Re: Revolution(s) In Our Time (Argentina)
by Alan Cibils
21 March 2002 14:56 UTC  

Lil Joe had written:

I looked at the
> photo and I could not tell whether those cops were armed
> are not. I therefore suggested two different scenarios:
> (1) Assuming the cops were unarmed and retreated from
> fear of the workers; or,
> (2) Assuming that the workers were armed and refused to
> fire on the people.

What I meant to write was: ... "(2)Assuming that the cops were
armed and refused to fire on the people". 
Sorry bought the f*#k up, comrades. -- Joe


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From Buenos Aires: I think it's important to discuss dialectics, but there is
> no "good" side to the "bad" side of the Argentinian police. I did not witness
> the police withdrawal from Brukman factory. But I talked to several people
> who did. They all ascribed the police withdrawal to the mass support that
> developed in front of the factory. If the police had started shooting, they
> could have easily faced another December 20th.
> As I write, about 20 feet away from my cyber cafe, on a streetcorner in Ave
> de Mayo a motorcycle helmet with flowers sits on the ground on the spot where
> a motorcycle messenger was killed by the police on December 20. The police
> murderers of December 20th are still in their jobs, even though the President
> and the chief of police was changed.

> On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 16:17:24 -0800 (PST) Li'l Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> 'You can, because you ought' - this
> expression, which is supposed to 
> mean a great deal, is implied in the
> notion of ought. For the ought
> implies that one is superior to the
> limitation; in it the limit is sublated and the
> in-itself of the ought is thus an identical
> self-relation, and hence the abstraction
> of 'can'. But conversely, it is equally
> correct that:'you cannot, just because you ought.'
> For in the ought, the limitation as
> limitationis equally implied; the said
> formalism of possibility has, in the limitation,
> a reality, a qualitative otherness opposed to
> it and the relation of each to the other is
> a contradiction, and thus a 'cannot',
> or rather an impossibility.
> Hegel: " Science of Logic"
> *********************************
> The Marxian analysis is not just a collection of dead 
> facts, as in the case of positivism and empiricism; but, 
> to analytically penetrate that which appears, the "things
> as the appear" to discover the "things in themselves",
> to discover the tendencies, the negative in the positive,
> its negation, i.e. negation of negation engendering new
> beginnings: being is in a constant becoming, transitions
> from the one into its opposite. 
> In our analytical questions, from which mutually 
> exclusive possible hypothesis were formulated, to 
> which Alan Cibils responded, our purpose was not
>  to present dead data, facts that could be drawn 
> from as newspaper. 
> The dialectic methodology is the recognition that
> the things"are and are not" - as Hericlitus says,
> because"all things are in flux", we are concerned
> with the tendencies, the becoming, the "'qual of 
> matter" as Jacob Bohme put it. Lenin said it best
> in his summary of dialectics the contradictory 
> nature of the thing itself (the other of itself), the 
> contradictory forces and tendencies in each 
> phenomenon --
>          One could perhaps present these 
>          elements in greater detail as follows: 
>          1) the objectivity of consideration (not
>          examples, not divergencies, but the 
>          Thing-in-itself). 
>          2) the entire totality of the manifold
>          relations of this thing to others. 
>          3) the development of this thing, (
>          phenomenon, respectively), its own 
>          movement, its own life. 
>          4) the internally contradictory tendencies 
>          (and sides) in this thing. 
>          5) the thing (phenomenon, etc) as the 
>          sum and unity of opposites. 
>          6) the struggle, respectively unfolding, 
>          of these opposites, contradictory 
>          strivings, etc. 
> Neither Connie White nor her husband, me, merely
> study "dialectical materialism" to discuss them 
> on e-mail discussion lists but have internalized 
> that method of analysis to make our analysis a
> dialectical one. These analysis are premised on 
> the material were are considering, and its 
> changes.
> Cops are many other things besides, for instance. 
> They are children of their parents and parents of 
> their children; they are sisters and brothers, siblings, 
> and uncles, cusins, &c., Each individual cop, or 
> soldier, is a mass of contradictions derivative of
> the mode of appropriation, conditions and relations
> of production they are hired (or drafted) to 
> protect. 
> The task of the Marxist revolutionary is to recognize 
> those contradictions and conflicting pressures, 
> obligations, &c., as ultimately mutually excluding 
> tendencies. Thus to develop conscious strategies,
> and tactics to increase the tendencies that connect 
> those cops (who can be connected materially and
> socially connected) to the working-class -- their 
> fathers, mothers, spouse, their children &c., who are
> the workers and socialists who are doing the striking,
> protesting, marching, demonstrating, and occupying 
> factories!
> Our job is to press the contradictory loyalties in each
> cop and soldier, of the rank and file of course, and
> compel those cops or/and soldiers to break with the
> ruling-classes -- i.e. to turn their guns from pointing at
> the striking, protesting, demonstrating workers and 
> unemployed workers, whom they are sent to suppress,
> and to turn those guns at their officers and fire on 
> them!
> I therefore cannot understand how any (I assume to
> be) socialist or/and revolutionary in the US (who
> have never led a factory occupation/sit-down strike)
> can say that Connie White and I are "reading too
> much into the cop reaction" -- i.e. that armed cops
> refused to fire on workers and allowed them to
> re-occupy a factory". Unlike the Black nationalist
> "revolutionaries" in the United States who regard
> the Black caucus of the Democratic Party, the
> "Congressional Black Caucus" as their " 'Brothas'
> and 'Sistas'", the Argentine workers know that the
> State is the State, but appeal to their real brothers 
> and sisters in the military to not shoot them in
> defense of capitalist property.
> Cibils did in fact present more data, e.g. the name of
> the police department, & did so demagogic name 
> calling, but, he made no analysis of his own regarding
> that data. Pretty much, Cibils reasoning is based on
> what he does not "doubt", "thinks", "suspects", &c.
> What he believes and not what he knows.
> --- michael pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED] f (the other of itself), the > wrote:
> > 
> > >--- Original Message ---
> > >From: Alan Cibils <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Date: 3/21/02 7:59:39 AM
> > >
> > 
> > >
> > >
> > >I think Li'l Joe and Connie White are reading too much into
> > the cop 
> > >reaction, and are probably leaving out some key factors.
> > >
> > >1) In Argentina all cops are armed with at least a pistol on
> > their hips. 
> > >The cops in this picture are no exception.
> Lil Joe, Response:
> Nor did I say that they were an exception as Cibils imply.
> I have terrible eyes and don't see so well. I looked at the
> photo and I could not tell whether those cops were armed
> are not. I therefore suggested two different scenarios:
> (1) Assuming the cops were unarmed and retreated from
> fear of the workers; or,
> (2) Assuming that the workers were armed and refused to
> fire on the people.
> How does Cibils deduce from our alternative hypothesis 
> that I or Connie have in either case implied that the cops 
> in the photo were somehow an "exception"? 
> But, on ther other point, again an innuendo rather than a
> clear accusation, Cibils says that Connie and I were
> "leaving out some key factors". Other than presenting
> some news reported data of the event, Cibils does not
> present anything new that was not covered in Connie
> and my analysis.
> Cibils continues:
> > >2) The attempt to kick the workers out of the Brukman textile
> > installation 
> > >was carried out by the Policia Federal Argentina (PFA), with
> > as many 
> > >plainclothes police (also armed) as uniformed.
> > >
> Lil Joe, Reply:
> The only thing that Cibils "adds" here, supposedly to provide
> informational "factors" that Connie and I "left out", is the
> NAME of the department of the police that were involve in
> the factory altercation. Is Cibls implying that if that were
> some other detachment of armed cops that they would have


Li'l Joe

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