Title: RE: [PEN-L:32672] Re: hunger amid plenty -- in India

I quoted:
> > More than two decades after a "green" revolution made India, the world's
> > second-most-populous country, self-sufficient in grain production, half
> > of India's children are malnourished. About 350 million Indians go to
> > bed hungry every night. Pockets of starvation deaths, like those in the
> > Baran district of Rajasthan, have surfaced regularly in recent years.

Louis writes:
> Must be those pesky neanderthal Marxist reporters at the NY Times
> stirring up trouble again. Don't they know that half of Bombay is using
> cell phones and that a new airport opened up just yesterday in Uttar
> Pradesh?

Maybe, but there's a conservative interpretation, too: if we could simply get rid of politically-motivated interferences with the natural forces of the market, agricultural prices would gravitate downward, so that even the poor could eat.


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