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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 15 December 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 101 (#497)

    Santa Zog, "A Militia Man's Christmas," Dec 1995
Three More Far-Rightists Off to Jail
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Intimidation results in 10-year prison
       term," 14 Dec 00
    Mark Pazniokas (Hartford Courant), "Two Convicted Of Fraud," 14 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
    AA News, "Atheist Director Wins As Federal Circuit Court Strikes Ten
       Commandments Monument In Indiana," 13 Dec 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



A Militia Man's Christmas
by Santa Zog (composed December 1995)

[A little humor from another researcher. For those of you not familiar with
the dramatis personae of the militia movement, "Mark" is Mark Koernke, and
"Linda" is Linda Thompson --  tallpaul]

'Twas the night before Christmas, and in the condominium
Not a patriot was stirring, not even a Davidian.
The duffels were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Mark from Michigan soon would be there;
The troops were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Ruby Ridge danced in their heads;
And Linda in her camos and I in my helmet,
Had just settled down to sleep for a bit,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clamor,
I grabbed a revolver and pulled back the hammer.
Away to the window I flew to defend
My home from the ravenous liberal fiends.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Made it seem like the body of Janet Reno.
When, what through my wandering scope should appear,
But a miniature troop-carrier, complete with full gear,
With a fatigue-clad driver, so lively and sharp,
I knew 'twas from Michigan--the guy they called Mark.
More rapid than jack-booted thugs did he come,
And he ranted and raved and at the mouth he did foam.
"Now, U.N.! Now, Clinton! Now Brady and Schroeder!
"On, Boutros! On, Hillary! On, New World Order!
To the compound at Waco! To the OKC faxes!
Now dash away! dash away, all income taxes!"
Like liberals, wanting to have one-world rule,
At the thought of banning our guns do so drool,
So too did Mr. Koernke drive to our door
Avoiding the land mines I'd placed there before.
And then, in a twinkling, I saw that he'd drawn
A Chinese assault weapon right there on my lawn.
As I readied a grenade and was turning around,
With a fiery cascade, he shot my door down.
He was dressed all in green from his cap to his trousers
And his clothes were all tarnished with reloading powder.
Three Sam Brownes full of ammo were slung on his back,
And he looked like Attila getting ready to sack.
His eyes--how they twinkled! His mustache how Nazi!
His cheeks were like roses, his demeanor so ROTC!
His droll little mouth was all set to grin
As if a microchip had been emplanted within.
The stock of his AK he gripped tight with care
As a thin whisp of smoke rose from it through the air.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when his videos were played on the telly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old sort,
The kind that would kill government agents for sport.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his hairs
Suggested to me there was no light on upstairs.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
And rearmed all our weapons; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger on his safety release,
He reentered the confines of his great armored beast.
He turned on the engine and away did he speed,
Following street signs that had been secretly keyed.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he turned round the corner,
"God bless the Republic, and Death to the New World Order!"



Intimidation results in 10-year prison term
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
14 Dec 00

WEST BEND -- Andrew Joseph Schneider, 64, will spend 10 years in prison
after being sentenced on 10 counts of filing bogus papers to intimidate
local officials.

Schneider could have been sentenced to 50 years in prison after being
convicted in October by a Washington County jury that deliberated just 30

The Wisconsin Department of Justice handled the prosecution.

- - - - -

Two Convicted Of Fraud
Mark Pazniokas (Hartford Courant)
14 Dec 00

A down-on-his-luck former securities broker and the former preacher he
hired  to sell small investors his secret path to riches were convicted
Wednesday of  defrauding clients from all walks of life who eagerly gave
them nearly $5  million.

Richard S. Markey, 44, of Simsbury, a former broker who professed to run an
international investment firm from his home, was convicted in U.S. District
Court in Hartford of conspiracy, wire fraud and mail fraud.

Joseph W. Simpson, 50, a former preacher who was a Florida fugitive living
in  Canada last year while he hosted telephone sales conferences selling
Markey's  scheme, was convicted of conspiracy and mail fraud.

After five weeks of testimony and two days of deliberation, a jury of nine
women and three men returned guilty verdicts on every count of an 18-count

The verdicts appeared to jolt Markey, who shook his head as the first of
the  verdicts was read aloud. Simpson, who frequently voiced anti-
government  rhetoric as he represented himself during the trial, smiled

In just three months last year, Markey and Simpson raised $4.8 million from
investors across the country by promising astronomical returns of at least
70  percent a month on deals vaguely described as "trades'' and
"international  debentures."

Checks and money orders, most for just $250 and others for as much as a
couple of thousand dollars, poured into a private mailbox Markey rented at
Mailboxes, Etc. of Simsbury in the name of Marquis International Holdings.

Markey and Simpson each had extensive experience in so-called multi-level
marketing schemes, in which customers can earn a commission by selling
their  friends on the venture. Such schemes have proliferated on the
Internet,  promising easy riches.

The government said investors had no way of knowing that Simpson, who told
early investors their accounts had already grown dramatically, actually was
a  fugitive wanted in Florida for violating the terms of supervised
release.  Simpson had prior convictions for money-laundering, credit-card
fraud and  escape.

Markey, the supposed genius who had discovered how to open the investment
secrets of the super-rich to the little guy, had been accused of stealing
client funds while a broker in Florida a decade ago. In recent years he had
struggled financially, losing money on a venture selling telephone calling

Then, starting in April 1999, a torrent of checks began flowing to Marquis
International, a company Markey ran from a folding table in his garage.
Instead of investing as promised, Markey diverted much of the money into
his  own accounts. He shipped $1.25 million to an overseas trust account in
the  names of himself, his wife and two sons.

The government said Markey engaged in no trades of any kind. As for the
"international debentures," a fraud expert testified that no such
investment  instrument exists.

Responding to complaints that the telephone venture was a scam, postal
inspectors and the FBI discovered last spring that Markey's main business
was  selling non-existent investments. State banking officials also
received  complaints.

Federal investigators were able to intercept about $2 million in checks and
money orders and they also obtained a court order freezing accounts worth
$1.97 million.

Judge Alvin W. Thompson scheduled sentencing for March 5. Each count is
punishable by a maximum of five years in prison, though Markey likely faces
about six years in prison under federal guidelines. Simpson, with his
criminal record, could face more than 10 years.

Assistant U.S. Attorney James Genco asked Thompson to immediately revoke
Markey's bail, but the judge delayed a decision until Friday. Genco said
Markey's anti-government rhetoric - he calls himself a "sovereign," as does
Simpson, and does not recognize the court's authority - makes him a flight

Jeremiah Donovan, who represents Markey, said his client is devoted to his
two sons, aged 12 and 14, and would not flee. Markey, who divorced earlier
this year, has been earning a living doing chores at a motel where he is
staying and by delivering newspapers. Simpson already is in custody,
serving  a three-year sentence for violating the terms of his supervised
release.  Aside from the verdict, there was another indication that Simpson
made a poor  impression on the jury while acting simultaneously as
defendant, witness and  attorney.

One juror sent Thompson a note asking if Simpson possessed a list of the
jurors' names, and, if so, could it be returned. Simpson, who never stopped
smiling at the jurors Wednesday, told the judge he would surrender the jury
list. He said, "I've got no problem with that."


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Atheist Director Wins As Federal Circuit Court Strikes Ten Commandments
     Monument In Indiana
AA News
13 Dec 00

Unconstitutional displays of the Ten Commandments on public property in
Indiana may be coming down, thanks in part to the efforts of Mike Suetkamp,
attorney Ken Falk, and the U.S.  Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Earlier today, a three-judge panel ruled that a monument of the Judeo-
Christian Decalogue in front of the Elkhart, Indiana municipal building
violated the Establishment clause separation of church and state.  The
justices found that shabby attempts to declare the religious monument a
secular memorial failed, and they ordered the case remanded "for
proceedings in conformity with this opinion."  That could mean that the
Commandments display may have to be removed or relocated.

Mr. Suetkamp, Indiana State Director for American Atheists, was pleased
with the decision and told AANEWS that it could have consequences

"There are several suits throughout the state dealing with Ten Commandment
displays on government property, including the one on the grounds of the
state capitol," Suetkamp said.  "This could have an important impact in
having these unconstitutional religious symbols removed."

"It's been worth the fight," Suetkamp added.  He expressed praise for Ken
Falk, ACLU attorney who has pursued the case since the initial filing.

Today's ruling is another major setback for such unconstitutional displays
on public property.  Early last month, U.S.  District Judge Sarah Barker
Evans ordered a 9-1/2 ton granite Ten Commandments monument removed from
the courthouse lawn in Lawrence County, Indiana. That monument was
eventually to be placed in front of the state capitol building; but with
today's Circuit Court finding, all such displays are in possible jeopardy.

The good news from the Court of Appeals reversed a December, 1999 ruling by
U.S.  District Judge Allen Sharp who had ruled that the Elkhart
Commandments monument passed constitutional scrutiny.  Sharp opined that
while the text of the Ten Commandments dominated the stone cenotaph, "it
cannot be said that the message of the monument is exclusively religious,"
and that a neutral observer would not necessarily believe that the
government was endorsing or promoting religious belief.

Commandment Display A Tinseltown Marquee?

Like many other Ten Commandments displays throughout the country which
until recently were found in parks or in front of municipal and county
buildings, the Elkhart monument was a donation from the Fraternal Order of
Eagles.  While intending to promote religiosity and good citizenship,
though, the FOE was, in fact, including itself in a possible scheme hatched
by a Minnesota juvenile court judge named E. J.  Ruegemer, and Hollywood
mogul Cecil B.  DeMille.

Circuit Court documents note that over half-a-century ago, Ruegemer,
"Disheartened by the growing number of youths in trouble ...  sought to
provide them with a common code of conduct," and founded a Youth Guidance
Program.  He originally intended to post paper copies of the Ten
Commandments in juvenile courts, first in Minnesota and then across the
country.  Toward that end, he contacted the FOE service organization, which
initially rejected the idea fearing that "the program might seem coercive
or sectarian."

"In response to these concerns," noted the Circuit Court, "representatives
of Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism developed what the individuals
involved believed to be a nonsectarian version of the Ten Commandments
because it could not be identified with any one religious group."  With
this, the Fraternal Order of Eagles endorsed Ruegemer's plan.

Enter Hollywood titan Cecil B.  DeMille (1881-1959), producer of such
blockbuster films as "The Plainsman," "The Buccaneer,""Cleopatra" and, of
course, a string of religion themed hits including "The Ten Commandments,"
"King of Kings," and "Sign of the Cross."  Just as the "Youth Guidance
Program" was getting started, DeMille coincidentally was working on "The
Ten Commandments," and suggested that rather than settling for mere paper
copies of the Decalogue, that bronze plaques might be more suitable and
enduring.  Ruegemer then upped the ante by proposing that the Commandments
be written on granite, and DeMille agreed.  Two Minnesota granite companies
were then put to work stamping out Ten Commandments monuments for display
throughout the country, and financed by the FOE.

In 1958, the Elkhart, Indiana chapter of the Fraternal Order of Eagles
donated its version of the Commandments to the City.

It is ironic that DeMille, while appearing to purchase a degree of social
respectability by endorsing a religious promotion, had for years been a
strong opponent of sectarian-government censorship.  His 1932 epic "Sign of
the Cross," described as a "sexy, bloody Roman-versus Christians"
production, was considered the controversial films that led to the
establishment of the Roman Catholic run Legion of Decency.  For nearly
three decades, the Legion exercised a shocking amount of control over the
content of Hollywood films.  Two decades after "Sign of the Cross," DeMille
was once again in trouble with censors due to his spectacular production,
"The Greatest Show on Earth," featuring Betty Hutton, Dorothy Lamont and
Gloria Grahame, along with screen idols Charlton Heston and Jimmy Stewart.
Although it passed muster with the Hollywood Production Code Office, "The
Greatest Show on Earth" earned a B-rating (objectionable for all) from the

Ten Commandments displays proliferated across the nation during a crucial
time in American history; the country was in the midst of the "cold war," a
period when public professions of religiosity were emblematic of the
cultural and military confrontation with "Godless communism."  President
Eisenhower instituted a round of "prayer breakfasts" and other religious
events at the White House.  In Congress, federal legislators responded by
declaring "In God We Trust" as America's national motto, discarding the
earlier and secular Latin slogan, "E Pluribus Unum" or "out of many, one."
The new "God motto" was inserted onto the nation's currency, and included
in the Pledge of Allegiance.

By 1956, DeMille was no longer a confrontationalist who challenged the
authority of Hollywood censors and Church bluenoses.  His remake of "The
Ten Commandments" earned approval from the Legion of Decency, and generated
more than $43 in box office profits.

Elkhart Embraces Its New Religious Shine

Back in Elkhart, the May 31, 1958 edition of the local "Elkhart Truth"
newspaper covered the dedication of the new monument, noting the
participation of local government officials, lodge members from the FOE,
the pastor of the neighborhood Catholic church, the outgoing president of
the Elkhart Ministerial Association, and a rabbi from the Temple Israel.
The monument was position on the lawn in front of the city's Municipal
Building, which houses offices for the mayor, prosecutor, and the Common
Council.  In other areas of the building's lot were a Revolution War
Monument and the Freedom Monument honoring war dead.

Above the "nonsectarian" rendition of the Commandments were two small
tablets with ancient Hebrew script.  Other decorations included a bas
relief of the American Eagle, flag, two small Stars of David and floral
patterns.  In addition, two Greek letters, Chi and Rho were superimposed on
one another as a symbol representing Christ.

No Challenge Until 1998

No residents bothered to challenge the constitutionality of the display
until 1998, when the city was threatened with a law suit if it did not
remove the monument.  On May 4, the Common Council responded with a
resolution "regarding the display of the Ten Commandments on public
property," which consisted of the usual obfuscation and denial. The
resolution discussed the "historical and cultural" significance of the
Commandments, and their "significant impact on the development of the
fundamental legal principles of Western Civilization."  In effect, the
Council had embarked on a strategy of attempting to declare the monument
secular and constitutional by simple fiat.

  A District Court agreed, suggesting that the monument had a secular
purpose in that it promoted morality in youth.  The court also suggested
that the monument included many religious symbols (and thus did not promote
a specific religion) and was part of a larger collection of historical and
cultural displays such as the war monuments.  All of this, however, was
reversed by today's victory in the Circuit Court.

 From The Court...

* "As a starting point, we do not think it can be said that the Ten
Commandments, standing by themselves, can be stripped of their religious,
indeed sacred, significance and characterized as a moral or ethical

* Discussing the fact that a frieze on the wall of the U.S.  Supreme Court
happens to depict Moses holding the Ten Commandments, the Circuit Court

"The frieze contains depictions of two other religious figures, Confucius
and Mohammed, but also includes Caesar Augustus, William Blackstone,
Napoleon Bonaparte, and John Marshall.  Justice Stevens has stated that the
placement of all of these historic figures together on the frieze signals a
respect for great lawgivers, not great proselytizers..."

* "Here, the record discloses no significant attempt by the City of Elkhart
to present the text of the Ten Commandments in a way that might diminish
its religious character ...  The code chosen ...  was a religious code that
focuses not only on subjects that are the legitimate concerns of civil
authorities, but also subjects that are beyond the ken of any government
and that address directly the relationship of the individual human being
and God.  That the purpose was to endorse, through governmental
sponsorship, a code of religious values is further established by the
program of speakers at the dedication of the monument..."

* Could the city "secularize" the Ten Commandments by fiat and decrees?
The Circuit Court was skeptical, and noted:

"Moreover, nothing in the subsequent history of the monument can be said to
have in any way transformed that religious purpose.  The City's resolution,
issued on the eve of this litigation and proclaiming a secular purpose for
the monument's presence by recognizing the historical and cultural
significance of the Ten Commandments, ought to be accorded no more wait
than the avowed secular legislative purpose articulated by the Kentucky
legislature in Stone (STONE v.  GRAHAM) ..."

* "Even if we were to ignore the primary purpose behind displaying the Ten
Commandments monument, we would have to conclude that this particular
display has the primary or principal effect of advancing religion..."

* Elkhart officials suggested that the monument was somehow "secularized"
by the presence of the American Eagle and flag.  The Court responded:

"In this regard, the placement of the American Eagle gripping the national
colors at the top of the monument hardly detracts from the message of
endorsement (of religion); rather, it specifically links religion, or more
specifically these two religions, and civil government..."

* "Finally, we cannot say that the monument's acknowledgment of two
religious traditions, rather than one, renders the situation before us in
compliance with the strictures of the Constitution.  'The simultaneous
endorsement of Judaism and Christianity is no less constitutionally infirm
than the endorsement of Christianity alone'." (COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY, 492

A Loophole?

If no good deed goes unpunished, then courts are not always zealous in
defending the civil liberties of Atheists, or a total separation of church
and state.  The Circuit Court decision leaves some options for the city,
including replacement of the monument to another location, and other steps.
"In making those decisions, Elkhart has the right and, indeed, the
obligation to take into consideration the religious sensibilities of its
people and to accommodate that aspect of its citizens' lives in any way
that does not offend the strictures of the Establishment Clause..."

The Court then quotes a controversial decision from ZORACH v.  CLAUSEN
(1952) where Supreme Court justices noted: "We are a religious people whose
institutions presuppose a Supreme Being..."

Elkhart, or any other municipality or state, could still attempt to
"secularize" the Commandments by situating them as part of a larger display
which, to a court, suggests honor of or emphasis on "history," "culture" or
tradition.  This ruse has worked in salvaging a number of religious
seasonal displays on public property, including Christian nativity creches
and Jewish menorahs.  With enough plastic Santa Claus figures or reindeer,
a nativity can be "secularized" if it is not the central part of a display.
The same ploy may pass muster with a court.

Religious supporters of Ten Commandments monuments, however, may not settle
on such a workable strategy, or they may feel that it is one which
trivializes and marginalizes their display.  Mr. Suetkamp thinks that the
City may appeal the case, grinding up more tax money in pursuit of its
unconstitutional goals.

"We'll go the distance, even if they do appeal," declared Mr. Suetkamp.
"It's worth it ...  it's the principle of the thing."


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

From:        "Alex Vange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups:  alt.revisionism et al
Subject:     Re: The Extinction of the European race
Date:        16 Dec 00

Who is White can only matter to those of us who have a plan concerning
race. When the liberals wanted affirmative action they had to decide who
was a White man, and therefore not entitled to special privaleges. In this
case the liberals were the ones to decide who they wanted to call White.

We are talking about having a White nation. We will be the ones to
decide. There will be more than one nation. White nationalists in
Scandinavian countries should have a higher standard on who is White than
we would in the United States.

The main goal of America is to destroy White civilization by mixing
Whites with other races.  Because of this it will get harder and harder to
find White neigborhoods (good neighborhoods) to live in. We should preserve
our race by having a homeland of our own.

Our opponants say it is impossible to have White homeland because they say
we can not determine who is White and who is not. Even though they can
determine this easily enough when they want affirmitive action, they say
that we can not.



The last issue, labeled 4:100 (#495) was actually #496.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

Mark Pazniokas (Hartford Courant), "Two Convicted Of Fraud," 14 Dec 00, "A
down-on-his-luck former securities broker and the former preacher he hired
to sell small investors his secret path to riches were convicted Wednesday
of defrauding clients from all walks of life who eagerly gave them nearly
$5 million." <1991.txt>

James Carroll (Boston Globe), "Jesse Helms is Sparking a Real
Constitutional Crisis," 5 Dec 00, "Worrying about a potential
constitutional crisis coming out of Florida, we hardly noticed a creeping
constitutional crisis that showed itself in New York last week. At the
United Nations, representatives of more than 100 countries are at work,
until this Friday, on negotiations aimed at implementing the 1998 Rome
Treaty on the International Criminal Court." <1992.txt>

Bev Conover (The Online Journal), "Hyper-technicalities, judges and
evidence," 7 Dec 00, "To hear the Republican spinmeisters, it is a 'hyper-
technicality' when Florida law is violated in applying for an absentee
ballot and it's okay for a judge to make a ruling without reviewing all the
evidence, yet a judge in Marion County, FL, thought the 'hyper-
technicality' of an incomplete address and telephone number was sufficient
to throw out a lawsuit charging irregularities in the election of that
county's sheriff." <1993.txt>

Laura Flanders (ZNet Commentary), "A Racist Elephant in Our Living Room,"
13 Dec 00, "There's an elephant in our electoral living room that
Democratic leaders want to hide. In all the talk about cranky voting
machines, chads and butterflies, this is one topic the Gore camp has not
touched. It will hurt them. It has already. In this case, the pachyderm is
institutional racism, and in an election of losers it has come out on top."

Patrick Riley (Fox News), "Secrets Going From Fingertips to the Feds," 13
Dec 00, "To go where its Carnivore e-mail snooper cannot, the FBI has
developed another covert technique: Breaking in and bugging a suspect's
keyboard. The controversial Carnivore, which remotely sifts through
Internet transmissions looking for a suspect's e-mail, is widely believed
to be worthless against even the simplest forms of encryption. But by
installing a subtle piece of hardware to a computer, investigators have
been able to monitor every keystroke seconds before they are scrambled in
the hard drive." <1995.txt>

Dianne Mathiowetz (The Guardian), "US Army detains 1700 at School of
Americas," 6 Dec 00, "Thousands of opponents of the School of the Americas
at Ft Benning in Columbus, Ga, defied a steady downpour and frigid
temperatures to carry out a massive act of political resistance on November
19. Dressed in black shrouds, carrying coffins and crosses inscribed with
the names of those killed by SOA-trained troops throughout Latin America,
over 3,500 people entered Ft Benning in a solemn procession." <1996.txt>

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, "Letter to the Editor -- New
York Times," 7 Dec 00, "To the Editor: You report that 101 prominent
American rabbis have called for "sharing" the Haram al Sharif (also known
as the Temple Mount) in East Jerusalem between Jews and Muslims (news
article, Dec. 7). Of course, most Palestinians, whether Muslim or
Christian, welcome any appeal for religious tolerance in the Holy City."

Jim Smith (New York Daily News), "Protesters disrupt hearing," 7 Dec 00,
"Deputy U.S. marshals and court security officers yesterday removed about
50 demonstrators, all anti-death-penalty fans of convicted cop-killer Mumia
Abu-Jamal, from the federal courthouse at 6th and Market streets. The
demonstrators wanted to attend a probation-violation hearing for Charles
(Clark is who this reporter should have said) Kissinger, an activist from
New York who had been arrested in 1999 for blocking access to the Liberty
Bell during an Abu-Jamal rally." <1998.txt>

Laurie Goodstein (New York Times), "101 Rabbis Call for Sharing Temple
Mount," 7 Dec 00, "More than 100 American rabbis have issued a statement
saying that there is no religious reason to require exclusive Jewish
sovereignty over the Temple Mount, the massive stone plateau in Jerusalem,
considered holy by both Jews and Muslims, that has been at the center of
the recent violence in the Middle East." <1999.txt>

Gregory Palast (The [London] Observer), "Inside Republican America -- A
blacklist burning for Bush: The more you look the more disbarred and
'disappeared' Gore voters you find. You'd almost think it was deliberate,"
10 Dec 00, "Hey, Al, take a look at this. Every time I cut open another
alligator, I find the bones of more Gore voters. This week, I was hacking
my way through the Florida swampland known as the Office of Secretary of
State Katherine Harris and found a couple thousand more names of voters
electronically 'disappeared' from the vote rolls. About half of those named
are African-Americans. They had the right to vote, but they never made it
to the balloting booths. When we left off our Florida story two weeks ago,
The Observer discovered that Harris's office had ordered the elimination of
8,000 Florida voters on the grounds that they had committed felonies in
other states. None had." <2000.txt>

                            * * * * *

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