> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:46 PM
> Subject: [PEN-L:8058] Re: Social Capital
> Everything is social to begin with? What is that supposed to mean.?
> In the beginning God made the social and saw that it was good and
> the represenation of TOTALITY. Why not Thales' view that in the beginning
> was water the totality that became air, and earth etc
> At least Thales view is not some intellectual gobbledygook and is
> materialist ( or may be) to boot.
> Also if everything is social how can there be a social being which reflects
> man's material relation with nature. There must at least be nature and man
> above and beyond the social or u have a circular conception since man and
> nature must also be social.. And what of the lakes, streams, rocks, blah
> blah...are they social too...
>   CHeers, Ken Hanly

Kinda like Whitehead's society of occasions in nested hierarchies? :-)


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