In case some of you have not seen this yet.  I would be
interested in Gene Coyle's take on this.

AlterNet                                              February
28, 2002

The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection?

     By Ron Callari, Albion Monitor

Enron is a scandal so enormous that it's hard to wrap your mind
around it.
Not just a single financial disaster, it's actually a jigsaw of
scandals, each outrageous in its own right.

There's Enron the Wall St. con game, where company bookkeepers
used slight
of hand to turn four years of steady losses into stunning
profits. There's
Enron the reverse Robin Hood, which stole from its own employees
even as its
executives were hauling millions of dollars out the backdoor.
Enron's Ken Lay the Kingmaker, who used the corporation's
fraudulent wealth
to broker elections and skew public policy to his liking. And
then there are
the Enron coverups, as documents are shredded and the White House
seeks to
conceal details about meetings between Enron and Vice President

The coverups are still very much a mystery. What were the
documents that
were fed into the shredder -- even after the corporation declared

bankruptcy? What is the White House fighting to keep secret, even
going to
the length of redefining executive privilege and inviting the
Congressional lawsuit ever filed against a president? Were the
of releasing these documents more damaging than the consequences
destroying them?

Could the Big Secret be that the highest levels of the Bush
knew during the summer of 2001 that the largest bankruptcy in
history was
imminent? Or was it that Enron and the White House were working
closely with
the Taliban - including Osama bin Laden - up to weeks before the
Sept. 11
attack? Was a deal in Afghanistan part of a desperate last-ditch
"end run"
to bail out Enron? Here's a tip for Congressional investigators
and federal
prosecutors: Start by looking at the India deal. Closely.

Enron had a $3 billion investment in the Dabhol power plant, near
Bombay on
India's west coast. The project began in 1992, and the liquefied
gas- powered plant was supposed to supply energy-hungry India
with about
one-fifth of its energy needs by 1997. It was one of Enron's
development projects ever (and the single largest direct foreign
in India's history). The company owned 65 percent of Dabhol; the
partners were Bechtel, General Electric and State Electricity

The fly in the ointment, however was that the Indian consumers
could not
afford the cost of the electricity that was to be produced. The
World Bank
had warned at the beginning that the energy produced by the plant
would be
too costly, and Enron proved them right. Power from the plant was
percent higher than electricity from other sources.

Enron had promised India that the Dabhol power would be
affordable once the
next phase of the project was completed. But to cut expenses,
Enron had to
find cheap gas to fuel it. They started burning naphtha, with
plans that
they would retrofit the plant to gas once it was available.

Originally, Enron was planning to get the liquefied natural gas
(LNG) from
Qatar, where Enron had a joint venture with the state-owned Qatar
Gas and
Pipeline Company. In fact, the Qatar project was one of the
reasons why
Enron selected India to set up Dabhol: it had to ensure that its
Qatar gas
did not remain unsold. In April 1999, however, the project was
because of the global oil and gas glut. With Qatar gone, Enron
was back to
square one in trying to locate an inexpensive LNG supply source.

Enter the Afghanistan connection.

Where the "Great Game" in Afghanistan was once about czars and
seeking access to the warm water ports of the Persian Gulf, today
it is
about laying oil and gas pipelines via the untapped petroleum
reserves of
Central Asia, a region previously dominated by the former Soviet
Union, with
strong influence from Iran and Pakistan. Studies have placed the
total worth
of oil and gas reserves in the Central Asian republics at between
$3 and $6

Who has access to that vast sea of oil? Right now the only
existing export
routes from the Caspian Basin lead through Russia. U.S. oil
companies have
longed dreamed of their own pipeline routes that will give them
control of
the oil and gas resources of the Caspian Sea. Likewise, the U.S.
also wants to dominate Central Asian oil in order to reduce
dependency on
resources from the Persian/Arabian Gulf, which it cannot control.
Thus the
U.S. is poised to challenge Russian hegemony in a new version of
the "Great

Construction of oil and natural gas export pipelines through
Afghanistan was
under serious consideration during the Clinton years. In 1996,
Unocal -- one
of the world's leading energy resource and project development
companies --
won a contract to build a 1,005-mile oil pipeline in order to
exploit the
vast Turkmenistan natural gas fields in Duletabad. The pipeline
would extend
through Afghanistan and Pakistan, terminating in Multan, near the

Multan was also the end point for another proposed pipeline, this
one from
Iran. This project never left the drawing boards, however; the
would be much longer (over 1,600 miles) and more expensive.
Still, this
route was being seriously considered as of early 2001, and it
increased the
odds that gas would be flowing into Multan from somewhere.

Unocal wasn't the only energy company laying pipe. In 1997, Enron
that it was going to spend over $1 billion building and improving
the lines
between the Dabhol plant and India's network of gas pipelines.

Follow the map: Once a proposed 400-mile extension from Multan,
Pakistan to
New Delhi, India was built, Caspian Sea gas could flow into
India's network
to New Delhi, follow the route to Bombay -- and bingo! A
plentiful source of
ultra-cheap LNG that could supply Enron's plant in India for
three decades
or more.

Besides the route to Multan, another proposed spur of the
pipeline would
have ended on the Pakistan coast, where an estimated one million
barrels of
LNG per day could be shipped to Japan and Korea, the largest
consumers of
LNG in the world. For Enron, there was an upside here as well.
Entering the
South Eastern Asian markets, which offered vast growth potential,
position Enron well in the global marketplace and offset some of
losses in other markets.

There was one gotcha: It looked like the trans-Afghan section of
pipeline might never be built. Afghanistan was controlled by
extremists who didn't want to cooperate.

Enter the Taliban.

>From 1997 to as late as August 2001, the U.S. government
continued to
negotiate with the Taliban, trying to find a stabilizing factor
that would
allow American oil ventures to proceed with this project without
interference. To this end, in December 1997, Unocal invited the
contingency to Texas to negotiate protection while the pipeline
was under
construction. At the end of their stay, the Afghan visitors were
invited to
Washington to meet with the government officials of the Clinton

But in August, 1998, terrorists linked to Osama bin Laden bombed
two U.S.
embassies in East Africa. After a few cruise missiles were fired
Afghanistan and the Pentagon boasted that we had disabled bin
"terrorist network," Unocal said they were abandoning plans for a
through the country. But was such a potentially lucrative deal
really dead?

Not hardly. Although Unocal had the largest share, the "Central
Asian Gas
Pipeline" (CentGas) consortium had six other partners, including
in Saudi Arabia's Delta Oil Company -- the next largest
shareholder with 15
percent -- and groups in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan, and
Turkmenistan. They vowed to continue the project, and had strong
interests in seeing the Afghanistan pipeline built.

The U.S. looked for other options, and the Trade and Development
commissioned a feasibility study for an improbable east-to-west
route that
would cross the Caspian Mountains and end at a Mediterranean
seaport in
Turkey. The company hired for that study was Enron. If that
pipeline were to
be constructed, Turkmenistan signed an agreement that it would be
built by
Bechtel and GE Capital Services -- the same American companies
that were
Enron's business partners in the Dabhol power plant.

No matter which direction the Central Asia natural gas would
flow, Enron would profit. Should it go south towards ships
waiting on the
Pakistan coast, it would be still only a few hundred miles at sea
to Dabhol.
The trip from the Mediterranean would be farther (and thus more
for Enron to buy gas), but it was also the least likely route to
constructed. Estimated costs were almost $1 billion more than the
through Afghanistan, and engineering plans had not even started.
No, the
only practical route for the Caspian Sea gas was through
Afghanistan and
Pakistan to the border of India. All that was lacking was the
political will
to make it happen.

Enter George W. Bush.

Bush's long and personal relationship with Enron's former CEO
Kenneth Lay is
now well known, as is his generous contribution of over $600,000
to advance
the political career of the man who now holds the White House.
Not so well
known is how Bush has helped Enron.

In 1988, Bush allegedly called Argentina's Minister of Public
Works to
pressure him into awarding Enron a $300 million contract shortly
after his
father won the presidency. Rodolfo Terragno recalled that the
younger George
Bush said that giving Enron the project "would be very favorable
Argentina and its relations with the United States." Terragno
didn't know
whether this message was from the White House or whether Bush was
working a
business deal on his own.

(Although unlikely, it is possible that Terragno was called by
brother Neil
Bush, who would later seek an oil drilling deal in Argentina. The
Bush Sr.
campaign denied that George W. made the call. This was, however,
the time
period when Lay began to cultivate his friendship with George W.
and there
is no known association between Neil Bush and Lay. That two Bush
are suspects, however, speaks to the levels of power that this

By the time George W. became president, the India project was in
trouble. Enron's reputation as a bully in India was legion. The
Human Rights
Watch released a report that indicated human rights violations
had occurred
as a result of opposition to the Dabhol Power project. Beginning
in late
1996 and continuing throughout 1997, leading Indian environmental
and employee organizations organized to oppose the project and,
as a direct
result of their opposition were not paid and subjected to
short-term detention. One ghastly report actually states that
police stormed
the homes of several women in western India who had led a massive
against Enron's new natural-gas plant near their fishing village.
to Amnesty International, the women were dragged from their homes
and beaten
by officers paid by Enron.

The crisis came just a few months after the Bush inauguration.
walked off the job, saying they hadn't been paid for over a
month. The
[India state of] Maharashtra Electricity Board stopped paying for
power in May 2001, saying it was too expensive. Enron
counter-charged that
the Board owed them $64 million. The plant was closed, although
it is said
to be 97 percent complete. All that was missing was a source for
cheap, natural gas.

Enter Dick Cheney.

Scarcely a month after Bush moves into the White House, Vice
Cheney has his first secret meeting with Ken Lay and other Enron
on February 22, 2001. Other meetings follow on March 7 and April
17. It is
the details of these meetings that the Bush Administration is
seeking to
keep private.

It's clear the Cheney had his own conflicts of interest with
Enron. A chief
benefactor in the trans-Caspian pipeline deal would have been
the huge oil pipeline construction firm which was previously
headed by
Cheney. After Cheney's selection as Bush's Vice Presidential
Halliburton also contributed a huge amount of cash into the
campaign coffers.

So the obvious question: Did Enron lobby Cheney for help in
India? It has
already been documented that the Vice President's energy task
force changed
a draft energy proposal to include a provision to boost oil and
natural gas
production in India in February of last year. The amendment was
so narrow
that it apparently was targeted only to help Enron's Dabhol plant
in India.
Later, Cheney stepped in to try to help Enron collect its $64
million debt
during a June 27 meeting with India's opposition leader Sonia
Gandhi. But
behind the scenes, much more was cooking.

A series of e-mail memos obtained by the Washington Post and NY
Daily News
in January revealed that the National Security Council led a
"Dabhol Working
Group" composed of officials from various Cabinet departments
during the
summer of 2001. The memos suggest that the Bush Administration
was running
exactly the sort of "war room" that was a favorite subject of
ridicule by
Republicans during the Clinton years.

The Working Group prepared "talking points" for both Cheney and
Bush and
recommended that the need to "broaden the advocacy" of settling
the Enron
debt. Every development was closely monitored: "Good news" a NSC
member wrote in a e-mail memo: "The Veep mentioned Enron in his
meeting with
Sonia Gandhi." The Post commented that the NSC went so far that
it "acted as
a sort of concierge service for Enron Chairman Kenneth L. Lay and
national security adviser, Brajesh Mishra" in trying to arrange a
meeting between the Indian official and Lay.

While lobbying India, it appears that the Bush Administration was
raising the heat on the Taliban to allow the pipeline.

The book "Bin Laden: the Forbidden Truth" by Jean-Charles Brisard
Guillaume Dasique claims that the U.S. tried to negotiate the
pipeline deal
with the Taliban as late as August, 2001. According to the
authors, the Bush
Administration attempted to get the Taliban on board and believed
they could
depend upon the regime to stabilize the country while the
construction was underway. Bush had already indirectly given the
Taliban $43
million for their supposed efforts to stamp out opium-poppy
cultivation. Was
this an award -- or a bribe? The circumstances make this a valid

Enron was unraveling at the seams, yet in early August, Kenneth
Lay seemed
optimistic, even exuberant. Was he whistling past the graveyard,
or did he
have secret information? The last meeting between U.S. and
representatives took place five weeks before the attacks on New
York and
Washington; on that occasion, Christina Rocca, in charge of
Central Asian
affairs for the U.S. government, met the Taliban ambassador to
Pakistan in
Islamabad on August 2, 2001. Rocca said the Taliban
representative, Mr.
Zaeef, was aware of the strong U.S. commitment to help the Afghan
people and
the fact that the United States had provided $132 million in
assistance so far that year.

Lay's last documented e-mail was sent on August 27th, about the
same time
the Taliban allowed the International Red Cross to visit jailed
foreign aid
workers in Afghanistan. In it, Lay waxes optimistic about the
strength and
stability of his company, and exhorts his employees to buy into
company's stock program. Was Kenneth Lay anticipating a new
pipeline deal,
and an Enron contract, courtesy of George W. Bush? If a deal was
at hand, he
had every reason to be optimistic about the future.

Even though the trans-Caspian pipeline and the extension into
India would be
years from completion, Enron's conceit of working above the law
ultimately the guiding beacon in all of its transactions. They
had played
the game of subterfuge for so long, they were near experts at
covering their
tracks. Even if Lay knew at this point that bankruptcy was
imminent, Enron
had always survived major hurdles in the past, right? The
possibility of a
total meltdown was most likely not even a consideration -- there
always be an 11th hour federal bailout.

However, from all records, relationships became strained. The
Taliban had
demanded that the U.S. should also reconstruct Afghanistan's
and that the pipeline be open for local consumption. Instead, the
wanted a closed pipeline pumping gas for export only and was not
in helping to rebuild the country.

In turn, the U.S. threatened the Taliban during the negotiations.
directive of "we'll either carpet you in gold or carpet you in
bombs" was
bantered about in the press to underscore the emerging
willfulness of the

But sometime in late August, apparently the whole deal went sour.

Enron had one last card to play, and that was selling the Dabhol
plant for
quick cash -- if it could. If Enron could get its asking price of
billion, then maybe the company could pull out of its bankruptcy
nose dive.

In late August, Lay appeared to threaten India in an article in
the London
Financial Times. We expect full price for the plant, he warned;
if they
received anything less, there could be backlash: "There are laws
that could
prevent the U.S. government from providing any aid or assistance
to India
going forward if, in fact, they expropriate property of U.S.
companies," he
said. When Indian officials called these statements "strong arm
tactics," an
Enron statement claimed Lay "was merely referring to U.S. laws."
Again Lay
appeared to threaten India in a Sept. 14 letter to the Prime
insisting that the $2.3 billion price was reasonable because they
had a
"legal claim" of up to $5 billion.

But the house of cards collapsed dramatically on November 8, when
disclosed that it had overstated earnings dating back to 1997 by
almost $600
million. That same day, an e-mail ("Importance: High"), whose
sender and
recipient are blacked out, warned, "President Bush cannot talk
about Dabhol
as was already mentioned." The memo also said that Bush economic
Lawrence Lindsey could not discuss Enron either. Lindsey had been
an Enron

The end came in December 2001, as Enron fired the 300 remaining
workers at
the plant. Enron also filed a $200 million claim with the U.S.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a U.S. taxpayer-funded
fund for American companies abroad, in an attempt to recoup
losses from the
Dabhol Power Corporation.

On the last day of the year, President Bush appointed Zalmay
Khalilzad as
his special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad is a former Unocal
whose positions on Afghanistan changed in sync with Unocal's own.
When it
looked like the pipeline would be built in 1996, Khalilzad
advocated that
the U.S. should work with moderate elements in the Taliban. By
2000 Unocal
was out of the project, and Khalilzad was writing that the U.S.
undermine the Taliban.

It's clear that once again the Great Game is afoot, now that the
Taliban are
gone. Today, Khalilzad is the Special Assistant to the President
National Security Council member responsible for setting up the
"Pro-Unocal" regime in Afghanistan. International oil men
call the project the new "Silk Road." On Feb. 8, Afghanistan's
leader Hamid Karzai and Pakistan's president agreed to revive
plans for a
trans-Afghanistan route for Iranian gas. The next day,
Turkmenistan chimed
in that they hoped their trans-Afghanistan route would be soon
built. It's
all but certain that gas from somewhere will reach Multan -- and
the Dabhol
plant beyond.

For investors, Dabhol should be a bitter lesson. Enron was a
company known
for its hubris that tried to accomplish too much, too quickly,
playing too
fast and loose with financial realities. In the end, Enron found
that its
far-reaching global clout could no longer circumvent the rules of
economics -- nor could it count on the players they helped bring
into power.

Until there is a full investigation, questions will remain about
how far the
Bush team went to try to save their buddies at Enron. Vice
President Dick
Cheney's refusal to release details about his private April
meeting with Lay
is suspicious. It is already known that Cheney accepted seven out
of eight
national energy policy recommendations made by Lay; so what are
they so
damned determined to keep secret? What could be more
incriminating than

On Feb. 22, the GAO sued Cheney, who has stated that the White
House will go
to court to fight the release of the documents. (However, John W.
former Nixon staffer and Watergate witness, is quick to point out
executive privilege is unique to the president, not the vice
With recent discovery that a highest-level "Dabhol Working Group"
was set up
in the Bush Administration, it appears that there is much more to

Is the White House covering up that it was molding foreign policy
as well as
energy policy to suit Enron? Did the Bush Administration know
that Enron's
collapse was coming as early as August? If any of these are true,
largest bankruptcy in American history may well connect with the
political scandal in American history.

Ron Callari is a freelancer writer. This article originally
appeared in the
Albion Monitor.


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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