Washington Post
August 2, 2001

The Democrats' Mexican Roadblock

By Ruben Navarrette Jr.
     Not to be outdone, the Senate yesterday approved legislation that would impose 
strict safety and insurance requirements on Mexican trucks bound for U.S. highways -- 
22 more than are required of American or Canadian counterparts, critics contend. And 
this could set off a trade war.


Charles Brown: 

Could this really start a trade war ?

Might such trade war be a good thing if it led to the destruction of NAFTA ?


Whole article follows

Washington Post
August 2, 2001

The Democrats' Mexican Roadblock

By Ruben Navarrette Jr.
    When the House of Representatives voted to ban Mexican trucks from traveling more 
than 20 miles north of the U.S. border, I was in Mexico. But now that the Senate is 
putting up its own roadblock, I feel like I'm on Mars.
Suddenly, it is the Democrats who -- as Republicans are prone to do with regard 
to immigration and English-only laws -- are advancing their own interests by 
sounding racist notions of Mexican inferiority. Suddenly, it is the Republicans 
who defend the disparaged by calling discrimination by its proper name -- as 
Democrats delight in doing when the issue at hand is affirmative action or 
racial profiling.
    The House vote in June set the stage for my interviews with Mexican officials who, 
at the time, called the bill a violation of the North American Free Trade Agreement 
and suggested that Mexico might retaliate. After all, the arbitration panel that 
settles NAFTA disputes had ruled in February that any attempt to ban the trucks from 
the United States was a violation of the agreement.
     Not to be outdone, the Senate yesterday approved legislation that would impose 
strict safety and insurance requirements on Mexican trucks bound for U.S. highways -- 
22 more than are required of American or Canadian counterparts, critics contend. And 
this could set off a trade war.
    The controversy is less about safety than about nationalism, and the first to 
notice it were Republicans.
    "It is wrong for the Congress to discriminate against Mexican trucks," President 
Bush told reporters as the Senate was debating the issue. "Our Mexican counterparts 
frankly should be treated just like the Canadians are treated."
    Yeah, that could happen -- about the time the United States returns Texas and 
    Bush has threatened to veto any measure that insults our neighbors to the south 
and continues to deny Mexican-registered trucks the access to U.S. roadways that was 
called for in the free trade agreement. That access was supposed to take place in 
2000; Bush has set a new target date -- Jan. 1.
    The latest stall tactic is an offensive amendment to a funding bill for the 
Transportation Department. Proposed by Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of 
Washington and Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama and backed by all of 
the Senate's Democrats, the legislation is country-specific. It requires Mexico 
-- and only Mexico -- to jump through additional safety hoops; Americans and 
Canadians need not comply.
    Objecting, Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi blasted Democrats for harboring an 
attitude that was "anti-Mexican, anti-Hispanic, anti-NAFTA." Wounded Democrats then 
demonstrated that they much prefer playing the race card to having it played against 
them. Murray disputed the discrimination charge, while Senate Majority Leader Tom 
Daschle said he was "disappointed" by Lott's remarks.
    The disappointing part is that not enough people saw what Daschle couldn't 
admit: Lott is right. Democrats, in chauffeuring unions such as the Teamsters, 
who are intent on running Mexican competitors off the road, employed 
condescending rhetoric that sounded anti-Mexican. After all, the never-say-die 
protectionists who want to fight the NAFTA battle all over again assume that 
Mexico's safety requirements are inferior to those of the United States or 
Canada. In fact, NAFTA rules set the standards for all three countries, and some 
trucking industry experts insist there is little difference between Mexican trucks and 
their NAFTA cohorts.
    The media, obsessed with an assumption that Bush is using one issue after 
another to win the Hispanic vote, have hardly noticed that Democrats, with 
regard to one issue after another, seem determined to lose it. The party of 
Franklin Roosevelt has recently been at odds with Hispanics on vouchers, 
bilingual education, redistricting and the president's faith-based initiative.
    That giant sucking sound is the draining of confidence among Hispanics that the 
modern Democratic Party has, at heart, any interests but its own. And when those 
interests conflict with those of Hispanics, it is hasta la vista.
That was predictable. Each chess move by the Republican-controlled White House 
prompts an opposing move by Democrats in Congress. Unfortunately, for Democrats, Bush 
has been moving in sync with the interests of many Hispanics.
    So when Bush pursues an initiative popular with Hispanics, what do Democrats do? 
    They oppose him and put themselves further outside the Hispanic mainstream.
A recent Gallup Poll found 59 percent of Hispanics approve of Bush's performance thus 
far. All the more reason that the Democrats shouldn't let the Mexican truck issue run 
over them.

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