Class-consciousness and the fundamentality of value

Class-consciousness means awareness of how classes fight for their material 
survival in society. Classes are delineated in their general features on the 
basis of one relation to property and property is ownership of things by 
which the wealth of society is created and reproduced. Ones active or 
inactive relationship within a system of social production clarifies specific 
class identification and the dimensions of ownership. 

Class-consciousness means awareness of how classes fight for their material 
survival in society. The quantitative and qualitative dimension of how people 
combine together to fight for material self-interest, serves as an indicators 
of depth of awareness. This articulation of class-consciousness was more than 
less impossible twenty years ago, because the specific material boundaries of 
the limit to value as a force mediating human relations had not been revealed 
or rather witnessed.  

When Marx and Engels spoke of the emancipation of the working class being an 
act of self-emancipation and self-consciousness (overcoming the alienated 
self), the students of Marx method could not - in the main, transcend the 
material limitations placed on their own consciousness and converted class 
concepts into materialist concepts of the abstract alienated self of man - as 
abstract labor. 

Every generation encounters ideological molds of thought held in place and 
reinforced by the sum total of conditions riveted to a specific development 
in commodity production and the existing quantitative boundary of capital. 
Under conditions of reform - under conditions where quantitative expansion of 
capital is occurs, labors act on behalf of the 'self' in demanding and 
securing a partial reformulation of its share of the social product. In as 
much as the most organized sector of labor can assert itself in a concerted 
effort - greater than labor without organization and a voice, "self interest" 
was perceived as selfishness by the unorganized mass, unable to secure the 
equitable "share" that its organized brothers received. 

Uuugggh - under conditions of quantitative expansion of capital, in the 
absence of a war time crisis or defeat the shatters social relations and 
destabilize sections of the population; when conditions exist for the 
expansion or alteration of the social contract that stabilize the operation 
of the productive forces, class consciousness is manifest as an external 
category of ideology expressed as love for ideological self - abstract labor 
and hatred for social capital as the expression of hegemonistic domination 
over things that dominate men. "Hegemonistic domination" superceded "the 
domination of men through the ownership of things." 

The impact of exhausting the quantitative stages in the evolution of capital 
as a historically evolved form of social production reaped havoc on and 
within the movement seeking to weld the Marx dialectic. Within the imperial 
countries, the revolutionaries were often confined to condemning the 
exploitation of the colonies, admitting that super profits were being beaten 
out of the backs of the colonial workers and sought refuge in sectarian 
movements, whose sectarianism was enforced by the material limitation of 
"class consciousness." 

To the degree that rent, price, interest and money appeared as externalized 
independently existing modes of capital, or rather surplus value, "class 
interest" and "class self" appeared externalized, alienated from the labor 
movement based on its various components. The articulated self-interest of 
human labor in the abstract - ideology, assumed what appeared to be a life of 
its own and ideology was defined on the basis of ideology - itself. Hence, 
love for ones class and hatred for the enemy. 

Argentina of course establishes the definitive end of an era of historically 
induced ideology.  Class-consciousness is the act of fighting for ones 
material survival on the basis of securing the needs for one continuous 
reproduction and expansion. There is no ideology here. Material survival and 
expansion means food, clothing, housing, fresh water, library's, theater, 
transportation, medical care, freedom from political harassment and 
arbitrariness of authority, artistic and intellectual pursuits. 

Marx method is found throughout all of his and Engels writings Marx gives a 
scholarly presentation of the dialect of "form" and content, externalization 
and the emergence of independent modes of existence - of interest, rent, 
price, surplus value, etc in Theories of Surplus Value Part 3, pages 507 last 
paragraph through 513, Progress Publisher Moscow 1971. 

How classes fight for their material existence presupposes their existence or 
position in a system of production founded on distinct property relations. 
The emerging "communist class" is that sector of the labor movement with the 
most unmet needs and was actually defined by Marx in 1843, prior to his 
lifetime collaboration with Engels that led to the discovery of the essence 
of the law of value. The entire edifice of modern communism rests on the 
single proposition that the task - social revolution, is to liberate labor 
(power) from its status as a commodity. 

Under conditions where there are no more reforms left in capital and 
labor-power is rendered increasingly unsaleable in the market, due to being 
rendered increasingly superfluous to the production of commodities, what 
appeared as ideological categories twenty years ago, or rather 159 years ago, 
are revealed as material categories. Marx actually described the logic of 
this proletariat early in his intellectual life. 
a class with radical chains, a class in civil society that is not of civil 
society, the class that is the dissolution of all class, a sphere of society 
having a universal character because of its universal suffering and claiming 
no particular right because no particular wrong but unqualified wrong is 
perpetrated on it; a sphere that can invoke no traditional title but only a 
human title; a sphere, finally, that cannot emancipate itself without 
emancipating itself from all the other spheres, thereby emancipating them; a 
sphere, in short, that is the complete loss of humanity and can only redeem 
itself through the total redemption of humanity. This dissolution of society 
as a particular class is the proletariat.
Karl Marx "Introduction to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right," 1843.

Here is the "communist class" or "new" class if you will, that further 
crystallize in front of eyes with every partial crisis and partial recovery, 
no matter what its duration. Here is a description of the most poverty 
stricken North American or rather Argentinean masses, whose Argentinean 
designation is purely geography.  The plight of our brethren is not the 
result of bad luck, but due solely to property owners who will only run 
production and distribute needed items of life if they can personally make a 
profit. Profits have no rights that people must respect. Only human beings 
have rights to existence.  

Value remains the amount of socially necessary labor in the production of 
commodities. This is the fundamentality not to be confused with it 
independent modes of operations. A transition in or partial qualitative 
reformulation of value - under the impact of modern technology causes changes 
and pushes it further along the nodal line of dissolution - polarizes the 
various independent modes of values existence and finally collapse of the 
independent modes of existence takes place. (See page 513 last paragraph, 
Theories of Surplus Value Part 3)

A new partial qualitative development does not cause an instant change in the 
independent modes of existence and operations of the "old" - independent 
modes of expression of value. Sections of the labor movement will continue to 
fight within the various forms of the old reform movement until we can 
clarify the nodal line on a planetary scale - trajectory, to a critical mass 
capable of impacting the whole. 

How much is "critical mass?" I cannot answer this definitively. However, if 
the last reform movement in our country (USNA) is used as an indicator, 10-12 
percent of the population (20,000,000), driven by 10 percent (2,000,000) 
organized around the 10 percent that crystallize a "new class consciousness" 
(200,000) inspired by the vision of one - Marx/Engels.  

Not "real versus false consciousness" but class-consciousness freed from the 
ideological baggage of an era gone by. Freedom sits on the horizon, as does 
consciousness unfettered by the legacy of values independent modes of 


"From out of his (Marx) hand jumps leaping Dan."


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