>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/00 04:53PM >>>
Charles Brown wrote:

>Criticism of the CP for supporting Gore before the quasistalemate 
>result is kind of a stale issue.

Criticizing a party that calls itself Communist for supporting a 
centrist bourgeois politician is stale? I feel like I'm getting way 
out of touch.


CB: The elections over. That's what makes it stale. 

Well , are you a communist ? Do you support communism ? If not, you seem to be 
criticizing communists for not being communist enough for you, but you don't really 
support communism, so, you could probably be criticized for taking a number of 
positions that aren't good communism, like do I understand correctly that you are not 
quite certain that capitalism is all bad ? Hey that's just as bad as supporting a 
centrist bourgeois politician.

Anyway, it is a projection of a sectarian position on communists to imply that 
communists never support centrist bourgeois politicians. It's like you apply an 
ultra-radical standard to communists that you don't believe yourself , or something.  

No need to defend communists against a non-communist's requirements of how to be a 

Now if you want to look into being a communist...

>  Get with what is happening now and support Gore getting the lead in 
>Florida. That's the up to the minute left position.

Which is the losing position too, by coincidence.


CB: Oh yea, your position is with that "winner" Bush . Is that a coincidence ?

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