Jim D., et al.,

History shows that for the workers to make socialist/workers revolution, to
think seriously  of toppling the bourg. state/capitals relations, a
Revolutionary marxist 
Party is needed and has to begin to be built starting  in  the non-
revolutionary period , etc. 

Yes, we should learn from the many mistakes, even disaters, of the
or Leninist type Party  example, but there is still much positive to be
gained from the 
workers experiences in the  mass , huge, and not so huge Communist
struggles of that time.
But we can't look at it talmudically, dogmatically, but scientifically
seening the world in the
process of change and developement, progress/decadence, etc.

Rosa Luxembourg and Co. were great revolutionaries but her trend waited far
too long
to  Programmatically/tactically break cleanly form  the parties of  German
social democracy 
and go over  to communism . That  helped lead to an immense disater too in
Germany  in 1918-23
 These are some of the examples we can learn from too. 
Fence sitting on the Party question can be as bad as religio-dogmatism on

But your point about building the mass movement(s) as well is well taken ,
is not the Party really mainly  built from the experience of the mass
class/social  movements, etc?
 But the pivot of these actions has to be based inside the working class--
not on  some other class-
strata, etc..


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