Los Angeles Times
July 9, 2001


Los Angeles Times
July 9, 2001

Old-Fashioned Doctoring Keeps Cubans Healthy

By SARAH LUNDAY, Special to The Times

HAVANA--In the office of Dr. Alex Carreras near downtown Havana, 
water drips from a patched ceiling, a window is missing glass and a 
broken machine for sterilizing instruments lies idle. The phone rings 
constantly as Carreras explains that his only nurse is out for the 

Carreras and the nurse care for 120 families in the neighborhood.

Living and working in the community is essential to understanding 
patients' needs, he said. Recently, after a patient said he had 
stopped smoking, Carreras was suspicious and went to the patient's 

"I could see the cigarettes on the table," he said with a shrug.

Carreras keeps track of the community's health with handwritten 
charts, noting basic indicators such as who has high cholesterol, who 
has diabetes and who has a drinking problem. "You know everything," 
he says.

While Cuban doctors might not actually know everything about their 
patients, they come closer than their counterparts in many areas of 
the world, including the United States. Their ability to track 
patients' histories, ensuring that children get their immunizations 
and that older patients stay active in the community, has made this 
country a model  for primary medical care for other impoverished 
countries and even areas of the United States.

The Cuban system involves an extensive network of family doctors 
scattered throughout its countryside and cities. Primary care doctors 
become very familiar with the neighborhoods they live in and 
generally have no more than 500 patients. (By comparison, some U.S. 
doctors might have several times that number of patients in their 
care.) If patients need more than basic care, the doctors refer them 
to rural and neighborhood hospitals.

To be sure, the system has its drawbacks: frequent shortages of 
medical supplies and long waits for complicated procedures that 
require hospitalization. Yet basic health care for all of Cuba's 11.2 
million residents is provided, unlike in the United States, where an 
estimated 40 million Americans lack health insurance.

"Everybody is in the system. They do a lot better in teaching 
preventive care than most countries," said Dr. Stephen A. Schendel, 
chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Stanford University 
Medical Center.

Schendel has made many trips to Cuba in the last five years to 
perform reconstructive plastic surgery on children and to train Cuban 
physicians in advanced techniques.

Cuban physicians, such as Carreras, say what the country lacks in 
up-to-date technology and journals, it makes up for through its 
extensive network of family doctors. The country has 58.2 doctors for 
every 10,000 people, as contrasted with 27.9 doctors per 10,000 in 
the United States, according to the Pan American Health Organization.

Cuban doctors' closer relationships with their patients also allow 
them to diagnose diseases early, decrease smoking and deliver 
healthier babies, according to Bob Schwartz, executive director of 
Disarm Education Fund, a nonprofit medical assistance program based 
in New York.The country may be one of the poorest nations in the 
world, but its inhabitants report health indicators that rival those 
of rich countries, such as the United States. For example, the 
average American's life expectancy is 77 years, while in Cuba it is 
76. Cuba reports infant mortality rates of 6.4 deaths per 1,000 
births, compared with a U.S. rate of 7.3 deaths per 1,000 in 1999. 
Immunization rates for children older than 1 are roughly equal in the 
two countries, at about 95%.

Cuba's system is the product of significant investment in national 
health reform that Fidel Castro began after taking power in 1959.

Today, the Cuban health system serves as an international model for 
rural health care. Poor communities throughout Latin America and 
Africa have been influenced by Cuba's health system, according to the 
Center for Cuban Studies in New York.

The country has sent thousands of physicians abroad to live and work, 
providing free medical care in countries including Nicaragua, El 
Salvador, Honduras and South Africa.

In the early 1980s, Cuba's health-care system influenced the 
development of rural health-care programs for Native Americans in 
California, said Mario Gutierrez, who was executive director of the 
California Rural Health Board for five years. Under his term, health 
clinics in rural areas became more like community centers than 
outpatient facilities.

The centers established community health representatives who are 
still a feature of the programs today. The representatives know every 
family in the area near the clinic. They drive people to and from 
doctors' offices, make home visits after surgeries and ensure that 
children receive all immunizations, said Gutierrez, who is now 
director of strategic programs at the California Endowment in 

Dr. Debra Johnson, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in 
Sacramento, has visited Cuba three times and says she learns 
something during every visit. "It's sort of a duct tape and bailing 
wire kind of medicine," said Johnson, who is married to Gutierrez. 
"The Cubans are the absolute best at doing something with nothing."

Dr. Henry Vazquez cares for about 480 people in and around the 
mountain village of Boquerones. He has no computer or X-ray machine. 
He sometimes fashions home remedies from an herb garden when 
medicines are unavailable. Once, when no car or truck was available, 
he rode a village mule to transport a sick patient to the nearby 
rural hospital four miles away.

When the 27-year-old family doctor walks through this tiny village of 
tin-roofed row homes, mango trees and chickens pecking the dirt, 
young men stop to greet him and women wave from their doorways. He 
fondly pats them on the back and talks about their past illnesses.

Vazquez can rattle off statistics about this community without 
hesitation: There are 45 patients older than 60. Eight patients are 
younger than 1. About 20 babies are born annually. There are no cases 
of HIV or AIDS.

The doctor says he likes primary care and believes he is prepared to 
take care of any emergency health problems at his small office in the 
village. However, in a few years, he may ask the government to move 
him to a more exciting post. Maybe even emergency medicine in the 
city. "If I choose to move," he said, "I'll feel like I've left my 

Sarah Lunday is a freelance writer in Atlanta who recently traveled 
to Cuba as part of the Kaiser Media Fellowship program.

Copyright 2001 Los Angeles Times

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