[Jim is that infuriating enuff' 4 'ya?]

Cows can fly upper class on common agricultural fare

Charlotte Denny and Andrew Clark
Wednesday September 25, 2002
The Guardian

The Countryside Alliance may have a beef over the size of its subsidy
cheques, but a new report calculates today that the European Union spends
enough money each year on farmers to pay for a round the world trip for all
21m European cows.

Aid campaigners estimate that, thanks to the generosity of Europe's
taxpayers, the cows could touch down in London, Shanghai, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Hanoi, Siem Reap, Brisbane, Raratonga, Los Angeles and San
Francisco and still have enough left over for £400 spending money each.

Alternatively, the 38bn euros (£24bn) annual cost of the common agricultural
policy (CAP) could pay for an upper class ticket to New York on Virgin, and
the cows would get a free haircut, manicure and massage plus a choice of 50
different movies thrown in.

The Catholic aid agency Cafod says the figures highlight the absurdity of
Europe's farming regime. The average European cow has a higher income than
half the world's population, while the lavish subsidies have created a milk
lake which Europe dumps in the developing world with devastating effects on
local farmers.

"It is time to scrap the CAP," said Duncan Green, trade analyst at Cafod.
"UK taxpayers are unwittingly supporting a system that destroys livelihoods
of millions of poor farmers around the developing world and does little to
benefit European farmers."

Cafod singles out Jamaica as a country where the CAP regime has caused
particular havoc. The dumping of EU skimmed milk powder has devastated the
industry, bankrupting local farmers, according to the report.

The battle over the future of Europe's 38bn euros farm subsidy bill is
expected to heat up this autumn as the deadline looms for Europe's expansion

Britain, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands insist that tight controls on
spending must be agreed before the EU can admit Poland's 10m farmers.

But France, the biggest recipient of CAP cash, and the system's staunchest
defender has rejected even the moderate reforms proposed by the European

France and other hardline defenders of the CAP launched a counterblast in a
letter to the Guardian and other European newspapers earlier this week. The
French agricultural minister Hervé Gaymard and his counterparts from six
other member states rejected campaigners' accusations that the CAP damages
developing world farmers.

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