CB: >From Ricardo something was gotten for the fight. Marx quotes Benjamin
Franklin favoably in _Capital_. From the bourgeois economist Hobson and
others like, Lenin culled the kernel of his concept of imperialism. From
whathisname came "creative destruction". From Eisenhower, who must have
known military Keynesianism, the left got the concept of the
"military-industrial complex".<

right. The Akerlof/Stiglitz business about asymmetric information might be
seen as trivial by some, but it is a part of real-world markets and
shouldn't be ignored. Instead, such sophisticated neoclassical notions
should be integrated within the totality of an alternative perspective.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~JDevine "Segui il
tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way and let people talk.) --
K. Marx, paraphrasing Dante A.


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