Glad to see some of that good BC weed has made it down under. I couple of
weeks ago I was working on the sandwichman-ifesto (but calling it the "lump
of Layard of fantasy") but had to put it aside because it was looking too
bleak or shrill or pedantic. Maybe reworked as the sandwichman-ifesto I can
get it smuggled in to the undergrad curriculum in countless universities and
be profiled in Wired, koo-koo-ca-choo.

Rob Schaap wrote:

>And we the eggmen, calibrated prettily all in a row, ere we be beaten into
>yellow matter custard that we might drip at a properly regulated flow from
>the dead dog's eye?  
>Talk of cyborgs inevitably attends an assumption that we live in an age so
>exceptional that a 'new' way of thinking about it is called for
>('information exceptionalism' some call this technodeterministic fetishism).
> The cyborg cannot know of history, nor that it is still in it, for it would
>then not be a cyborg at all.  It would be a proletarian - calibrated,
>regulated, replaced, and declared dead by The Machine not because of the
>internal rhythm of That Machine, but because of the rhythms that spawned,
>diffused, tasked and deified It.   We have ALWAYS been networked.  *And so
>have our Machines* (so much for the Professor of the History of
>Consciousness).  And we are cyborgs only insofar as we have not undertaken
>to criticise our subjectivity self-consciously from within.  And it must be
>from within, for, as poor old Lewis Mumford told us a long time ago, We Are
>The Machine.
>Haraway is indeed a cyborg.  The assembled Penpals are not, however, and
>eagerly await the Sandwichman's Manifesto - the full expression of which I
>dare hope is in the offing ... ?
>These beans are good,
Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island, BC

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