This electoral circus is still more than a few thousand   DQ-ed  ballots
counting either  for  tweedledee and tweedledum-mer , and the win/loss  in
the electoral college. Each side shows their  megalomanic 
nature by having arbitrarily and capriciously  DQ-ing  ballots that will
most probably go to their opponent.

True  the ruling class as a whole will not quake in their stolen
well-heeled  boots over this &  you won't see
 any State  secession conventions held, whichever bourgeois gang wins out..
For them ,The election for the bosses is a heads i win, tails you lose 
scenario for sure. But but there  mainly 
tactical differences in the DP or RP governance over us. Also There are
some  growing regional 
differences/contradictions  in capitals competititve interests too. But
this Pier6-er political brawling
developing is  probably more over the thousands of plum Federal jobs and
appointments to
be lost and/or gained. There is also the hundreds of billions in Federal
projects that will be doled-out (no pun intended) over the next 4 years for
the 'campaign contributions"-
 read bribes received ($3 Billions for this Fed. election alone)  .  For
this the DP and the RP
will politically  duke it out --at least in their courts anyway.

But , lo and behold , by Dec 12th, we will probaly know who 'won' out  and
anyway  the DP-RP bi-partisan 
attacks on the workers  continues apace.


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