The Washington TIMES wrote:
>...      The communist influence on Saturday's protest extends far beyond the
>participation of avowed Marxists, Trotskyists and Maoists. Among the
>scheduled speakers are members of the Institute for Policy Studies, a think
>tank which during the Cold War consistently trumpeted the Soviet position,
>"supporting the goals and causes of virtually every revolutionary terrorist
>movement backed by Havana, Hanoi, and Moscow," according to one historian.

which historian? a nut like Ronald Radosh?

>       Want more? Should any protesters manage to get themselves arrested
>Saturday, they will call on the attorneys of the National Lawyers Guild
>(NLG), organized by lawyers for the Communist Party in 1936. The NLG is
>affiliated with the International Association of Democratic Lawyers,
>described by the CIA in 1978 as "one of the most useful Communist front
>organizations at the service of the Soviet Communist Party."

now, _there's_ a reliable source.

while we're on the subject of guilt by association -- attacking the peace 
demonstrations as harboring "commies" -- it should be mentioned that the 
Washington TIMES is owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has described 
himself as being the Almighty.

>  ....      A better question is this: Why are we sending aircraft 
> carriers halfway
>around the world to look for enemies, when our nation's worst enemies —
>communists proclaiming an anti-American jihad — will be right there in front
>of the Washington Monument on Saturday?

aren't you glad that Osama bin Laden's brand of simplistic and bloody 
thinking is taking hold amongst the pundits?


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