I apologize for the characterization of Comrade Kliman, who
emerges out of a tradition I admire. But,  YUP, as Doug said
the other day, pen-l isn't the place for humor, mockery or saracasm,
self-deprecation, immolation lest that Old Mole of Criticism
Inflame those damn Carbuncles in the marxian Whiskers. I'll take
Chaz'es implication that I'm a racist in stride, after all if
he calls Justin an anti-communist,(someone who spent a number
of years in the New Democratic Movement, which was the post-party
formation of the maoist Communist Workers Party (who gave their
lives in Greensboro, N.C. in 1980. One of the five had been a
member previously in the organization I belonged to in the 80's,
the new leftish New American Movement that got swallowed up by
DSOC to create DSA, much ado about nothing in retrospect ;-(
 )end of that parethesis!]~ he'll call Trotsky an anti-communist,
I guess! Anyway, keep on arguing y'all, nothing this Fascist
Insect That Preys On the Life of the People...   --- Original
Message ---
>From: Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 3/15/02 7:28:43 AM

>Moving it offlist
>I say this not in a retort , but as political criticism.  It
is important that the left retain or revive criticism of redbaiting.
 Anti-communism and redbaiting are as politically reprehensible
as sexism, racism, anti-Semitism and the rest. We have to start
calling out redbaiting the way we call out male supremacy. Somehow
nowadays the left does not direct as much political critcism
at redbaiting. Of course, we are not in a period of repression
of communists, as in the Palmer raids or McCarthyism , so this
is not exactly "exposing" communists to the same dangers of old,
although there can be harmful consequences of the same still.
 And anyway, I think Andrew has in the past ( I recall specifically
from LBO-Talk) been open with his political affiliation. I recall
on LBO, in criticizing one of my posts,  Andrew echoed a criticism
of Angela Davis made by a former autoworker leader of the Marxist-Humanist
tradition. ( So, once again Michael Pugliese presumes to tell
me something!
> I already know.  As he does this so much, it starts to become
a species of paternalism ; assuming M. Pugliese is white, it
seems like white paternalism).  Nonetheless, his post seems to
evince historical forgetfulness of the fundamental left antagonism
to redbaiting.
>Of course, the old saying was cratch a redbaiter and find a
>Comrade Brown
>I thought that the message that I received was sent to me off
>Obviously, such a personal characterization of any member "obnoxious"
>no business here.  That can start a stupid flame war.
>On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:03:07PM -0800, Michael Perelman wrote:
>> I am sure that he still is.
>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 10:46:58AM -0800, michael pugliese
>> > 
>> >    While you have Andrew send e-mail addy to you Chaz, ask
>> > obnoxious comrade if he is still a member of News & Letters.
>> > You too should have a good dialogue in state capitalism
in ther
>> > fSU and Raya Dunayevskaya on Hegel.
>> > Michael, "the obnoxious, " Pugliese

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