Louis Proyect said on 10/28/00 12:42 PM

>LP: This is not about overlooking. As I have already stated
>on three different occasions, the problem is how slavery
>is viewed theoretically. Brenner and Wood break with the
>Eric Williams analysis. The paucity of references to slavery
>in her book is not even the main problem. It is her messed
>up theory which puts the slave trade on the same footing
>as trading Chinese silks for Ethiopian zebra hides, etc. It
>is called "commerce" which is NONCAPITALIST in nature. That
>being said, it is grotesque to not even spend more than a 
>sentence ruling the Williams approach as invalid.

What about in non-capitalist cultures? Like huntergather intertribal 
warfare where slaves are taken? Do you define slavery by (the name of) 
the culture that contains that activity? Or is slavery a continuous 
evolving thread of human activity that deserves consideration in that 
sense? And wages are part of the evolution of slavery?

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