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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 3 November 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 89 (#484)

Latest Anti-Fascist Readings:
    Two new journals added
    Call For Applications: 22 Annual International Human Rights Training
       Program, Montreal, Quebec, 10-29 Jun 00
Rightwing Web Sites of Interest: Who Still Puts the "Socialism" In
       "National Socialism?"
    American Front
    Black Front
    Corporate Watch
    National Bolsheviks
    Third Position
Real Political Correctness:
    AP, "Council's Blacks Block 'Allegiance'," 1 Nov 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The archives at <http://www.anti-fascism.org> have been updated to include:

We have two new journals you might want to investigate.

Evil Austria, Oct 00 is published by the Austrian anti-fascist group Rosa
Antifa Wien (RAW) and Laura Watch is produced by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Regular journals have been updated and include:

anti-fascist journals:
    Antifa Info-Bulletin, 29 Oct 00 (#272)
    E-News from United, 24 Oct 00
    PFAW's Rightwing Watch Online, 1 Nov 00
    Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest, 24 Oct 00

technical/civil liberties journals:
    CDT Policy Post, 21 Oct 00 6:19
    CRA Bulletin, 24 Oct 00
    EPIC Alert, 31 Oct 00 7:19
    NetFuture, 5 Oct 00 (#112)



Call For Applications:
22 Annual International Human Rights Training Program
Montreal, Quebec, 10-29 Jun 00

The Canadian Human Rights Foundation (CHRF) is a non-profit, non-
governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the defense and promotion of
human rights through education, in Canada and around the world. Created in
1967 by a group of Canadian scholars, jurists and human rights advocates,
the CHRF has 33 years' experience in human rights education and training.

Through its programs, the CHRF contributes to the development of
pluralistic civil societies, grounded in universal human rights principles.
The CHRF's training and education programs are designed for activists who
are engaged in human rights promotion and democratic development.

Our Activities :

* Annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP)
* Regional Human Rights Education programming in Central and Eastern
   Europe, Africa and Asia
* Specialized training for National Human Rights Institutions
* Conferences on emerging issues related to human rights
* Publications (educational documentation; conference proceedings;
   newsletter: Speaking About Rights)

For information, contact:

Lawrence Lefcort
IHRTP Coordinator
Canadian Human Rights Foundation
1425  boul Rene Levesque West
Suite 407
Montreal, H3G 1T7
Telephone (514) 954-0382
Fax (514) 954-0659


Who Still Puts the "Socialism" In "National Socialism?"

Readers may wish to check the "left" wing of the contemporary fascist
movement based on the politics of the Strasser brothers. This tendency,
called "Third Positionalists" or "National Bolsheviks" has several web
sites around the world.

"American Front: Power, wealth and arms in the hands of the people"

"Black Front"

"Corporate Watch: ... provides news, analysis, research tools and action
resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe. We also talk
with people who are directly affected by corporate abuses as well as with
others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and
environmental justice.

"National Bolsheviks: The Revolution, Like the Wind, Can Never Be stopped!"

"Third Position: A Collective Dedicated To A Way Beyond Left and Right,
Beyond Capitalism & Communism"


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Council's Blacks Block 'Allegiance'
1 Nov 00

CHICAGO -- Citing the nation's history of racial discrimination, black
members of Chicago's City Council are blocking a proposal to require the
panel to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every session.

The opponents highlighted the pledge's final phrase, "liberty and justice
for all."

"Unfortunately, this country has not embraced all of those concepts,"
Alderwoman Freddrenna Lyle said.

"There is a lot of work to be done in this country," Alderman Ed Smith
said. "There have been some problems. We all know that."

The opposition surprised supporters and delayed a council committee's
action on the proposal.

"It seemed to me to be a no-brainer, something that would be passed almost
without discussion," said Alderman Bernard Stone.

The pledge, written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a socialist and Baptist
minister, as part of a Columbus Day commemoration, has aroused objections
for a variety of reasons, including its mention of God.

The city council in Woodstock, northwest of Chicago, also debated a
proposal to begin meetings with the pledge. The idea was rejected last
year, with some members complaining the pledge has trappings of federal

The Supreme Court ruled in 1943 that requiring anyone to stand for the
pledge or recite it is a violation of First Amendment rights.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

AP, "Neo-Nazis sentenced for vandalizing concentration camp," 14 Oct 00,
"Two admitted neo-Nazis were convicted and sentenced for vandalism at the
former Buchenwald concentration camp, where they smeared swastikas on
plaques the day before Germany celebrated 10 years of reunification."

John Hooper (The Guardian), "Anti-semitism raises its head in Germany," 19
Oct 00, "Conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim was at the center of a
blazing fight over alleged anti-Semitism this week. It is a dispute that
threatens to reach the highest levels of the German cultural and political
establishment. In a open letter to the Berlin section of the newspaper
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a former city council member responsible
for the arts, Ulrich Roloff-Momin, depicted the Argentina-born musician,
who is due to leave the German capital in 2002, as a victim of ill-
disguised anti-Jewish feeling. His claims came at a uniquely sensitive
moment: a rash of attacks on synagogues earlier this month, during the
holiest week in the Jewish year, left Jewish leaders in Germany questioning
whether their community had any future." <1912.txt>

Jim Vertuno (AP), "Man's appeal rejected in '98 dragging death: King team
disputed Byrd was kidnapped," 19 Oct 00, "The Texas Court of Criminal
Appeals on Wednesday rejected the appeal of John William King, the first
man convicted and sentenced to die for the dragging death of James Byrd Jr.
The nine-member court unanimously rejected Mr. King's claims that his trial
had merely proved that he was a racist but not a murderer or kidnapper."

AP, "Two Men Face Hate Crime Charges In Synagogue Arson Case," 19 Oct 00,
"Two men were indicted Wednesday on charges of attempted arson of a
synagogue and will be the first to be tried under the state's new hate
crime bill, officials said. Mazin Assi, 21, and Mohammed Alfaqih, 18, both
of Yonkers, were indicted in the attack in which someone threw a bottle of
flammable liquid at the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel, said Michelle
Medley, spokeswoman for the Bronx District Attorney's office." <1914.txt>

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "Seven Alleged Neo-Nazis Charged In Two
Deaths," 13 Oct 00, "Four suspected neo-Nazis were charged on Friday with
murder, and three others with manslaughter, in connection with the deaths
of two homelesss men in separate incidents in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
this year. In the first case, four males aged 15, 16, 19 and 24 allegedly
kicked to death a 51-year-old man...." <1915.txt>

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, "Outrageous Anti-Arab Racism
 From Florida GOP Candidate," 16 Oct 00, "Washington DC, October 16 -- Today
the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) the nation's largest
Arab-American membership organization, strongly condemned racist anti-Arab
remarks by Ric Keller, the Republican nominee for the House of
Representatives from central Florida's 8th district.  At an event on Oct.
12, Keller said 'I think Palestinians are lower than pond scum' and
endorsed Israel's bombing of defenseless Palestinian cities." <1916.txt>

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, "Pattern of Hateful Anti-Arab
Remarks Must be Condemned," 16 Oct 00, "In a yet another disturbing example
of the pattern of anti-Arab hate speech that has developed in recent days,
Rev. Franklin Graham, vice chairman of the Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association and son of noted evangelist Billy Graham, made a series of
extraordinarily racist remarks at a televised revival in Kentucky on Oct.
14.  Franklin Graham, who is his father's designated successor as head of
one of the largest evangelical associations in the United States, said "The
Arabs will not be happy until every Jew is dead.  They hate the state of
Israel.  They all hate the Jews.  God gave that land to the Jews. The Arabs
will never accept that.  Why can't they live in peace?"  These remarks were
broadcast to a huge television audience." <1917.txt>

Chani Cohen (Jerusalem  Post), "More than 200 attacks on Jewish targets,"
20 Oct 00, "More than 200 attacks on Jewish targets have occurred world-
wide since the beginning of the month, parallel to the violence in the
Middle East, Simon Wiesenthal Center dean Rabbi Marvin Hier said
yesterday." <1918.txt>

AP, "Germans Demonstrate Against Hate," 21 Oct 00, "Thousands of Germans
joined together in this western city Saturday to protest foreigner hate,
the extreme right and a neo-Nazi demonstration. ... Organizers said 20,000
people attended the event in Dortmund...." <1919.txt>

Janet McBride (Reuters). "Far Right Suffers Heavy Loss In Austria Poll," 15
Oct 00, "Austria's far right Freedom Party suffered heavy losses Sunday in
a regional election in Styria seen as a first test of support for the
national government of far right and conservatives. The Freedom Party's
share of the vote in the province was 12.4 percent. It took 29 percent in
last year's general election and 17 percent in Styria's last provincial
vote in 1995." <1920.txt>

                            * * * * *

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