Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication on 5 December 2001 of:

Edited by Joseph Sarkis, Clark University, USA

387 pp | 234 x 156 mm | Hardback
ISBN 1 874719 42 X | £40.00  US$75.00

To place an order for this title or to view both
the OForeword¹ by Roger E. Kasperson, Executive Director, Stockholm
Environment Institute
and Chapter 3 OManagement of pollution prevention: Integrating
environmental technologies in manufacturing¹ by Neil Jones, INSEAD,
France, and Robert D. Klassen, University of Western Ontario, Canada
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This timely work examines one core corporate function that has a
profound and direct impact on corporate environmental performance:
manufacturing and operations. This area has been of concern in recent
years to researchers and practitioners in fields ranging from the
social and natural sciences to management and technical engineering.
The book reflects this diversity with global contributions on topics
such as design for the environment, total quality environmental
management, green supply chains, reverse logistics, environmental
management systems and standards, industrial ecology, closed-loop
manufacturing, life-cycle management, pollution prevention (P2),
environmental technologies and energy efficiency.

The aim and scope of "Greener Manufacturing and Operations" is to
capture state-of-the-art and future practices in environmental
manufacturing and operations practices and issues in one concise
volume. The book is therefore a fluid mix of case studies, empirical
research and applied theoretical works incorporating both conceptual
ideas whose time will come to practical applications that managers and
practitioners can apply immediately. Comprehensive in its coverage of
the key issues, contributions range from a focus on the internal
operations of a single function within an organisation to a
consideration of industrial manufacturing practices at a
macro-economic level. A number of levels of decision-making are also
represented: from long-term strategic issues such as supply chain
design, to traditional short-term operations decision-making and
planning issues such as production planning. Many of the principles
developed and presented here can also be extended to the more general
process management of service organisations.

The book is organised into four major sections: Operations Strategy
and Policy; Manufacturing and Operations Practice; Tools for Managing
Greener Manufacturing and Operations; and, finally, Case Studies.

"Greener Manufacturing and Operations" is an essential aid for
managers, engineers, students, researchers and consultants wishing to
understand the various issues, principles and tools for managing the
operations and manufacturing function in a more environmentally benign
and sustainable manner.

"'Greener Manufacturing and Operations' provides a thoughtful and
practical look at what it is about environmental issues that is
important to corporations: environmental considerations pervade the
organisation, they represent real survival value for the company and
they give companies the opportunity to do the right thing. Professor
Sarkis has assembled an international roster of contributors who delve
into the issues from many perspectives. Required reading for
practitioners, policy-makers and researchers."
Kurt Fischer, Co-founder, The Greening of Industry Network

"...corporations face some significant unfolding challenges in
proceeding with state-of-the-art developments so well described in
this book."
Roger E. Kasperson, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment



Foreword: Roger E. Kasperson, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

Introduction: Joseph Sarkis, Clark University Graduate School of
Management, USA

Part 1: Operations Strategy and Policy

1. Implementing the industrial ecology approach with reverse logistics
Michael Martin, University of Exeter, UK

2. Life-cycle chain analysis, including recycling
A.J.D. Lambert, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands

3. Management of pollution prevention: Integrating environmental
technologies in manufacturing
Neil Jones, INSEAD, France, and Robert D. Klassen, University of
Western Ontario, Canada

4. Organising environmental investments in small and medium-sized
firms: A cost-benefit instrument as a tool for integrating
environmental policy into overall business policy
Anja de Groene, Hogeschool Zeeland, University of Professional
Education, the Netherlands, and Job de Haan, Tilburg University, the

5. Green issues in product development
Johan Sandström, Umea University, Sweden

6. Corporate environmental reporting: Value for manufacturing
Harry Fatkin, Fatkin Consultancy, USA

Part 2: Manufacturing and Operations Practice

7. Industrial hazardous waste minimisation: Barriers and opportunities
Mark Atlas, North Carolina State University, USA

8. Sustainable manufacturing in Lebanon
Toufic Mezher, American University of Beirut, USA

9. Customers as green suppliers: Managing the complexity of the
reverse supply chain
Stephan Vachon, Robert D. Klassen and P. Fraser Johnson, Richard Ivey
School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada

10. A framework for green supply chain costing: A fashion industry
Stefan A. Seuring, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg, Germany

11. Design for energy efficiency and selection
Marc A. Rosen, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Canada

12. ISO 14001: Greening management systems
Nicole Darnall, North Carolina State University, USA, and Deborah
Rigling Gallagher and Richard N. L. Andrews, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

Part 3: Tools for Managing Greener Manufacturing and Operations

13. Environmental management policies: A comparison of reactive and
proactive approaches
Karl-Werner Hansmann and Claudia Kroeger, University of Hamburg,

14. Aggregate planning for end-of-life products
Surendra M. Gupta, Northeastern University, USA, and Pitipong
Veerakamolmal, IBM Corporation, USA

15. Assessing life-cycle environmental impact: Methodology to spur
design of greener products and processes
K. Ravi Kumar, University of Southern California, USA, Arvind
Malhotra, University of North Carolina, USA, and Dongwon Lee,
University of Southern California, USA

16. Tools for closed-loop manufacturing
Ad J. de Ron and Frans W. Melissen, Eindhoven University of
Technology, the Netherlands

17. Recovery strategies and reverse logistics network design
Harold Krikke, Erasmus University, the Netherlands

18. A framework for hierarchical planning and control for
V. Daniel R. Guide Jr and David W. Pentico, Duquesne University, USA,
and Vaidy Jayaraman, Washington State University, USA

Part 4: Case Studies

19. Design for environment at Sony: 'Incorporating a sound respect for
Shane J. Schvaneveldt, Weber State University, USA, and Hidetaka
Yanagida and Akira Isobe, Sony Corporation, Japan

20. Chevron corporation: Strategic financing for energy efficiency
Forrest Briscoe, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA

21. A structured approach to industrial emission reduction: The case
of a gypsum wallboard production plant
Richard A. Reid, University of New Mexico, USA, Elsa L. Koljonen,
Intel Corporation, USA, and J. Bruce Buell, Lafarge Gypsum
Corporation, USA

22. Textile waste-water reduction: A case study
Charles L. McEntyre, Tennessee Valley Authority, USA

23. Development and application of a pollution prevention index as a
P2 metric in a manufacturing plant
Eric H. Snider, GeoSyntec Consultants, USA, and Daniel B. Moorhead,
Tenneco Automotive, USA

24. Assessment of environmental impacts: A case study of an integrated
approach at the plant level
Matti Melanen and Kimmo Silvo, Finnish Environment Institute, and Lea
Gynther, Electrowatt-Ekono Oy, Finland


To place an order for this title or to view both
the OForeword¹ by Roger E. Kasperson, Executive Director, Stockholm
Environment Institute
and Chapter 3 OManagement of pollution prevention: Integrating
environmental technologies in manufacturing¹ by Neil Jones, INSEAD,
France, and Robert D. Klassen, University of Western Ontario, Canada
please visit the Greenleaf website at:
You can also request a review copy or inspection copy from this site -
see the home page:


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