryan Nations. Followers came, many recruited in
prisons. Butler started holding annual Aryan Nation Congresses. He called
for unity.

A follower in the 1980s formed a splinter group called The Order, which
robbed armored cars and killed Alan Berg, a Jewish radio-talk-show host in
Denver. A follower in Pennsylvania robbed banks to pay for a white
revolution. An Aryan organizer in Denver confessed to killing a man because
he was black.

Former Aryan Nations guard Buford Furrow, who left the Pacific Northwest
last summer, has been charged with a shooting spree at a Jewish day-care
center in Los Angeles and the killing a Filipino postal carrier.

In North Idaho, Bertollini's is one of several groups that hold different
views with the same racist theme. To the groups, the differences are
important: Some adulate Adolf Hitler; some insist the Holocaust never
happened; some preach white supremacy, others white separatism.

Butler's public attempt to create a unified movement led to infiltration by
law-enforcement agencies and, ultimately, the successful lawsuit against
him. So some anti-government types and white supremacists have pushed for
"leaderless cells," where tight-knit groups can plan insurrection without
being infiltrated. Then some started to push the idea of "lone wolves,"
where people act without a group, as Furrow is accused of doing.

With no formal following, Bertollini's group may be insulated against
lawsuits such as the one against the Aryan Nations, which hold an
organization responsible for the actions of others.

And while raising money has been a constant challenge for the movement,
some human-rights activists say Bertollini and Story might change that,
creating some unity among the fractured groups.

"The good thing about absolutists is they're absolutists against other
absolutists," said Bill Wassmuth, a human-rights activist whose Coeur
d'Alene home was bombed by an Aryan Nations guard in 1986. "Money has a way
of overcoming some of that."

Bertollini and Story made their fortunes in California, according to
reports in The Spokesman-Review and California newspapers.

Story and a former business partner started two computer companies in
California in the 1970s and sold them. Story then helped form the Silicon
Valley Group, which developed computer technology. He made a profit from
his stock and helped form another company, Systems Chemistry, where
Bertollini, an old friend, also worked, according to news reports.

The two formed the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger while still in California,
then retired in 1995 to Sandpoint, 40 miles north of Butler's Aryan Nations

Story paid $260,000 in cash for a stylish lake home. Bertollini rented a
one-bedroom basement apartment for $350 a month. He told people his wife
had stayed in California with his credit cards, and that he published a
religious newsletter.

"I thought he was a born-again Christian," said Linda Mayville, who with
her sister rented to Bertollini.

In April 1996, Bertollini bought a sprawling cedar home for $202,250 in an
upscale cul-de-sac. A "Welcome Friends" wreath hangs next to the front
door, tasteful bird sculptures guard the porch, and his wife has since
joined him, at least part of the time. "I am totally separate from what he
does," she said when approached by a reporter recently.

Sandpoint, population 5,200, is a marriage of right and left shot through
with libertarian views. A lot of people don't like the government.

Last month, the main theater in town featured a Belgian film with
subtitles. Art studios showcase Western art featuring Native Americans and
mountains. The human-rights task force is organized and active.

Yet no one blinked at a man walking downtown with a new rifle in his hand,
or at a white pickup with a Confederate flag instead of a rear window.

The town is home to the America's Promise Ministries, a Christian Identity
church that, like Bertollini, believes Jews are descendants of Satan. Three
anti-government activists - self-proclaimed "Phineas Priests" - met at this
church and then bombed businesses in Spokane and robbed a bank twice.

Louis Beam, former grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, bought property here
in 1994.

Bertollini also is a study in contradictions.

He attacks multiculturalism in his writings, but uses a mailing label with
the American and Italian flags, proclaiming "A Shared Heritage."

His literature is filled with vicious rants about Jews, but in California
he once worked for a Jewish man, and accepted gifts from him, including a
car for his daughter, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In the past two years, the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger has sent out two
glossy mailings to as many as 6,000 North Idaho neighbors, a videotape of
Bertollini interviewing Butler, two anti-Semitic fliers and a copy of
Bertollini's July speech to the Aryan Nations Congress, urging whites to
stand behind Butler.

The best known mailing is a glossy 6-by-3-foot fold-out chart of the
"Adamic Race" and of "Adam's Pure Blood Seedline." It promotes the
Christian Identity theory that Eve and Satan gave birth to Jews, while Eve
and Adam gave birth to the white race.

"It is essentially a propaganda operation at this point," said Mark Potok
of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the group that successfully sued the
Aryan Nations and has successfully sued eight other hate groups nationwide.

Although Story also is a partner in the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger,
Bertollini has become the face man. He has appeared at public events with
Butler, and he once was photographed kissing Butler on the cheek, a picture
that caused much amusement and speculation in town.

Last fall, Bertollini ran a write-in campaign for mayor. His opponents were
a retired minister, a hairdresser, a blues musician, a man now in prison
for enlisting a 7-year-old girl as his sex slave, and a woman named
StoneCalfWoman who ran on a platform to free Leonard Peltier, an Indian
activist convicted of murdering two FBI agents in 1975.

The winner, retired minister Paul Graves, is a member of the county's
human-rights task force. Bertollini received 2 percent of the vote.

Most everyone here seems to know who he is, though. Bertollini has brought
many in the Sandpoint area together to fight his message. They pay extra
postage to return his bulk mailings. They put up posters in their business
windows, proclaiming "In it together, too great to hate."

Graves said he isn't personally worried about Bertollini, despite an 11th
Hour Remnant Messenger mailing that specifically mentioned the new mayor.

"The concern I really have is the psychological effect of his presence in
the community," Graves said. "I hear people expressing fear about his
presence. For people who feel that way, I frankly wish he wasn't here."

- - - - -

White supremacist enters the housing market
16 Oct 00

SANDPOINT, Idaho - Friends are putting out feelers for a new home for Aryan
Nations founder Richard Butler, who is about to lose his 20-acre compound
in a $6.3 million civil judgment, a newspaper reported.

Vincent Bertollini, a self-described evangelist for 11th Hour Remnant, a
racist and anti-Semitic organization based in Sandpoint, recently inquired
about renting or leasing a house for Butler near Sagle, The Spokesman-
Review reported.

The owner of the $180,000 house, who provided information under the
condition he would not be identified, confirmed last week that he was
contacted by Bertollini.

"He asked about renting the house for a third party," the owner said. "I
told him the house was for sale and whoever rented it would have to let it
be shown.

"Bertollini then asked about a lease for three months. I asked who the
third party was, and he told me Richard Butler."

Bertollini had no comment when asked about his attempts to find housing in
Bonner County for Butler, who has lived in Kootenai County since 1972.

The recently built "secluded cedar home" is on five acres and is
"surrounded by trees and adjoining several large acreages," a real-estate
listing says.

"I then told him that if I was to rent the house to Butler that it would
ruin my chances of selling it," the seller said. "Bertollini said he
understood and that I didn't need the hassle."

If a new home is acquired for Butler, it apparently would have to be put in
a third party's name to prevent the property from being seized to satisfy
the Sept. 7 judgment.

A Kootenai County jury found Butler and the Aryan Nations grossly negligent
in hiring security guards who assaulted a woman and her son. The jury
awarded $6.3 million in compensatory and punitive damages to Victoria and
Jason Keenan stemming from the 1998 attack.

To begin collecting that judgment, attorneys for the plaintiffs took action
to seize the Aryan compound and assets. The property, including an old
farmhouse, a guard tower and a church building, is estimated to be worth
more than $250,000.

Butler's attorney and the plaintiffs agreed to a plan for Butler to
surrender his property if Kootenai County District Judge Charles Hosack
doesn't grant a new trial.

If the judge denies Butler's request for a new trial, the Aryan Nations
property and assets, its Web site domain name and the Aryan Nations name
will be deeded to the Keenans.

That is scheduled to take place either Oct. 25 or one week after the
judge's ruling, whichever occurs later.

- - - - -

High-tech friend buys home for Aryan Nations leader
Seattle Times
18 Oct 00

HAYDEN, Idaho -- A fellow white supremacist has reportedly bought a house
for Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler, who faces millions of dollars in a
court judgment and loss of his Hayden Lake compound.

Butler, 82, is due to be evicted from his 20-acre Aryan Nations compound
soon after losing a civil lawsuit to a mother and son who were shot at and
assaulted by Aryan Nations security guards.

Wealthy computer executive Vincent Bertollini purchased the $107,500 house
for him in Hayden in a deal that closed Thursday, The Spokesman-Review
newspaper reported yesterday.

The house can't be put in Butler's name because it would be subject to
seizure by Victoria and Jason Keenan, who won a $6.3 million judgment
against Butler and the Aryan Nations last month. A Kootenai County jury
found Butler, co-defendant Michael Teague and the Aryan Nations grossly
negligent in hiring and training security guards who shot at and assaulted
the Keenans in July 1998.



Neo-Nazi Crimes Double
11 Oct 00

BERLIN -- The interior ministry disclosed a shocking increase in neo-Nazi
crimes throughout the country. Officials reported 1,112 crimes of
extremist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic origin were committed in August,
almost double the average 668 listed for the first seven months of this

At the same time, the ministry said that neo-Nazi crimes were up about
twenty percent for the first eight months of this year compared to 1999.

Officials claimed that heightened public sensitivity to far-right attacks
may have brought about some of the increase. But human rights organizations
have complained in the past that the government was intentionally
underplaying neo-Nazi crimes, with resulting skewed statistics.

- - - - -

Jewish Leader Hits at CDU for Anti-Foreigner Hate
20 Oct 00

BERLIN -- Central Council of Jews president Paul Spiegel lashed out at top
christian democrat (CDU and CSU) leaders for spreading anti-foreigner hate.
Spiegel, speaking in Cologne, blasted an array of new CDU slogans as bad
examples for a democracy.

Spiegel singled out catch phrases such as "the wish for useful foreigners"
and "children instead of Indians" -- slogans that have been used by North
Rhein Westphalian CDU boss Jürgen Rüttgers and Bavarian interior minister
Günther Beckstein.

The leader of Germany's Jews went on to attack the CDU plan to raise
immigration as an campaign issue in the next elections and the party's
drive against double citizenship.

- - - - -

CDU Demands Foreigners Adopt the German Way of Life
21 Oct 00

BERLIN  -- There has been a new escalation in the anti-foreigner drive by
Germany's christian democrats. CDU chair Angela Merkel now demands that
foreigners wishing to live in Germany assume a "christian-western"
lifestyle and arrange their own lives to function under German customs.
The statement was seen as a direct attack against immigrants from Turkey
and other developing countries. The CDU position parallels that of extreme
rightwing groups such as the NPD, which thrive on anti-foreigner hate.

As part of the CDU's latest nationalist thrust, Merkel declared the party
will not drop plans to consider immigration an election campaign issue.

- - - - -

Neo-Nazi Crimes Double
11 Oct 00

BERLIN -- The interior ministry disclosed a shocking increase in neo-Nazi
crimes throughout the country. Officials reported 1,112 crimes of
extremist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic origin were committed in August,
almost double the average 668 listed for the first seven months of this

At the same time, the ministry said that neo-Nazi crimes were up about
twenty percent for the first eight months of this year compared to 1999.

Officials claimed that heightened public sensitivity to far-right attacks
may have brought about some of the increase. But human rights organizations
have complained in the past that the government was intentionally
underplaying neo-Nazi crimes, with resulting skewed statistics.



Academic Call for Papers

Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History
"Germany in the Age of Total War, 1914 -1945"
Washington, D.C., April 25-28, 2001

The German Historical Institute in Washington, the Center for German and
European Studies at Georgetown University, and the Conference Group for
Central European History are pleased to announce the Seventh Transatlantic
Doctoral Seminar in German History.  The conference is once again supported
by the German-American Academic Council and will convene in Washington,
D.C. from April 25 to 28, 2001.

The seminar brings together young scholars from Germany and North America
who are nearing the completion of their doctoral degrees.  We plan to
invite eight doctoral students from each side of the Atlantic to discuss
their research projects.  The discussions will be based on papers submitted
in advance of the conference.  The languages of the seminar will be German
and English.  We shall cover travel costs and lodging expenses. The theme
of this year's conference will be "Germany in the Age of Total War,

We are now accepting applications from doctoral students whose work falls
principally in this era and who will not have finished their degrees by
June 2001.  Applications should include a short (2-3 pp.) project
description, a curriculum vitae, and a letter of reference from the major

Please send applications by December 1, 2000, to:

German Historical Institute
Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar
Attn: Baerbel Thomas
1607 New Hampshire Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009-2562
ph. (202) 387-3355
fax (202) 483-3430

Dr. Andreas Daum
German Historical Institute
1607 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009-2562
ph. (202) 387-3355
fax (202) 483-3430

- - - - -

The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission presents
The Felipa Award

This award is named in honor of Felipa de Souza, a Brazilian woman
convicted and tortured by the Portuguese Inquisition in 1591 for having
sexual relationships with other women.

Purpose of the Award and General Guidelines

IGLHRC awards three prizes that will honor individuals and/or organizations
that have made significant contributions toward securing the human rights
and freedoms of sexual minorities anywhere in the world. Award recipients
will be honored at an annual springtime event in the US. Through this
award, we hope to offer public recognition to a wide array of individuals
and organizations who have had to work without support in the struggle for
the human rights of sexual minorities. To this end, we seek nominations
from all regions of the world, from those utilizing various political
strategies, and from as wide a range of communities as possible. We define
sexual minorities to include lesbians, bisexuals, gay men, transvestites,
transsexuals, and others oppressed due to their sexual orientation or
sexual conduct between consenting adults.

Nomination Process

Nominations may be made by anyone. Persons or organizations may nominate
themselves. An individual can be nominated posthumously. If possible,
nominations should be submitted in English, although we can accept
nominations in most languages. Nominations should include a letter of
nomination, two or three letters of support, and any supporting materials
such as newspaper clippings, photographs, videos, or other descriptions of
the candidate's work. For organizations, please include: mission
statements, brochures, newsletters, and other publications. Nominations may
be faxed. Decisions will be made by the Board of Directors of IGLHRC, in
consultation with the International Advisory Board and the staff. Please
include a self-addressed envelope so that IGLHRC can send you a
confirmation that we have received your nomination. If you do not receive a
confirmation by December 7/00, this may mean that your nomination did not
reach us in time to be considered for this year's awards.

Deadline for nominations extended: November 15, 2000

Completed nomination form should be sent to:

   Felipa Awards
   International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
   1360 Mission Street, Suite 200
   San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
   Telephone: +415-255-8680
   Fax: +415-255-8662


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