Can you hear Marx tittering in Highgate? 

If only socialists had studied Marx properly, they would have known all
along that capitalism would triumph. Meghnad Desai gets behind the slogans
in Marx's Revenge 

Faisal Islam
Sunday May 19, 2002
The Observer 

Marx's Revenge
Meghnad Desai
Verso £19, pp383
Practical jokes, last laughs and vengeance would have been more the sphere
of Groucho rather than Karl Marx. But Meghnad Desai argues that the great
thinker's most prominent legacy was a huge confidence trick. Capitalism has
now triumphed, it is 'the only game in town', statist socialism is 'dead',
and, yes, that is what Marx had said would happen all along.

Desai, a London School of Economics professor and Labour peer, performs
conceptual somersaults to pursue this contention. Most of the evidence
comes from Marx's economic writings, ignored by everyone apart from Desai,
previously the author of a textbook on the subject. Marx's Revenge is,
however, far broader than that, racing through a history of economic
thought, which is vital in that it shows what incubates the contemporary
consensus in economics.

The key to understanding why Marx is tittering in Highgate Cemetery is the
difference between the words Marxian and Marxist. The former refers to
those who faithfully study all his works, specifically his analytical
writings about the dynamics of capitalism; the latter is the reductive
Bolshevism that emerged in the last century, shaped by Lenin's pamphlet on
imperialism and these days incorporating a wide span of belief, including
the fringes of fascism.

Marx recognised this trend. On hearing of the establishment of a Marxist
party in France, he famously said: 'Je ne suis pas marxiste'. But he was
subsequently ignored. Marxism in the twentieth century became defined by
interpretations such as Lenin's Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism.

In the 1920s, Das Kapital dropped off the Marxist's must-read list.
Imperialism became the key text beside the Communist manifesto. Almost all
debates about Marxian economics, particularly on the fall in the rate of
profitability over time, were ruled out as 'uninteresting scholasticism'.
'The answers were known, Marx became a bundle of catechisms,' writes Desai.

Marx developed some pioneering economics. He was the first economist to
incorporate an explanation of boom and bust within his theory. He
constructed a simple model to show how profit came from the exploitation of
the 'surplus value' of labour. This led to the ups and downs of
profitability. But in volume II of Das Kapital Marx calculates a numerical
scheme of a capitalist economy which does not run into crisis and enjoys
perpetual growth.

The later volumes were published after his death, after Engels assembled
Marx's notes. The famous words about the tendency to a falling rate of
profit giving rise to the end of capitalism is hardly mentioned in volume
III, argues Desai, and mentioned only as a possibility in volume I and in
the Communist manifesto. So this misconception, misreading, or perhaps
highly selective reading, of Marx has led to a vulgar simplificaton of what
was a complex and nuanced body of work.

Desai's chapter six shows why some Marxists may have skipped the surplus
profit exploitation equilibrium models. These technicalities, crucial to
Desai's understanding of Marx, do not trip off the tongue as lightly as the
'revolt of the lumpenproletariat'. 'Popular Marxism' took Marx's more
prophetic writings on the fate of capitalism, without noting that Marx had
not given a timescale. If socialism is destined to usurp capitalism, but
the transition period could last many hundreds of years, as the transitions
between previous modes of production like feudalism and capitalism had
lasted, then the prediction is not entirely helpful.

It is the political economy equivalent of Michael Fish telling us to wrap
up warm because the Ice Age will return at some point. Rather than get his
revenge, Desai's work seems to show Marx hedged his bets. If that is true,
why should we care that his more obscure work has been vindicated?

In the process of explaining Marx's Revenge, Desai illuminates the work of
Smith, Hegel, Popper, Polanyi, Keynes and Samuelson. A similarly
revisionist tract would show that Adam Smith was not quite the market
fundamentalist he is assumed to be.

Economics is more than a social science. It has become the theology of
public policy in liberal democracies, justifying how societies are taxed,
the ownership of the media and immigration policy. As its norms encroach on
many other disciplines, such as politics, sociology, the law, even biology,
its base assumptions and its evolution require a mainstream dissemination.
Desai refers to this as 'social astronomy' which would be fair if it
concerned only descriptive analyses of the structures in society.
Unfortunately, Marxists appear to have indulged in too much social astrology.

It is an important book because of who it is directed at. Nobody in Wall
Street or the City of London will care that Marx is now on their side. But
for those who still express moral indignation at pronounced and prolonged
inequality and poverty, the market is the most likely rescue route.

Whether it is called the market, or capitalism, or neoliberalism, it is a
tool that has not yet been harnessed fully for poverty alleviation. As
Desai points out, the market is a tool for eliminating scarcity. It is
departures from the free market, such as big subsidies for agriculture in
rich countries, that are doing most to solidify poverty. Even from a
tactical perspective, arguments expressed in the language of the free
market are listened to, whereas moral sentimentality about excessive
inequality is worthy but ineffective.

Louis Proyect
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