Stocks added to strong gains in late afternoon trading on Tuesday,
        upward by speculation that the U.S. central bank may consider
cutting interest
        rates and the battle for the White House is nearing a conclusion.

        Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Tuesday the U.S.
central bank
        must be alert to the risks of a sharp economic slowdown, signaling
he may be
        willing to contemplate interest rate cuts before too long.

        Shares of managed care companies shot up Tuesday along with the broader
        stock market as investors anticipated a likely Republican victory in
the White
        House that may spell relief for HMO reform in Washington.

        Orders for new goods from U.S. factories plummeted in October,
        weakened demand in most key sectors, the government said on Tuesday in a
        report signaling a slowing in the world's strongest economy.

        The global economy looks set for solid growth in the coming years as
        technological advances and globalization have helped boost growth
        the World Bank said in a report released on Tuesday.

        Business is always thoroughly sound and the campaign in full swing,
        suddenly the debacle takes place.

Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island, BC

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