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           The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 30 December 2000
                     Vol. 4, Number 104 (#500)

Action Alerts:
    Chisun Lee (Village Voice), "Backers Cry Kangaroo Court Philly Judge
       Throws Book at Career Mumia Supporter"
    Kissinger's Ad-Hoc Defense Committee, "Support Clark!"
The Net and Rightwing Organizing
    Paul Kneisel, "Forgery Case At America Online May Have Far-reaching
       Impact On Internet Hate Speech"
    Lucy Sherriff (The Register), "AOL spammer pleads guilty to forgery," 12
       Dec 00
    Erich Luening (CNET), "Man pleads guilty in first Net forgery case," 12
       Dec 00
    ICARE, "Bertlesmann and Napster have pledged to work closely with German
       authorities to weed out right-wing extremists from using the online
       music-sharing service," 22 Dec 00



Backers Cry Kangaroo Court Philly Judge Throws Book at Career Mumia
Supporter Chisun Lee (Village Voice)

Chanting "Mumia's fearless, so are we. We demand that Clark go free," two
dozen demonstrators braved freezing winds Wednesday morning to protest the
incarceration of a supporter of death row inmate  Mumia Abu-Jamal at the
Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. Accusations of political
persecution might be commonplace for this crowd, but in this case, the
penalties dealt activist Clark Kissinger  seem to invite skepticism about
just application of the law. Their main  target: magistrate judge Arnold
Rapoport, "a flaming reactionary" who  "has engaged in utterly bizarre,
erratic behavior," according to Kissinger lawyer Ronald Kuby.

Kissinger's troubles with Rapoport began last year, but intensified  after
a December 6 hearing in Philadelphia, where he received a sentence  of 90
days in jail for violating probation related to a previous arrest.  As part
of that probation, Kissinger had been forbidden from leaving his  hometown,
New York City, without the consent of authorities. But on  August 1,
Kissinger did just that, to deliver a speech on Mumia at the  Republican
National Convention. Kissinger requested but was denied permission for that

Given the once-in-a-lifetime occasion of a Republican convention in the
town of Abu-Jamal's imprisonment, however, he went anyway.

In his speech, he called George W. Bush "a smirking frat rat" who had
"killed 135 people, that is, approximately one person every other week  for
the entire tenure of his governorship of Texas."

This highly public appearance landed him before Rapoport again. During  the
hearing, Kuby argued that Kissinger had every constitutional right  to
travel to a relevant spot to most effectively deliver his political
message. Rapoport apparently had other ideas. Though he opened the hearing
claiming that "the only issue is whether or not the defendant  violated the
terms of his probation," his subsequent comments hinted at  a different

Rapoport at one point suggested Kissinger had "created a riot" at his  New
York probation office, although he eventually tempered that
characterization, according to an official transcript of the hearing.
Later, he mentioned threats he had received, asking Kissinger, "(T)hat's
what we're to expect here?"

"He was clearly blaming Kissinger for these (threats)," Kuby says. "If  he
had been a defendant acting like that, he would have been packed off  for
psychiatric evaluation."

Some of Rapoport's comments -- like "(T)here seems to be a trail of
disruption wherever (Kissinger) goes" -- drew laughter from Kissinger
supporters, prompting the judge to order the courtroom cleared.

"(Rapoport) is a flaming reactionary, furious that people have raised  the
issue of Mumia Abu-Jamal and have traveled to Philly to do it," Kuby  says.

A member of Rapoport's staff said the judge would not comment. But
assistant U.S. attorney Richard Goldberg denies the judge behaved
inappropriately and says, "The case was very simple -- Mr. Kissinger
stipulated that he violated the terms of his probation." He adds, "Your
First Amendment rights aren't absolute when you break the law."

Kissinger's supporters accuse Rapoport of skewed and severe
decision-making, beginning with probation conditions they call too harsh
for the crime. For a Class B misdemeanor -- among the most minor of
violations, usually meriting a small fine -- Kissinger received a year's
probation, in which he has been banned from traveling without permission,
has had to turn in his passport, and is under orders to  provide personal
and financial data and information on associates.

All that for allegedly refusing an order to move during a lawful protest
at Philadelphia's Liberty Bell pavilion in July 1999. Rather than plead
guilty and pay a small fine, he and a few others pled innocent and went  to

Kuby believes the state is in part punishing Kissinger for daring to go  to
trial. He calls the one-year probation "unheard of" and says the  Brooklyn
detention facility, where accused felons awaiting trial are  normally
housed, is so unaccustomed to dealing with misdemeanants that  "even the
prison authorities are having difficulty figuring out how to  process

The point of the penalties, Kuby argues, has not been to punish a simple
failure to comply with an order, but rather "to prevent Clark Kissinger
from speaking out about Mumia Abu-Jamal." Rapoport, Kuby says, "virtually
admitted as much" at the December 6 hearing, by displaying  apparent
aggravation with Kissinger and his supporters.

Goldberg, the D.A., counters, "they appear to be perfectly standard
conditions of probation," adding that probation, rather than a simple
fine, is not an extraordinary penalty.

But Goldberg and Kissinger's supporters agree, at least to some extent,  on
one point: Kissinger's punishments are a warning to other activists.  At
his December 6 hearing, Kissinger said, "The purpose behind my sentencing
and restriction has been in effect to try and put a brake on  a political
movement that the government does not like."

Goldberg denies politics played a role in the court's decisions. But he
says, "Everyone who is punished is to a certain extent punished so that
other people also don't break the law. It's all about breaking the law."

- - - - -

Support Clark!
Kissinger's Ad-Hoc Defense Committee

Through all the protests raised, Clark has won some of the minimal
"privileges" accorded those imprisoned at the Brooklyn Detention Center;
his family can visit, he has clean clothes and limited phone calls.  But
through every bureaucratic maneuver, the authorities are still proving  the
profoundly political nature of his persecution.  Clark is one of the
leaders in the growing international movement to stop the execution of
Mumia Abu-Jamal. These attempts at silencing Clark are directed at the
whole movement and show their intent to execution of Mumia.

Here is the latest:

1) Noelle Hanrahan of the Prison Radio Project has requested to interview
Clark for radio broadcast.  Both she and Clark were told that  she may
interview him on Jan 2, but that the warden is using his "discretion" to
rule that she cannot bring in recording equipment!  She  has found nothing
in federal prison regulations allowing for the warden  to use such
discretion, and will be mounting a legal challenge.

Furthermore, she was asked by Ms. Ward, the Executive Assistant to the
Warden for Communications (public relations) what questions she intended
to ask.

As many of you know, there is a  "Mumia law" in Pennsylvania, allowing
prison officials to bar journalists from recording prisoners on  death row.
Mumia was thrown into the hole over this in 1995, while under  an active
death warrant.  He made the memorable statement that the authorities "don't
just want my death.  They want my silence."  Now, it  appears, the intent
to silence and execute Mumia is being carried out  through the silencing of
Clark Kissinger, one of his vociferous supporters.

This will be a battle!  Clark's office will keep you updated on what you
can do to help break the electronic muzzle they're trying to  put on Clark.
Noelle will be enlisting other broadcasters to interview  Clark, and next
week we will fight on the legal front to get Clark

2) Clark began getting mail on Tuesday 12/19, but has been given just a
trickle of the many letters that have been sent him.  Help  keep the flood
of letters coming in to the prison, and demand they get  to Clark!  Please
send copies of letters you write to the prison authorities or to Clark to
Clark's office at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or C.  Clark Kissinger, 655 Fulton
Street #201, Brooklyn NY 11217-1112.

3) Clark has been sent money for commissary, but has not received it in his
prison account. Money he was sent while in Philadelphia has not been
forwarded, and money sent since he's been in  NY has not been deposited for
his use yet.  Therefore, while he now has  phone access, he has no money
for phone calls.  He has used up his "allotment" of collect calls, while of
course never being told he was  limited in those calls.

Continue the phone calls for Clark's release:
Warden Hasty:  718.840.4200; FAX 718-840-5005
Unit Manager Lee Tatum   ext. 5212    Unit: Cadre 2 South
US Marshal's office, Daniel Byrne: 718.254.6700
US Attorney for the Eastern District, Loretta Lynch:  718.254.7000
Judge Arnold C. Rapoport: 610.776.0369; fax, 610.776.0379
Judge Bruce Kaufman: fax, 215.580.2281

Continue writing to Clark:
Charles Clark Kissinger  #53094-066
c/o The Federal Detention Center
PO Box 562
Philadelphia, PA 19105



Forgery Case At America Online May Have Far-reaching Impact On Internet
    Hate Speech
by Paul Kneisel

Jason Garon was once an advertising magnate who sat at a California
computer and sent out millions of ads to AOL subscribers. He tried to avoid
the consequences of this barrage of unsolicited e-mail, called "spam," by
putting a false address on the mail that indicated it came from a New York

Garon got nailed for forgery this month. Westchester County went after him
in Federal District Court. Even though he acted from California he pled
guilty and now faces up to seven years in prison.

The case may have serious consequences for the net-based propagandists of
violence-oriented hate speech.

There are no blackjacks or lynch mobs in cyberspace which puts a
considerable crimp in their normal method of work.

Forgery's become a new technique of the far right.

They'll put an opponent's name on a mailing where the opponent confesses to
some crime or even brags about committing it. They'll do the same thing and
show their opponent suddenly surrendering to the vast power of their
arguments. Or, when challenged by "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" they'll set up an
account for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and post conflicting and confusing

The most extreme forgery involved the North American Man Boy Love
Association (NAMBLA).

Rightists have long and routinely libeled anti-racists as "pedophiles." The
NAMBLA forgery was a significant increase. They forged a post that
supposedly represented NAMBLA's Board of Directors. Naturally, it listed
all of their opponents as the officers of the group. They immediately
followed this forgery with loud denunciations of the "pedophilic
conspiracy" out to destroy the White race, defame the Nazis, and further
the "Jewish-Communist" conspiracy.

Until the Garon case the victims of these widespread libels had little
recourse to the criminal courts.

That has now changed. Garon sat in California and was caught by a New York
court who can now give him eight years.

That forgery case may open the net's Nazis to similar prosecution.

- - - - -

AOL spammer pleads guilty to forgery
Lucy Sherriff (The Register)
12 Dec 00

A man who spammed millions of AOL subscribers with pornography and get-
rich-quick schemes has pleaded guilty to second-degree forgery in a US
District court.

District Attorney Jeanine Pirro said the prosecution is believed to be the
first of its kind in the country. "This office will not relinquish the
vanguard of technology to those whose intent and purpose is to commit old
crimes in new ways," she said.

Jason Garon, 46, of Mission Viejo, California admitted that he took over a
Westchester company's Internet service to send the unsolicited mails, which
he disguised to make appear as though they had come from IBM's Internet
provider, IBM.net.

Eventually the emails were traced to his apartment where he was arrested
and his computer removed by Orange County investigators.

New York-based graphics studio Market Vision, the company whose machines he
used, said the abuse had cost the business around $18,000.

The maximum sentence for the offence is seven years.

- - - - -

Man pleads guilty in first Net forgery case:
Erich Luening (CNET)
12 Dec 00

Jason Garon, a Mission Viejo, Calif., man, allegedly redirected millions of
unsolicited emails, or spam, through the computer system of Irvington,
N.Y.-based Market Vision, according to the Westchester County District
Attorney's Office.
Garon allegedly sent the messages through the graphics studio company's
system to conceal the true origin of the email campaign and to avoid
interruption of his service if his victims complained, the district
attorney's office said.

Garon, who pleaded guilty last week, could serve up to seven years in state
prison. His sentencing is expected in March.

The 46-year-old allegedly targeted millions of America Online subscribers,
disguising the anonymous emails about pornography and get-rich-quick
schemes as messages sent from IBM's Internet provider, IBM.net. So much
traffic was sent through Market Vision that it crashed the company's
internal network, causing business downtime.

The Internet forgery conviction is the first of its kind in the United
States, Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro said in a
statement Monday.

The problem of Internet forgery is a growing one, analysts say. A recent
survey of 585 U.S. companies by Carnegie Mellon University quantified the
loss caused by Internet forgery at $265 million in 1999.

Although Garon has been convicted of his crimes, Richard Dean, a security
analyst at IDC, said cybercriminals do not always get caught.

"The problem with this type of crime is that they become more sophisticated
as companies develop techniques to combat them," Dean said. "It's a problem
that security professionals will always have, playing catch-up to this type
of criminal."

- - - - -

Bertlesmann and Napster have pledged to work closely with German
     authorities to weed out right-wing extremists from using the online
     music-sharing service
22 Dec 00

The Constitutional Protection Office, which enforces German anti-racism
laws, says that the popularity of the free music exchange service has made
it far easier for groups to disseminate music with Nazi lyrics worldwide.

Bertlesmann - which shocked its mainstream rivals by forging an alliance
with the beleaguered file-sharing service just a matter of weeks ago - has
promised co-operation. Andreas Schmidt of Bertlesmann's e-commerce
subsidiary told Infoworld.com that anyone using Napster to incite violence
was violating of the company's terms and conditions.

But he indicated that stemming the flow of such content would be highly
problematic, owing to the fact that Napster is merely the conduit for
content stored on the computers of its 40 million users.

                            * * * * *

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