
             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 5 December 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 98 (#494)

Action Alerts:
    Petition for Leonard Peltier
    Irish Anti-Racists need support: Fighting Racism is Not a Crime
Web Sites of Interest:
    Landover Baptist Church: America's Favorite Church
    Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
    Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today
    U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Learning Center
Continuing Coverage of "Lone Wolf" Alex Curtis: Tom Metzger Speaks (Again)
    Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), W.A.R. Bulletin [#1], 1 Dec 00
    Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "W.A.R. Bulletin [#2]," 1 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
    AA News, "Another Dispute Over 'Teaching Religion' In Public Schools:
       Will Critical Approach Be Permitted? Muslim Groups Enters The Fray?,"
       27 Nov 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Our online petition for executive clemency for Leonard Peltier is sent
direct to the White House. <http://kola-hq.hypermart.net/actlp.htm>

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Irish Anti-Racists need support: Fighting Racism is Not a Crime

"On 28th March 2000 a group of eleven anti-racists occupied the Taoiseach's
[Prime Minster's] constituency office in Dublin, Ireland, in protest at
proposed draconian measures against asylum seekers. The government was
planning to introduce prison ships (so-called 'flotels'), forcible
fingerprinting and the introduction of police from abroad to catch people
fleeing injustice in their own countries. The Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern,
had praised the Australian system of dealing with asylum seekers, where
people are held in detention centres."



Landover Baptist Church: America's Favorite Church

[a little humor for the Holiday season --  tallpaul]

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Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority

Their website is redesigned and worth another look.

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Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today

"Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today, the most authoritative source of
information about antisemitism worldwide.

"Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today contains up-to-date country by country
reports on antisemitism. Each entry provides key data about the overall
political and economic situation in the country, information about racism
and xenophobia and then a series of sections on various aspects of

- - - - -

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Learning Center



W.A.R. Bulletin [#1]
Tom Metzger WHite Aryan Resistance)
1 Dec 00

Today Alex Curtis was in court along with several supporters including
Terrible Tommy.

I knew in my mind that he would get no bail. Prior to Alex appearance in
court several Mestizos and a couple of White guys were brought before the
Black Judge Mr. Houston in court F. The charges were mostly illegal alien
drug smugglers and Alien smugglers. Even though most were illegal they were
given bail and ordered not to flee to Mexico. Several had many convictions
but were still given bail.

Now we come to Alex. The Mestizo U.S. Attorney and her gang spent an hour
and a half painting Alex as the worst terrorist they had ever encountered
even digging up things he allegedly did as a teenager. By the time she was
through I expected the Marshall's to drag Alex into an alley and use a
firing squad on him.

It is now plain that one Robert Morehead who tried to snow me that he
didn't make a deal was lying through his teeth. It is also obvious the U.S.
Attorneys and the Bastard Sons and Daughters of J. Edgar would like to
broaden the case and drag others into the net.

I believe the Famous But Incompetent are using their new toy the Internet
Carnivore program to entrap racists on the net. I think but can't prove yet
that Mr. Morehouse contacted me with the express purpose of baiting me into
threatening him. He gave me his phone number and wanted me to meet him.
Obviously he would have been wired in stereo quadraphonic.. Sorry boys not
this time.

The other defendant who is assumed to be taking his medicine Mr. De Silva
was in court also. He wasn't given bail either. As the case progresses it
will be interesting to see if he doesn't make a deal also. Sorry but I am a
bit of a cynic.

So we have Robert Morehead who is believe to have committed most of the
allegations Alex is being charged with. The difference is  he made a deal
and is out on bail. The second plan of attack by the Mestizo U.S. Attorney
and her controller's is to not only railroad Alex into Federal Prison but
to destroy his parents also. Alex father Dale allegedly is putting up a
large amount of money. Possibly $100,000 for a so called good attorney that
is already being given flack from other freedom loving Attorneys not to
take the case.

Add to this the fact that Curtis parents are putting up their house trying
to bail Alex out of jail. When the offer of over $250,000 was presented by
Alex present court appointed attorney the U.S. Attorney turned it down
saying Alex was a flight risk and liable to kill several pillars of the
community. And she charged he was poised to flee the country.

The U.S. Attorney cleverly slid in an attack on Alex's mother who is a
veteran school teacher in the San Diego area and not involved with Alex
activities. The attempt is to cause her to lose her teaching career because
Alex is her son and neither her or Mr. Curtis is willing to give their son
up to the rats in power.

Beyond that they are laying the groundwork for a Morris Sleaze Dees type to
come in later and sue the Curtis parents thus totally destroying the entire
Curtis family and there ability to make a living. Probably handing over
their property to the locale head of the ADL who claims Alex scared him.
This Turkish idiot has been in San Diego for at least 20 years. If he had a
crystal ball to look into the past he would be a lot more frightened.

Now do you see why I hate the system with a perfect hatred? Why I am not a
conservative. Why I do not want to participate in any patch up band-aid
solution to a system of Empire that needs a stake driven through its heart
as fast as possible and by any means possible and with the aid of any
temporary bed fellows that can be useful. That's why I say voting is a joke
that after the recent election millions of others finally got that message.

How many times have I seen this very same scenario always knowing what the
end will be. Always knowing in advance what the courts will do. Always
knowing the fix is in. Trying to encourage but at the same time not be
Pollyanna. Even seasoned soldiers are shocked at the obscenity of the
judicial system that is simply big business now.

I personally think the Federals cannot afford to lose this case. They have
a great amount riding on it and San Diego is key to the move to begin
wholesale suppression Nation Wide first with easier targets then on to
other non PC types. You must realize that by ignoring the votes of a bunch
of old Jews in Florida the Republican party has committed a double hate
crime. One against Jews . The other against seniors. Think I am kidding?
The absurdities have just started.

Billions are on the line in the border areas and the Federals must keep a
lid on all pots at all costs. People like Alex are a symbol and it makes
the big money people very nervous. Even the low level propaganda efforts of
one man make them very nervous. That's why I have always predicted that the
Mexican Border area both here in San Diego - Tijuana and places like Juarez
Mexico and any place the U.S. corporations are befouling the environment
and using virtual slave labor is the gasoline. It wont take much of a match
to set it off.

Its not really about Racism or a few Jews being scared of what goes bump in
the night. Its about control and mega profits. The billions that are being
siphoned out of cheap Mexican labor along the border go to corporations
whose  offices are in San Diego. Also their Pacific Rim dreams are based

Again social upheavals cause Capitalists to get nervous. Already even the
press have commented on a big drain of capital out of San Diego County as
white middle class people in the know move on. Alex is making some people
in high places nervous. But not nearly as nervous as they should be.

Alex lawyer was not given copies of the one and a half hour diatribe from
the step and fetchit U.S. attorney until a short time before the hearing.
The judge wants to give him time to look over all the nothingness case and
respond on Dec. 12 in Court F which is Federal Judge Houston's court.
Meanwhile Alex is still in the slammer. Send him letters and funds to his
P.O. Box.

The U.S. Attorney moaned about how terrible it was that racial leaders all
over the country were asking for support for Alex. Mentioned was Rocky
Suhayda, Mat Hale, Richard Butler, Vince Bertollini. National Alliance,

Oh yes yours truly also. Also because I spoke to Alex Parents that we were
long lost buddies and were probably all in it together.

Does all this mean the sky is falling for us? Just the opposite. When
trifling alleged acts cause so much excitement you know your enemies are
getting more nervous all the time. Alex Curtis pushed the Lone Wolf
approach as I do. Lone Wolf doesn't have to mean violence either. That's up
to the individual and oh how the big boys fear independent action of any
kind they love the herd. If you are professional and covert you really
worry them. Alex has belled the cat! So no matter what he is a winner. Do
not let him down.

- - - - -

W.A.R. Bulletin [#2]
Tom Metzger (White Aruan Resistance)
1 Dec 00

A female federal prosecutor by the name of Meza has made a typical smear
disclosure in the case of Alex Curtis white separatist accused of making
the public aware of the corruption of local community leaders.  Alexander
Curtis' mother, a teacher at Mount Miguel High School, supports her son.

The prosecutor read a private letter from mother to son yesterday at
Curtis' bail review hearing written by Patricia Curtis in which she called
her son's white separatist efforts, "admirable."  Curtis remains behind
bars without bond pending another hearing December 12th.

As I said the Federallies who are lower than whale shit will use the tactic
of destroying the parents to try and break Alex Curtis. How would you feel
knowing your mother may lose her career and your father his business and
the family home if you don't co operate? These of course are the times that
bring out the best and the worst.

The PEPPERBELLY Mestizo U.S. attorney would do anything to put the Curtis
notch in her briefcase handle.

As the song says we never promised you a rose garden. These are the good
old days. You ain't seen anything yet. Don't worry our time will come but
it won't be Mickey mouse pranks. I believe now that even the cell idea is
too dangerous other than overt activity.   Lone wolf must mean LONE WOLF.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Another Dispute Over 'Teaching Religion' In Public Schools: Will Critical
    Approach Be Permitted? Muslim Groups Enters The Fray?
AA News
27 Nov 00

A new report says that teaching about religion in public schools "is an
essential part of a good education, even while promoting religion in
schools is inappropriate," and finds that most states require some kind of
instruction about faith-based beliefs.  With yet another controversy over a
comparative religion course in a Tennessee school district though,
questions remain on how "objective" such instruction will be, and whether
sectarian groups will continue to try and exploit these programs for their
own ends.

* According to the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Tennessee "is on
the cutting edge of states with social studies curricula that pledge
significant attention to world religions..."  The story cites a study
issued this past week by the First Amendment Center and the Council on
Islamic Education, which suggests "positive signs for the future of
teaching about religion in public schools," but cautions over the prospect
that "important limitations" still exist.  The study adds that "Coverage of
religion in the early grades is mostly superficial," that American history
courses frequently ignore religion in the period after the Civil War, and
that in the teaching of world history, Christianity seems to receive the
most emphasis over other faiths.

The study comes after a decision by the Shelby County, Tennessee school
board to terminate a proposed comparative religions course that according
to the Commercial Appeal would likely have been approved by state
officials.  This follows an unsuccessful effort last May to have the state
give the green light for a Bible history class.

Leading the effort to stop the Shelby County course in comparative religion
was newly elected school board member Wyatt Bunker.

"Our children are at a young age, an impressionable age," Bunker warned.
"It's just altogether a bad idea to teach Hinduism, Buddhism and voodoo and
whatever else in our schools."  Bunker added, "If they don't want God in
our schools, then we're not going to have Gandhi in our schools."

Bunker and other board members, though, had supported the earlier proposal
for two instructional course, Bible History I and Bible History II which
were funded by $180,000 in private donations and would have provided
instruction from a Protestant fundamentalist viewpoint.  One member of the
Shelby County school board suggested that the comparative religions course
should be rejected since it may still be possible to resurrect the Bible
history course.

So far, there are about 18 different studies and "guidelines" on the
teaching of religion which are used, to varying degrees, by state
education officials.  Sixteen states, including Tennessee, use the
National Standards for History as a paradigm model.  Susan Douglass, who
prepared the First Amendment Center-Council on Islamic Education study,
praised Tennessee as "really forward-looking among those who have committed
to teaching world history."

The National Standards model also drew praise in the study for its emphasis
on not limiting the religions studied only to those of major civilizations;
creating a logical framework of historical eras in chronological order; and
taking religion "very seriously, overcoming the limitations of one-shot
coverage and imbalances among traditions."

Still A Divisive Issue

Should efforts be made to teach "about religion" in public schools? Most
educators say that the study of comparative religion is a necessary element
in understanding world history and even current events.  There are
considerable differences, though, in the debate over how the subject should
be approached.

Fundamentalist Christians groups increasingly see the call to "teach
religion" in schools as referring only to their own sectarian beliefs, or
an outright invitation to proselytize.  These efforts include smuggling
religion into classrooms under the guise of "character" programs, or
courses in Biblical history which rarely emphasize a scholarly and critical
approach.  Legislation to fund such instruction is popular in several
states.  Two bills have been introduced in the Georgia state legislature
which provide for teaching of the history of the Old Testament and the New
Testament as elective courses.  One proposed statute (#1114) is sponsored
by House Education Chairwoman Jeanette Jamieson (D-Tocca) and would place
limits on teaching certain topics including the virgin birth and creation.
Other legislators have supported a version introduced by Rep.  Tommy Smith

Often religious proselytizing in the form of prayer legislation or efforts
to display the Ten Commandments is injected into the debate over education.
Georgia Rep.  Charles "Judy" Poag (D-Eton) has introduced a measure to
require display of the Commandments in all public school classrooms, and
would withhold state money from school districts which do not comply.  The
measure would affect the Quality Basic Education Act, the primary source of
funding for the state's school systems.

Many efforts to inject religious content into schools through "Bible
history" courses elicit support from groups like the National Council on
Bible Curriculum in Public Schools.  The Greensboro, N.C.- based group was
instrumental in trying to implement a "New Testament" curriculum in the Lee
County, Florida school district that was struck down in 1998 in Federal
court.  The organization has claimed that many schools have used its
guidelines in framing Bible history courses, but often provides different
figures (between 45 and as many as 300) and makes no specific references.
The NCBCPS Board of Directors includes televangelist D.  James Kennedy,
noted for his incendiary statements about homosexuals and the need to
display the Ten Commandments in "Godless" public schools; prize fighter
Evander Holyfield; and Christian Reconstructionist political candidate
Howard Phillips.

The NCBCPS website (http://www.bibleinschools.org) links to David Barton's
"WallBuilders" group and the Creation Science Museum project headed by
Biblical creationist exponent Carl Baugh.

Will "More Religion" Be Taught Fairly?

Some First Amendment groups, liberal religious denominations and others
suggest that a key component in teaching about religion in a fair manner
involves study of the world's many diverse faiths, not just Christianity.

"In the current climate, that could turn out to be a big problem," warns
Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists.  "So, you include Hindu,
Muslims and other sectarian belief systems in a history course. Then what?
What happens when pressure groups want that history presented in a biased,
favorable light that effectively ignores or censors their full history?"

Johnson cited the growing pressure from Muslims in America to have their
history presented in classrooms.

"Are courses going to talk about how Islam has oppresses women, and been
used to buttress theocratic regimes?"  she asked.  "Will a discussion of
Islam in the modern world mention Iran, or the death-sentence that was
imposed on dissident writers like Salman Rushdie?  I doubt it..."

Johnson added that including many or all religions in a curriculum mix is
not the answer.  "The fact is that if you are going to teach 'about
religion' from a historical and political viewpoint in a comprehensive
matter, you have to present all of the atrocities those belief systems --
and that includes Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist -- have been responsible for."

Johnson, who is currently writing a statement concerning the rights of
Atheist youngsters and parents in the public schools, warned that the
proliferation of "guidelines" being issued by the federal government and
private, sectarian groups is creating more confusion over the role of
religion in the classroom.  "What we have now is a battle between
fundamentalist Christians who want only their 'flavor' of religion taught
in schools, and other religious groups who are asking for 'equal time.'  "


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

From:       "Byker" <byker@do~rag.net>
Newsgroups: alt.flame.niggers,soc.culture.african.american,
Subject:    Re: FUCK YOU NIGGERS BUSH WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date:       8 Nov 00

Ahhhhhhhh, the "Good Ol' Days" of "WHITES ONLY" and "DON'T LET THE SUN GO
DOWN ON YOU."  Those wonderful times when you could come home from a hard
days' work, open up the paper and read:




                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

Tom Tugend (JTA), "U.S. man sentenced for racist graffiti," 28 Nov 00, "A
U.S. judge has sentenced a man who spray-painted an Egyptian immigrant's
house with swastikas and white supremacist symbols to 10 months in prison."

The Guardian, "Gypsies turned away into Nazi hands," 4 Dec 00, "The
legendary jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt was among an unknown number of
Gypsies who were systematically turned back from Switzerland during World
War II, even though the authorities knew they faced extermination in Nazi
Germany, according to an independent commission of historians. The study,
part of officially-backed investigations into Swiss wartime history, says
the authorities failed to lift a decades-old policy of discrimination
against Gypsies. It says they were aware in 1942 that Gypsies were being
sent to Nazi death camps. For years, Swiss border guards had witnessed
Gypsies being beaten and shot at before being expelled by Italian
fascists." <1972.txt>

David Bamber, Chris Hastings and Adam Lusher in London (The Guardian),
"Boy's murder exposes black-on-black racism," 4 Dec 00, "Police have
questioned two 13-year-old black youths and a 39-year-old black woman in
connection with the murder of a Nigerian schoolboy in London." <1973.txt>

Jamie Hodari (Columbia Daily Spectator), "Spy who captured Nazi speaks at
Columbia," 30 Nov 00, "After successfully completing one of the most famous
spy missions of the 20th century, Peter Malkin was disappointed. He had
captured Adolf Eichmann in 20 seconds, but that was 11 seconds over his
goal." <1974.txt>

Malcomb Daniels (Brimingham News), "Black Helena officers claim bias in
lawsuit," 1 Dec 00, "Two black Helena police officers have filed a federal
lawsuit contending they were the victims of racial discrimination. The two
men, one of whom recently left the department, were the city's only black
police officers." <1975.txt>

Scott Parks (Dallas Morning News), "Republic of Texas members indicted in
firearms case: All six had roles in 1997 standoff with Rangers; most
already in prison," 5 Dec 00, "Imprisoned Republic of Texas leader Richard
L. McLaren and five followers have been indicted on federal firearms
charges related to a highly publicized 1997 standoff in the Davis
Mountains. A federal grand jury in Pecos, Texas, issued the indictment Nov.
14. It had been sealed until Friday so one of the defendants would not flee
before being arrested. The indictment accuses Mr. McLaren and his followers
of conspiracy to violate the National Firearms Act during their weeklong
standoff with Texas Rangers and other law officers." <1976.txt>

David Kocieniewski (New York Times), "U.S. Wrote Outline for Race
Profiling, New Jersey Argues," 29 Nov 00, "Weaving its way through the
91,000 pages of documents on racial profiling released by New Jersey
officials is a largely overlooked thread in the national debate on race and
crime although states like New Jersey have been the most egregious
offenders, the textbook on singling out minority drivers was written by the
federal government. New Jersey officials contend that the reason racial
profiling is a national problem is that it was initiated, and in many ways
encouraged, by the federal government's war on drugs." <1977.txt>

Jerome G. Miller (Yes! Magazine), "American Gulag," Fall 2000, "The figures
are startling. In the last year of the Carter administration (1979), our
nation's federal prisons held about 20,000 inmates. By contrast, as the
Clinton administration draws to a close we will have 135,000 inmates in
federal prisons; projecting an annual growth of 10 percent the number will
reach a quarter million in five years. In 1979, there were 268,000 inmates
in the prisons of all 50 states. Today, they hold almost 1.3 million. In
1979, there were 150,000 in local jails and lockups. Today, local jail
facilities hold nearly 700,000. This year, we will exceed  2 million
inmates in our prisons and jails. As we enter the millennium, the nation
has about 6.5 million of its citizens under some form of correctional
supervision." <1978.txt>

Justin Sparks (Daily Telegraph), "Polish man accused of 'war crimes'
against the Germans," 3 Dec 00, "The trial of a 78-year-old Pole accused of
killing thousands of German civilians in the aftermath of the Second World
War is set to become the first of a series of court cases in which Germans
are seen as the victims instead of the perpetrators of Nazi-related
crimes." <1979.txt>

Bob Herbert (New York Times), "A Plan to Intimidate Judges," 5 Dec 00, "As
the Supreme Court listened to the arguments presented by lawyers for George
W. Bush and Al Gore, no one seriously considered the possibility that a
ruling one way or another could result in justices being impeached. But the
impeachment and removal of federal judges who issue rulings that are
objectionable to some conservatives has been very seriously proposed by
Representative Tom DeLay, one of the most powerful members of Congress, and
other right-wing extremists in the Republican Party." <1980.txt>

                            * * * * *

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