[You knew this was coming...]

US told to make China its No 1 enemy

US told to target China

Special report: George Bush's America

Martin Kettle in Washington
Saturday March 24, 2001
The Guardian

A historic shift of emphasis in United States military deployment from Europe to
Asia, with China supplanting Russia as America's principal foe, is at the heart
of the Bush administration's long awaited defence strategy review, according to
reports in Washington.
Outlines of the potentially epochal rethink of the US's global strategic
priorities were given to President George Bush by his defence secretary Donald
Rumsfeld at a private meeting at the White House on Wednesday, the Washington
Post reported yesterday.

"The president was complimentary, he appreciated the policy discussion, and gave
the indication that the topics were indeed what he had in mind," a Pentagon
official told the paper.

More than 50 years after the struggle to deter the Soviet Union in Europe became
the centrepiece of US military strategy in the aftermath of the second world
war, the Rumsfeld review has concluded that the Pacific Ocean should now become
the most important focus of US military deployments, with China now perceived as
the principal threat to American global dominance.

The review says, in effect, that Washington should abandon the long-standing
doctrine that the US military must always be prepared to fight two major world
conflicts simultaneously, the reports quote officials as saying.

By elevating China to the status of global enemy number one, the review clearly
foreshadows an American turn away from Europe, or at least from the levels of US
engagement and attention which have existed for the lifetime of most Europeans.

Mr Bush ordered the strategy review immediately on taking office. It is the most
important of three complementary reviews intended to shape US military
priorities in the 21st century. The other two are on nuclear weapons and missile
defence options, and on service pay and conditions.

The huge distances involved in the Pacific mean that the Pentagon must give
additional priority to "long-range power projection", the report says.

This means putting fresh resources into airlift capacity to enable the US to
move troops, vehicles and weapons many thousands of miles from bases in America
to the frontline in Asia at short notice.

The report says the threat from hostile missiles is likely to become so serious
that the US can no longer afford to risk its largest and most expensive ships,
the Nimitz class aircraft carriers, in forward positions. As a result, the navy
will be told to stop building big ships and to concentrate on speed and
manoeuvrability, including a new generation of smaller carriers, to avoid them
becoming targets.

The threat from weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons, against American military targets means that US allies may
begin to question the advisability of allowing Washington to have bases in their
countries, the Pentagon suggests. The report says this is another reason why
long-range supply capacity needs to be increased.

The review does not make recommendations about particular weapons systems, but
there is no doubt in Washington that missile defence shields will form a central
part of the new strategy.

Other key elements of what would be, in effect, a rearming of the US military
are likely to include a greater role for long-range bombers and for unmanned
aircraft. The F-22 fighter programme is likely to face cutbacks, though there is
speculation that it will not be scrapped.

The sweep of the review is so comprehensive and its conclusions so radical that
the publication of the final report later this year is likely to set off a whole
series of turf wars within the US military, as the armed services scrabble for
influence and funding in the new era.

Washington's decision to turn more of its guns and missiles towards China came
as it was confirmed that a senior colonel in the Chinese people's liberation
army has defected to the US while visiting as part of a military delegation. The
defection, which apparently took place at the end of last year or in January,
involved an unnamed officer in the foreign affairs department of the army
general staff.

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