Chris Burford wrote:

At 13/11/02 14:34 -0500, you wrote:
The U.S. is under the control of a frightening gang of lunatics hellbent on war with a good bit of the world. Why are Toni Negri and The Nation magazine such urgent enemies?

Because sectarian traditions of marxism cannot engage with the real world, and perhaps prefer not to.
By the way, the editor of the Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel, is very antiwar. People who hate certain Corn and Cooper pieces should note that most don't appear in the Nation - they're in the LA Weekly and such. And even if you think the Nation is a limp social imperialist rag, you have to concede it's been against every U.S. intervention I can think of and has never been particularly red-baiting. So go find better enemies.


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