sigh, the ridiculous become sublime, or at least news, in this montage of
bizarre word spins of the USA power elite in their attempt to justify a
rather hodge podge of so-called policy to attack and destroy anything or
anybody anywhere that visibly and forcefully opposes its attempts at

Poor old Mullah M. Omar seems more like the straight man in a charicature of
Mullan Nassureddin, the ancient icon of paradoxical folk wisdom throughout
the region. how can he ever be anybody's "enemy" no matter how much he
spouts off about his Pushtum folk idioms of arch conservative

Bush & crew have not a clue about the cultures of the region, if they
understand anything beyond a born-again whitecollar Texas redneck

As to the base (al qu'eda) as an organization, which is a bizarre misnomer,
over 100,000 men from all over the Muslim world were passed through this
network of CIA-ISI established training camps both before and after Bin
Ladin had any significant influence on them. The motivation of individuals
to come train and fight for Islam against its enemies was as broad as their
socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. In the initial case, teh foremost
enemies were Soviet Russian & Afghan Communist governance and forces, and
later, a perception of defending Muslim peoples against all enemies and
occupation forces, which gradually came to include the USA as primary
supporter of most repressive regimes that oppressed Muslims. Those regimes
ranged from the then US supported Saddam Hussein's Iraq to Israel to the
Philippines, and consistently the post-soviet Russian genocide in Chechnya
and against all the Muslims under their control. Independence for Chechnya
is more important than for Tadjikstan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakstan, and
Kyrgizistan, as those states had no historical integrity or ethnic unity,
but were one and all Stalin's creations to divide & rule the Central Asian
peoples and insure that none of those states would ever have the ethnic
coherence to form an opposition, either singly or as a pan-Islamist
resistance. So too, China's illegal occupation of both Tibet, with a 5%
Muslim population, and Eastern Turkistan with its 95% Muslim population, was
seen as legitimate target for liberation of Muslim peoples and their
historically occupied lands from foreign imperialist and non-Muslim control.

So from this perspective, most Muslims throughout the world, myself
included, would support the objectives of these fighters for the defense and
freedom of the Muslim world. Therefore to call them all "terrorists" as the
US regime has done, falls into the Russian strategy of callng freedom
fighters as bandits, or at the very nicest, rebels. Can one be a rebel in
one's own country when it is occupied by foreign invaders? The Moros of
Mindanao, Jolo and Sulu never surrendered to the 17th century Spanish
invaders, nor recognized any Spanish claim to rule those Sultanates, and
when the US invaded during the Spanish American war, they fought for their
lands, which was an interesting chapter in US imperial military history. So
too, their claims to exist as independant states from Philippine rule, is
equally valid and strong. Thus the Moro liberation movement has been
fighting to maintain its independance as long or longer than the Muslims of
Central Asia have been fighting Russia & China to maintain theirs. 

If its policy is to label all Muslim movements for national liberation as
terrorit, the USA will have to take on the entire Muslim World from
Zamboanga to Albania, irrespective of whatever stance is taken by various
governments that rule over Muslim peoples, whether or not those governments
are avowedly secular as Iraq's or "Islamic" like the Saudi's Arabia. Unless
the USA pulls back, I predict that anti-American and nati-Wesern and
anti-governmental forces will rise up globally. This week four British
Muslim citizens from the London area were killed by a US bomb attack on a
house in Kabul, their schoolmates and friends vow revenge. How many
AfroAmerican Muslim US troops will desert or turn against their officers.
Already many are reported to have asked for conscientious exemption from
combat in Muslim countries. How many angry American Muslims will disappear
into global guerilla movements to fight for the integrity of the Muslim
world? Since the 1970's there there have been American Muslims from
"Filipino" ethnic background training with the Moro National Liberation

Perhaps Huntington was partly rightif the USA chooses to make teh Muslim
world a scapegoat and  enemy to be stepped on & crushed in their rush
towards ascendency as one global superpower, against which no opposition
will be tolerated. 

History lesson finished for now & awaiting feedback.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:44 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:20130] exit theory, mercenary style

[second time in a decade we take care of Saudi Arabia's problems

US troops ready for swift pullout

Allies fear Bush will launch other offensives

Simon Tisdall in Washington
Thursday November 29, 2001
The Guardian

The Bush administration underlined its intention yesterday to make a
swift military exit from Afghanistan once its objectives of destroying
Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network and toppling the remnants of
the Taliban regime have been achieved.

The word was given as US marines consolidated their bridgehead near
the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar and the Pentagon tried to assess
the impact of Tuesday night's dramatic air strikes on a compound
supposedly occupied by the Taliban leadership .

Despite the emphasis being placed by Britain and other European
coalition partners on long-term stabilisation, humanitarian, and
nation-building tasks, US attention is shifting beyond Afghanistan and
towards extending the "war against terrorism" to Iraq and other
possible targets, such as Somalia.

Speaking unattributably, a senior state department official said the
administration, which has managed the international coalition's
military campaign in Afghanistan almost single-handedly, would
consider that it has done enough if and when the Tal iban and al-Qaida
are finally crushed.

"There's no need at that point for the coalition still to be present,"
the official said.

Although the US intended to join other countries in the political and
physical rehabilitation of Afghanistan, "I would not imagine that the
United States would be a participant in that," the official added.

The comments will alarm European allies on two counts.

One is the fear that international reconstruction and humanitarian
relief efforts will be hampered by the continuing lawlessness which
has claimed the lives of several foreign journalists in recent days.

The other is that a swift US military pullout will hasten the prospect
of US offensive action elsewhere, including Iraq, where US and British
warplanes were again in action this week.

No assessment of the impact of Tuesday night's US air strikes on the
Taliban compound south of Kandahar was forthcoming yesterday.

Mr Rumsfeld, visiting the US central command headquarters in Tampa,
Florida, earlier on Tuesday, had forecast that there would be
important results from the attacks on a "leadership area". "Whoever
was there is going to wish they weren't," he said

But US was unable to say what if anything the raids had achieved,
while in Islamabad a Taliban spokesman said the regime's leader,
Mullah Mohammed Omar, was alive and well.

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