You also leave out one important social space -- that created by religion. It seems to me that the official religion of the left is atheism and I think this is a huge loss. I think the left needs to recongize that there is a whole spectrum of religious belief in the U.S. -- ranging from the communal meditative practices of Buddhists and extreme Xtian fundamentalism. To put all these practices into the same "basket of delusion" is a big mistake. It completely shuts out many communities that do believe that the right to life is greater than the right to property, and these communities would well be worth working with.

In the USA, there is no hard dichotomy between "the left" and "the church," unlike in nations with a history of anti-clerical radicalism due to the established church's functioning as a great land owner itself or an accomplice with fascists. There is no established church to begin with here.

The USA has few secular left institutions, so most political meetings have to be and are held in private homes, union halls, college classrooms, and places of worship. In nations where left-wingers have an organized presence, they have their own party offices and buildings where they can conduct their own business and offer public spaces for allied social movement affairs.

* Calendar of Events in Columbus: <>
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <>
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