Nathan Newman wrote:

>Gore's speech was pathetic-

I'm gratified to see Nathan's reaction to Gore's speech. My own reaction is
that while I am appalled at the supreme court/florida mafia coup d'etat and
can take no comfort from Bush's obligatory homilies, I also can't find any
regret that Gore will not preside over the next four years. Had the union,
black and latino Democrating activists actually succeeded in dragging Gore's
corpse across the finish line (and getting the result certified by Kathryn
Harris, Antonin Scalia and Just Our Bill Rehnquist) I have no doubt a Gore
administration would have repayed them with the same patrician patronizing
Gore displayed in his speech.

Images of vegetation and nakedness abound. Emperor Shrub will wear the Gored
olive branch as a fig leaf at his unauguration to conceal the nakedness
uncovered by his magnificent, invisible new clothes that only a fool could
fail to see were woven of the finest judicial gold and twenty pieces of
silver. How fitting that Chief Just Our Bill will administer the Oaf of Orifice.

Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island, BC

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