Message: 3 
To: "The people & anarchists and authorities world wide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:24:54 +0200 
Organization: International Journal of Anarchism 
>From IJ@ 4(31) updated 03.04.2002 

Anarchist International Embassy in Oslo 



The rumors that some high ranking, mainly marxist Norwegians
and their = 
"useful" idiots, have given much aid-money to Arafat, so he could
support the terrorists, to make trouble in the Mid East and thus
hike = 
the oil price (and tank-rates), must be seen as a 1st of April
joke and = 
nothing else. The Anarchy of Norway just doesn't play politics
so dirty, = 
although the oil-price of course have hiked now as usual when
there is = 
trouble in the Mid East, and the PLO-state of Arafat has gotten
relatively much money in aid from Norway. These events should
not be = 
seen combined, and introducing a (false) conspiracy theory is
not = 
correct. There are also other reasons for a hike in the oil-price,
say, = 
the USA's talks vis-=E0-vis Saddam Hussein, and better economical
conjunctures in general.=20 
02.04.2002. Although the Conference on terrorism and IJ@ yesterday
tried = 
to stop the rumors, they continue to grow. We must simply repeat
that = 
these growing rumors are not based on facts! The whole idea of
the so = 
called secret operation, code name "Bongo from Congo" where=20

1. the Yes to EU-bureaucrats in the Labor Party, some of them
having got = 
top jobs in Statoil without too much qualifications,=20 
2. the UN's "peace envoy for the Middle East" Terje "Red" Larsen
plus = 
Gro Harlem Brundtland and tops in the Royal Norwegian Foreign
Ministry, = 
3. the leaders of the "Red oil-workers unions", plus=20 
4. the coming bureaucrats of the Labor Party's Youth organization
AUF, = 
have a conspiracy with=20 
5. Y. Arafat and the PLO-State terrorists, to=20 
6. hike the oil-price, and share the profit through different
channels, = 
aid included, to make even more trouble in the Mid East and hike
the = 
oil-price even more, etc., in=20 
7. an oil-price & terrorism spiral, in a prolonged war with Israel,
also = 
including trade boycott etc. to make it real long, that's=20

8. just far out! Although=20 
9. the marxist influenced Norwegian media also write about a
long Mid = 
East war 02.04.2002, and thus contribute perhaps to even more
oil-price = 
hike, there are no reasons to believe that=20 
10. the "Oil-price & Terrorism Conspiracy" , code name "Bongo
from = 
Congo", really exists.=20 
11.- 03.04.2002 the rumors are getting even wilder: A faction
of OPEC = 
with ramifications to rich muslims and bin-Laden's al-Qaeda,
some = 
factions in the UN and in CIA connected to some warprofit sharks
in USA, = 
are part of this Grand Conspiracy, and they also are behind the
11.09.2001 events. 
12. IJ@ can not confirm that the rumors are rooted back to some
leftists = 
at Industrial Workers of the World, that earlier have made up
smearstories and lies about the Anarchy of Norway and the International
Workers of the World, or some rightist Americans , that think
UN is a = 
commie nest ruling the USA. Both groups have however traditionally
a = 
tendency to dream up large Conspiracies, and think economy is
the basis = 
- or the only thing that counts - to explain what is going on
in = 
society, and try to make up scapegoats. However to think Gro
Harlem = 
Brundtland, the other Labor Party bosses and the UD tops, etc.
are the = 
real spiders behind the Grand Conspiracy and the 11.09. 2001
attacks as = 
well as the Mid East trouble is far out. To make the Anarchy
of Norway = 
scapegoat for the 11.09 and Mid East trouble is not fair! 
NACO demands such nonsense rumors should be stopped at once!=20

However to stop further rumors, more restrictions on the aid-money
to = 
the PLO-State of Arafat should perhaps be introduced, NACO says:
"It = 
must be certain not an "=F8re" of the Norwegian aid-money to
Palestine = 
goes to support the terrorists, directly or indirectly, to avoid
the = 
Anarchy of Norway gets a bad reputation internationally.=20 
Even 1st of April joke rumors may spread and be harmfull, if
there is = 
just a small fraction of possible truth in it. So all support
that = 
doesn't go directly to peaceful organizations of the Palestinian
people, = 
and 100% certain avoid "their" corrupt authorities plus terrorists,
and = 
other political measures that may make Norwegians be looked upon
as = 
warprofit sharks, should stop at once! Also other organizations
seemingly being a part of this so called Grand Conspiracy of
Oilprice & = 
Terrorism, should perhaps think twice, and not do things that
can make = 
such harmful rumors grow further. 

More news and comments about the Mid East and terrorism in general,
see = 
IJ@ 4(31). Click on URL and then the rollerbanner
for = 
IJ@. Search for 01.04 and 02.04, 03.04, Jews, Middle, Mid, Arafat,
etc. = 
in the IJ@ 4 (31) =20 
See also: 1. The system theory of anarchist political economy
and social = 
organization research at URL
. 2. The = 
general theory of anarchist economics at URL = 3. The anarchist class analysis,
i.e. = 
economic-political sociology and industrial organization research,
at = 
URL for a theoretical update
and 4. = to see the resolutions from the
International Anarchist Tribunal. Search for Arafat in the file
of the = 
International branch.=20 

Cordially .... 
C. d'a. A. Quist 

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