michael pugliese wrote:

>  On the Iraq #ers, that was from The
>Nation and the background stuff I added about David Cortright
>was a fyi in the interests of just saying in effect this not
>some guy like Anthony Cordesman from the Georgetown CSIS or some

well i found this article pretty unhelpful. were given no reasons why 
the estimates were at odds. we were not told why cortright had 
limited himself to child mortality in estimating impact of sanctions. 
we were not told what kinds of indirect deaths were excluded from the 
estimates that he found reliable.

his analysis of the oil for food program and the life indicator 
disparaties in the North and South is at odds with the cambridge 
group's. He does not try to resolve the arguments in a systematic way.

i really couldn't believe that the nation would run something so 
shoddy analytically on such an important topic.

>I get so tired of (others, not you!) exaggerated figures on the
>deaths due to sanctions. When the truth is horrible why inflate?

or deflate.


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