Title: RE: [PEN-L:30509] Re: Re: Re: Re: american solipsism redux

> I don't think that we need to debate Cooper here.  I only
> wished that more
> people would oppose this war, which seems to combine silliness, crude
> politics, and brutality in an unprecedented way.

right. If our goal is to fight Dubya's war against Iraq, it's wrong to be too conscious of some author's checkered past. During the Vietnam war, for example, it would have been a mistake to exclude someone from the movement because he or she supported the US in Korea or some other conflict.

While we might want to be conscious of someone's checked past, that consciousness shouldn't blind us to future possibilities. That's one reason why I think it's a mistake to create "enemies lists" ("Cooper, Hitchens, etc.") Another is that the _true_ enemies are not on the (broadly defined) left as much as in the Bush League.


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