Market failure: A convincing case

The Market that Failed: A Decade of Neoliberal Economic Reforms in
India by C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh; Leftword Books, New
Delhi, 2002; pages 192, Rs. 275.

THE period of nearly 11 years since the acceleration of the
process of economic liberalisation in June 1991 by the then
Congress government, which did not have a parliamentary majority,
has seen an orchestrated attempt by successive governments,
international agencies such as the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), official economists, several of
whom have divided their time between New Delhi and Washington, and
almost the entire electronic and print media, to portray the
policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation (LPG)
as both inevitable and desirable. In a closely argued and lucidly
written book, Professors C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh have
demonstrated that such a portrayal is entirely inaccurate and

The neoliberal reform programme, Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
point out, "...made curtailment of the fiscal deficit the
fundamental task of fiscal policy. It accelerated trade
liberalisation, which involved doing away with quantitative
restrictions on imports and reducing customs tariffs, with
attendant revenue implications. It dismantled controls on free
operation of large industrial capital, domestic and foreign. It
provided a host of direct and indirect concessions to industry,
reducing the tax base of the government further. It provided a
host of concessions to foreign investors in the hope that they
would use India as a base for world market production."

The neoliberal reformers had argued that economic growth in India
was being stifled by the intrusive role of the state as both
regulator and participant; that large fiscal deficits crowded out
private investment and undermined investor confidence. They argued
that the excessive protection provided to Indian industry by the
imposition of import restrictions and tariffs prevented the
development of an efficient, competitive economy which would
enable India to benefit from integration with the world capitalist
economy. Their claim, then, was that liberalisation would enhance
the growth rate. As growth occurred across the board, and the
economy became more competitive through domestic deregulation and
external opening-up, exports would surge and employment would
expand rapidly. As a result, poverty would decline sharply as
would unemployment. But what has been the record of the 11 years
of reform policies?

The authors demonstrate convincingly that in terms of the
indicators of growth, employment and poverty, the performance
during the reform decade of the 1990s has been no better, and in
some respects distinctly worse than in the decade of the 1980s.
They also highlight the fact that even a decade after the reforms,
the country faces the paradoxical situation of increased incidence
of hunger and food insecurity among a sizeable proportion of our
population. This is so even as the government is saddled with huge
stocks of unsold foodgrains despite a rate of growth of foodgrains
production that was lower than the rate of growth in population
during the 1990s.

The average annual rate of growth of the country's gross domestic
product (GDP) at constant prices was no higher in the 1990s than
in the 1980s. The authors note that according to the Reserve Bank
of India, the average rate of growth of the 'growth cycle' over
the 1990s amounts to only 4.4 per cent. In the material-producing
primary and secondary sectors, the growth performance was even
worse. Thus the primary sector, which grew at the rate of 5.72 per
cent a year between 1985-86 and between 1989-90, grew only at the
rate of 3.77 per cent between 1991-92 and between 1994-95. A
miserable growth rate of 1.95 per cent was recorded between
1995-96 and between 1999-2000. Similarly, over the corresponding
periods, the secondary sector grew at the rates of 8.66 per cent,
8.04 per cent and 4.99 per cent respectively, reflecting a sharp
decline in the rate of growth of industry since the mid-1990s.
Even the much-hyped services or tertiary sector showed a decline
in the average annual growth rate from around 8.7 per cent in the
1980s to 6.9 per cent in the 1990s. As the authors point out, the
stagnation or decline in growth rates is not surprising since the
key determinant of the overall growth rate of an economy - the
ratio of investment to gross domestic product - increased only
marginally from around 21.7 per cent in the 1980s to 24.5 per cent
in the 1990s. In fact, after touching a peak of 26.8 per cent
between 1995-96, this ratio declined, and has been stagnating at
around 23 per cent.

The issue of growth rates apart, a decade of reforms has led to a
crisis in agriculture, where "... agricultural investment and
output, as well as food security were adversely affected". Also
"...some important aspects of the reform process, such as the
reduction of public investment in rural areas and the attempts to
cut subsidies leading to higher input costs, actually worsened the
conditions of cultivation." As for industry, except for the
short-lived boom of the period 1993-95 and the spurt in demand
arising from the implementation of the Fifth Pay Commission Award
in 1999-2000, the overall tendency, sharply evident by the end of
the decade, was towards deceleration and a distinctly lower rate
of industrial growth. Analysing the growth of the services sector,
the authors note that it can be plausibly seen " a reflection
of accentuated dualism, with a proliferation of low-wage,
low-productivity service jobs leading the growth in this sector,
rather than more capital-intensive 'modern' service activities."

Turning to employment, using data from the National Sample Surveys
and Census 2001, the authors show that while rural and urban
employment grew at an annual rate of 2.03 per cent and 3.39 per
cent respectively between 1987-88 and 1993-94, between 1993-94 and
1999-2000 the rates were much lower at 0.66 per cent and 2.27 per
cent respectively. As they point out, the rural employment growth
rate of 0.66 per cent between 1993-94 and 1999-2000 "... was not
only less than one-third of the rate of the previous period
1987-88 to 1993-94, it was also less than half the rate of growth
of the labour force in the same period. In fact, it turns out that
this was the lowest rate of growth of rural employment in
post-Independence history." Over the 1990s, the 'weekly status'
unemployment rate was around 7 per cent for men and 10 per cent
for women - exceptionally high for a country with little or no
protection for working people by way of social security or
unemployment compensation. Reduction in public investment, removal
of quantitative restrictions on imports, squeeze on rural credit,
sharply reduced expenditures on rural development and employment
schemes, and the overall deflationary macroeconomic policies
deriving from the obsession with the reduction of the fiscal
deficit - all these contributed to the sharp decline in the growth
rate of employment. Only a small part of the decline can be
attributed to increased number of years of formal education for
both males and females of the relatively better-off sections of
the population.

WHAT has been the impact of the reforms on poverty? While poverty
is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, data limitations make it
difficult to evaluate the extent of poverty and the changes
thereof in a comprehensive manner. Data are, however, available on
income-poverty. The most commonly used official indicator of the
extent of poverty is the "head count ratio," which tells us the
proportion of households below a specified poverty line. The norm
used to define the poverty line is the value of food expenditure
necessary to ensure the intake of a specified amount of calories a
day for a person. The details of how this is worked out need not
detain us, since our focus is more on the changes in the extent of
poverty, however defined, rather than the level per se. Since the
data on poverty for the latest year available, namely 1999-2000,
are not easily comparable with those for earlier years on account
of definitional changes, the authors examine the data on the head
count ratio of poverty between 1993-94, the first half of 1998, as
well as the data over a longer period. Contrary to the
expectations of the reformers that there would be a decline in the
incidence of poverty because of higher growth and the rapid
expansion of employment owing to reforms, there has in fact been a
significant increase in rural poverty as measured by the headcount

In respect of the overall poverty ratio, the reform period is
characterised by the disappearance of the trend of decline in
poverty that was observed between the mid-1970s and the
early-1990s. The authors suggest that "...the trend in aggregate
poverty incidence... was strongly related to neoliberal economic
policies, and consequent macroeconomic processes of the 1990s...
these policies involved neglect of rural investment and of the
food security system, resulting in slow agricultural growth,
reduced employment opportunities in rural areas, and high food
prices. All these would typically be likely to be associated with
persistent, or even increasing poverty." One is inclined to agree
with this observation.

The last point about food insecurity and high food prices deserves
elaboration. The 1990s have been characterised by a sad paradox,
which testifies to the utter irrationality of the LPG policy
regime. This is a combination of the denial of access to foodgrain
at affordable prices for a sizeable proportion of our population -
amounting perhaps to about 350 million people - on the one hand,
and the accumulation of unsold foodstocks with the government - to
the tune of 62 million tonnes by the end of 2001 - on the other.
The accumulation of a high level of foodstocks with the government
occurred during a decade in which the per capita foodgrain
availability to the public declined from an average of 510 gm a
day in 1991 to 458 gm in 2000. This was despite a much lower
growth rate of population in the 1990s than in the earlier
decades. An even more glaring manifestation of the irrationality
of LPG policies has been the refusal of the government to use the
available stock of foodgrains to carry out a massive food-for-work
programme, which would help build badly needed productive rural
assets, stimulate industrial growth through its demand effects,
and bring down the carrying costs for the Food Corporation of
India. Such a refusal arises from an obsession with the fiscal
deficit, the reduction of which is touted by the World Bank and
the IMF as the panacea for all our economic ills, a proposition
that is uncritically accepted and repeated as a mantra by our

If the neoliberal reforms do not offer a solution to our paramount
tasks of achieving a higher rate of economic growth in a manner
that would expand employment, lower poverty rapidly, and
democratise the growth process by ensuring a wider participation
and a more just sharing of its benefits, is there any other way
out? Contrary to the oft-heard chorus of TINA (There is no
alternative), the authors argue that there are alternatives, and
provide an outline of an alternative approach. It is not possible
to do justice here to the alternative that they have outlined for
reasons of space, but the broad philosophy can be stated briefly.
They argue essentially for giving up the obsession with the fiscal
deficit, and propose a proactive role for the state in terms of
negotiating the challenges posed by the process of contemporary
globalisation. They argue for a policy regime which includes
appropriate restrictions on import of commodities and capital, a
serious effort to mobilise resources through direct taxation of
large capital, domestic and foreign, the rural landed gentry and
the richer sections of the peasantry; thoroughgoing land reforms,
a coordinated export thrust in which the state plays a key role in
partnership with industry, and a more egalitarian asset
distribution. They also emphasise the importance of democratic
decentralisation, and the need to grant greater powers to elected
local bodies and advocate the greater participation of ordinary
working people in economic decision-making.

In the course of their exposition, the authors have also dealt
extensively with the process of disinvestment of public sector
assets, the external sector, fiscal policy, the role of foreign
direct investment and its negative impact on balance of payments,
and on the underlying basis for as well as the political economy
of the reforms of the 1990s.

This is a must-read book for both specialists and laypersons who
are interested in understanding India's economic problems and seek
a democratic and equitable resolution of those problems.

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