>If the Dems don't figure out the energy crisis, they will go the way of
 >Jimmy Carter.  Just after I put down the overemphasis on politics, I will
 >add that Davis makes Clinton look like a leftist radical.
 >Michael Perelman

 What if neither party can figure out a viable solution to the energy
 crisis, since the crisis is rooted not just in deregulation but also
 in gas price rises, water shortages, etc., as well as soaring demands
 (the so-called "new economy" is energy-dependent!)?


Reification. There can be no energy shortage on this planet. We are witnessing
the social construction of scarcity that is the hallmark of greed, stupidity,
power blah blah blah blah capitalism. The "shortage of energy" is the symptom,
not the cause. I hope Michael is right. Once again, we can blame the lawyers and
law firms that pushed state legislatures to "de-regulate" on behalf of their
clients; I used to work at a firm made a killing off doing the hoodwinking, they
made a bundle from '88-90 when I left. Now they'll be making a killing just like
David Shemano says. Ain't racketeering grand.



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